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Everything posted by Gatsby

  1. I have to agree with @Berba11. If you look back to the original pre op pics this is too early at 5 months to judge anything. Growth will continue for the months ahead. The donor has already bounced back well. 👊
  2. @SeanToman don't be too worried about this. The number of grafts were originally not a huge amount in number. Communication is really important (especially post op) in surgery and that's difficult to avoid with many surgeons around the world. I'm confident that this will be the extra subtle result you are looking for. 💯👌
  3. Stay well @track_rat. Looking forward to seeing you post again. 👍
  4. Personally I wouldn't get too caught up on the figures. The higher the number grafts and the lower the density then more area can be covered. But in reality where the grafts are placed dictates everything. With an elite surgeon art comes into it and their own artistic mix will determine the results with donor capacity, etc. Make sure you see lots of previous patient results. I would be guided by the work you like and how you feel about which surgeon you feel has your best interests from communication with him/her. Personally I like Laorwong. Wishing you all the best!
  5. Thanks @Steeeve. Donor’s looking very thin on it. Hoping over the coming months it will bounce back. Early days, literally. . 🙏
  6. I hear you. So this time time around you no longer get side effects from Finasteride? I take it you are using it topically with no sides?
  7. You could try Nizoral 2% twice a week. If anything I have found my scalp to be dryer since surgery. All the best @Hair-here.
  8. If you can tolerate Finasteride I would recommend taking it (I’m not a doctor). It will preserve your hair transplant and donor area. After all that money spent on surgery it’s a cheap investment.
  9. It’s kicking in now @sjvailla. 💯👌
  10. That’s pretty good coverage. I get it though and one more smaller procedure should leave you happy @akmhtc. 👌
  11. Two months post op First cut and color post op after the hairdresser tried to water board me!! 😳
  12. I would look at the forum's recommended surgeons. Have a look at patient posted results. Look for patients who have a similar level of hair loss with results that you want to achieve. You will find a commonality eventually to narrow down surgeons to about two or three. Firstly (I'm not a doctor) but I would recommend that you try finasteride to stabilize your hair loss. You have a lot of hair to keep! Also don't look for the cheapest and surgeon. If your surgeon happens to be in the UK then good and well. But be prepared to travel. This is surgery for life that you will have to look at in the mirror every morning. All the best!
  13. There are some who may beg to differ but thank you mate all the same. 😂🙏
  14. @ichigo you dodged a huge bullet by not having surgery here in Australia. Dr Laorwong is a sensible choice.
  15. @Steeeve your hair at only 5.5 months is kicking arse! Massive improvements all the way. You still have months ahead of you. Super happy for you bro. 💯👌
  16. If you look back to your pre op pics @IceBergg your results are coming along fine. Plenty of time ahead of you and wishing you all the best.
  17. Hey @Homelander1998. In all honesty I would not even consider thinking about results, recovery, etc until at least 6 months post op. I'm currently deep into the ugly duck at 7 weeks post op and any mental energy I put into this is just wasted energy. Trust the process as Melvin says because from experience it's true. Patience as hard as it is, is key. All the best!
  18. When it comes to concealers, hair pieces and hair transplants, if you own it, you've won. I would be thinking about this in terms of what product makes me feel like I look best. Anything else is conjecture. I've been there with all these experiences and I am talking from my own lived experience. The benefit has also been that it has made other people, girlfriends feel at ease with their own insecurities and everyone has them. Real or imagined. All the best!
  19. @Ake you have an excellent donor and hair calibre thickness and this is a great result even at only 6 months!
  20. If you buzzed this right down and added SMP it would look really good in my humble opinion. 👌
  21. @Approach in all honesty only you can answer that question. Dr Pittella has shown at least one case here or on instagram (or both) of a patient recently who used almost all of his beard for surgery. I would ask Dr Pittella to show you any other results like this that he has (if he has)l. If he doesn’t then follow this patient’s results. Are you willing to accept the permanent results if they are outside of your expectations? I’ve had over 8k beard grafts used in my results. I’ve also had over 7k scalp grafts to blend it. I went ahead with my surgery to hide previous scars from the age of 18. If I didn’t have the scars I wouldn’t have gone ahead with my surgery/ies. The scars affected me more as I got older more than hair loss. I would have just buzzed my head and saved a ton of money. Whichever way you decide I wish you all the best.
  22. The more hair in your donor now at your age the better for the long haul in years to come mate. I think SMP now would not be a bad idea to create more illusion. It won't involve surgery and will give you the appearance of more hair (although I think you will smash it once this last procedure kicks in). All the best @general-etwan.
  23. How old are you @newby1234? If you could also share some pics it would give us all a better idea to give you more accurate answers. All the best!
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