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Everything posted by duchaine

  1. That's the problem "ha has more patient posted cases than any doctor in the world" He should work less and pay more attention to the quality of his works. A lot of cases are good? Great but too many cases are POOR.
  2. thanks @Mavin ! I'm doing my home-work and reading a lot of stuff. Looking on this topic, I found an interesting theory about hair loss and testosterone/DHT. High DHT level are the effect and not the cause of hair loss. If this statement is true, it can change a lot in TRT management to fight hair loss. According to this theory, hair loss is related to recused fat layers in scalp. low fat layer damage hair follicles ---> to repair hair our bodies produce more test/DHT (according to this theory, test and DHT increase hair growth)--->the more DHT causes fat layers to reduce further ---> more hair follicles damage---> more hair loss. So, far injections (that are proven to work) can allow us to use test with no problem.* * consider that fat cell are the first source of aromatase, so more fat means more estrogen.
  3. When doc works among native hair, he can damage the exiting follicles. IMHO it is better he rebuilds his hairline. If he will lose more hair in the future, he will get another procedure.
  4. Stop yo offense and be humble. a) you defend koray saying that he is one of the top. I told you it can be true but if other people make 50% of the work, you can be the best of the world, other people can destroy what you are doing. b) a lot of top surgeon act the way koray acts? everybody is responsible for his team. koray his the best but his works are weak? Maybe koray is the best but his team sucks H&W for example has had the same technicians for ten years. Can you say the same thing for koray? There are tons of poor work from koray Clinique. Stop defending him everywhere, as you do, saying he is a TOP! He is a TOP? I'm with you but who cares? the HT from his Clinique are POOR. behind the picture you see here there are SUFFERING people, people who spent a LOT of money and sometimes look worse than they were. Show them some respect and stop acting like a funboy.
  5. ok, we want our hair back but we need more test to stay in shape. Does any of you ever experimented TRT without losing hair?
  6. you are completely missing the point. Image koray is the best in the world, it doesn't matter. Why? because other people (we don't know their names)take care of HT. Koray makes less than half of the work. So, the problem is not koray but the product he sells.
  7. I'm something in the middle. I don't think Koray is a scam but I do not think koray is one of the top. Especially nowadays I think he is overrated among the general public. For sure ASMED produced some good results in the past. Anyway, all the clinics, even the worst low cost clinic, have some good results. After analyzing REAL cases, I can see s drastic change in the last couple of years. And the change is for worst. Maybe the reason is the turned a huge Clinique. When you work too much, the quality decreases. I really don't know. But I know: I do not like his works and, more important, I do not like the way the clinic treats his patients. I need to thank this forum because it is here I saw that bad reports that convinced me not to go there. this is a free space where you can criticize and nobody shut you up!
  8. I can't follow you. 10 mm every 2 months is not necessary the same of 5mm/monthly. Frequency is related to the duration of the effect of a single treatment. Volume is related to how much you need to Get the best result from the single treatment. If you double the volume, that doesn't make the single treatment last longer. And if you double the frequency, that doesn't mean you need to reduce volume/session.
  9. We do not have enough data to say how much volume per session and how much frequency are needed. Anyway, from my personal experience, the docs that go for higher frequency use the same volume/session that the docs going for less frequent sessions.
  10. Can you quote any research supporting this statement ? Inflamatiion is a secondary effect (as well as muscle catabolism when you workout). I do not think it is necessary and it can be potentially harmful because inflamations are related to hair loss.
  11. Asmed is making such poor works lately. The problem is they are very strong and have a great influence on many boards so these cases are often hidden. 2 days ago I commented some Koray's cases and the adm deleted my comment and asked not to point my fingers against Koray.
  12. It is not a matter of sacrifice. The problem is...I AM NOT able to sleep on my back! When I sleep, I'm totally unconscious. Some people can control their bodies when they sleep. I can't. Thinking to sleep on an occasional chair.
  13. Thanks buddy for sharing for experience! You wrote: "HAVE A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP, EVEN THOUGH INSTRUCTED TO SLEEP ON MY BACK SO TO NOT DAMAGE THE NEWLY IMPLANTED GRAFTS ON THE FRONT." this is the scariest thing of all because I'm afraid not to be able to sleep on my back! How can you force yourself to sleep that way?
  14. Before posting something like this, you should study how scientific research is planned. Have you ever heard about double blind studies? You take 2 groups of people. One take the product and the other take. a placebo. The people do not know if they are taking the product or placebo. Then you have some doctors that study the effect. They do not know what people are taking, because sometimes if the doc knows what the patient is taking, this can influence the validity of the statements. Then you have another group of people that see analyze the conclusions of the docs. So, imagine you have 3% of people suffering impotence in place group. You can say that 3% is not real. If you find 5% of people suffering impotence in fina group, you can say that fina causes impotence in 2% of people taking this drug.
  15. He gave me two options. The first option was 4000 grafts and a kind of half circle line. The second option for 5000 grafts was more of a v-shape design I would say and included the hairline being slightly lower and also the inclusion of side temples @Craig2412 The shape of the line is something across science art and personal taste. IMHO, a higher hairline was a little better. But I'm 42 and you are in your 20s and that makes a huge difference in terms of preferences!
  16. yes, the big 3: fina, minoxidil and nizoral. special bonus: dermoroller.
  17. I know it sounds strange...but I love medications! I love biochemistry and physiology so I like trying to mix and experiment substances/dosages/timing
  18. I'm planning to go into a second procedure. For me, the best approach is "give time to myself" and making small improvements. Every time I try to get all at once, it is a disaster (in relationship, at work, in fitness etc etc),
  19. I'm 41. I lost hair in temples when I was 17!!! Yesterday I found an old pic of mine, when I was 25, and I was exactly the same! 4 years ago I lost some hair after a very long and stressing diet (I reached 6% BF naturally and I stayed that lean for months) but I recovered going back to normal eating and DR, minoxidil etc. and now it is denser than it was before So, I can say my HL has stabilized.
  20. Are you crazy? I'm happy if someone has a great result. When some get a good result, it is very motivation for me and I think for all of us. Anyway, that doesn't mean I should say that everything is rainbows and flowers. About this guy, I like the density he got (especially considering his starting point) but I don't like his hairline. Maybe it is his haircut or maybe the pics do not make him justice, but I can see some (minor) errors in his hairline design: a) lower point of hairline. As you should know, the LP should respect the 1/3 rule (Lower 1/3 - Lowest point of hairline to Glabella; Middle 1/3 - Glabella to base of nose; Upper 1/3 - Base of nose to tip of chin) OR should be placed in the transition between the parallel and the vertical plan. I like this last solution. In his case, his forehead his smaller than 1/3 and, in any case, the Lp is below the transition plan. b) shape of hairline. The front temporal angles so not appear correctly placed. As you should know, the FTA is on the line from the lateral epicanthus of the eye back toward a point where it meets the remaining temporal hair. In his case, his HL goes beyond is natural FTA. c) his parietals do not support the hairline. when the doctor decide to push the hairline forward, he should rebuild the parietals. In his case, I can't see a proportion between HL and parietals rebuilding.
  21. Thanks guys for the time you dedicated to answer! I know that no one can guarantee I'll get a good result. Let me say that 40-50% of people do not get a good result and are not satisfied. I calculated the risk to be one of the unlucky guys. The thing that makes me worry is: can an HT damaging for native hair? @Abi28 said " your native hair will be fine because the doctor will operate on the bald area only". that makes me feel a looot better! I'll insist not to work among my native hair and just put the grafts on bald areas. If he will not agree...game over! I won't get my HT!!!
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