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Everything posted by duchaine

  1. Aestethic medicine is science + marketing. Sometimes the docs need to say something new because they need to sell themself. Maybe I'm wrong, but his timing sound non-sense. If you spend 1 dollar/day, on the long run it doesn't matter if you get 5 dollars on day one and 5 dollars on day two or if get 5 dollars every 3 days.
  2. Typically, a good doctor doesn't transplant more than 2000/2500 FU daily (some very good doctor, even less).
  3. I supposed you were smart enough to understand that if they really used 5500 FU, your donor is almost depleted and there is nothing you can do. If they used less (as I hope), you have still FU in your donor that you can use for a future HT.
  4. Duta has a long lasting effect. I don't think it makes a difference if you take 2 pills in 2 consecutive days or 1 pill every 3/4 days.
  5. a 5500 HT requires something like 2-3 days/8 hours daily. Hope they cheated on you and used less grafts.
  6. I had some of the best hair of my life using sergio's protocol. 2 Duta weekly (non consecutive), Duta intejxtions and oral minoxidil. In august 2022 my hair were amazing. In any case, in sept I had a very strong telone effluvium, got scared and raised the dose to 1 pill/day.
  7. where did you get your HT? how many grafts?
  8. from Jen 15th. less than 4 months.
  9. As you can see, with such a small doses he recovered about 1/2 cm in the temples (we used a nevo as landmark). His temporal peaks were just vellus and now they appear thicker. a lot of small hair are coming out, even if they are still not visible in picture.
  10. from what he says, zero! Some days, he has peri orbital edema from oral minoxidil.
  11. I had a minor ht in Ankara 11.1.2024, with dr Bekir (I will open my report at 4 month) my brother was with me and wanted to book his op. the doctor was very ethical and said to take medications for 6-7 before planning an ht. from the pic, I can say that my brother saved 2000 fu for the crown.
  12. My brother, 42. duta 0,5 every other day oral minoxidil is 2,5 every day nizoral 2/week because he is lazy (lol) he is not using anything else (prp, micro needling, topical duta etc).
  13. Just made my home made biopsy! It was like a “plastic hair “, coming out the scalp, that kept together a bunch of hair.
  14. I got a minor HT 3,5 months ago (1350 FU). I have very dark, black hair. Among my transplanted hair, I just saw a SINGLE white hair (half black and half white...the root is white). Can HT shock the HF and cause temporary whitening of single hairs? Or I am Turing white?
  15. No doubt that your HT is not one he the best. But even the best HT can be visible with direct lighting. a cold bulb hanging on your head or a cold morning light make the HT more visible for sure. A good hair cut can make a HUGE difference at regard.
  16. An HT is an illusion of density so it is visibile during direct light.
  17. I think that you LPP is very low and you should not lower the HL. Just you should look for a more curved hairline and close the front temporal angles to creat a better connection between the front and the temporal hairline. Some micro irregularities will help for sure.
  18. Incision shrink very quickly. If they make the incisions the day before, they need to mar very big holes…and the density should be lower.
  19. The answer to your first question is No. Maybe a persone lost with medicine but you probably could lose more without.
  20. “I have zero research to support what I say but the research that support your statement is old”. A single study is not enough to say to prove something at 100%. btw you have zero study to support your theory. Quite funny you say that the study is old. Does a research have an expiration date?
  21. It is a very simple sillogism (hope the spelling is correct): Considering that the only research on the correlation between creatine and dht says that creatine increases dht, and considering that dht increases hair loss, it is probable that creatine increases hair loss. so, if everything else stayed the same and you noticed hair loss when you supplemented creatine, likely creatine exacerbated your hair loss. quite and simple
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