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Everything posted by Gasthoerer

  1. Thank you guys! Yes, I am very luck for the great donor, but keep in mind: A strong donor requires also a high density in the recipient to look natural. In combination with my hair/skin contrast it is actually very challenging to achieve a dense looking result. And@Melvin-Moderator: I wish I would have half the beard as you have 😉 My hair characteristics are in my initial thread and I forgot to post them in this one: Options for diffuse thinning - Hair Restoration Questions and Answers - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients Summary: - Feriduni, Bisanga and Lupanzula all calculated > 10 000 grafts with FUE. With the tool of Lorenzo and Erdogan (data from the other clinics) I calculated myself ~12 000 FU. Makes sense, as both are relative aggressive in their approach. - Density was > 100 FU/cm2 in most areas (and >90 in all measured areas) with above average # of multies. Thickness is up to 75 (less on the sides and above the ears).
  2. Thank you! I know you are very critical and have good eyes for detail. Means a lot to me 🙂
  3. It goes a little off-topic. No one is a magician 😉 Feriduni also offers FUT, therefore he also has microscopes. - During FUT the team uses the microscopes to select between fine singles, singles and multies & during trimming of the grafts - During FUE the team uses the microscopes only to select between fine singles, singles and multies, No trimming required This topics is discussed in great detail here: Case performed by Dr. Feriduni – 4374 FU in 2 procedures - Results Posted by Leading Hair Restoration Clinics - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients
  4. Thank you @Melvin-Moderator; @Gatsby; @JohnAC71; @TorontoMan; @RubenH; @EvoXOhio! It means a lot to me from such experienced users. It could have easily ended in one of the horrible celebrity clinics without this forum. At month 5 and 6, I was really anxious as I was lacking much behind the timeline of my hairline surgery. See again pics at month 5 and 6. Also Feriduni just sent me a pic comparing before and after (almost similiar combed), which he did by himself^^. And the before pic is even darker than the after pick IMO.
  5. Last and final update approx. 13 month post surgery with Feriduni. It is hard to distinguish, but if you really zoom in - there is quite some improvement compared to the 8.5 month pics. All pics are with professional camera, flash and a lot of pomade in the hair. Keep also in mind - if have probably the worst possible hair skin contrast. Feriduni gave it a 14 out of 15 (high school grading which equals an A, and said he never gives a 15 or A+ 😉). 1. Close Up - split in the middle of the treated area 2. Split - high in the treated area 3. Split low in the treated area 4. Split in the center of the treated area 5. My favorite: Split in the swirl area On some of the pics you can guess, how short I wear the hair on the sides and the back - I just buzz it myself due to the pandemic.
  6. A repair is more difficult than a normal surgery, and there are more variables... What is your expectationn? Fix the donor and move on? Do you need grafts at the front extracted? Do you have body hair to fill the donor? All this determines what is the right clinic for you. I also recommend to consult several clinics and ask for there recommended way forward. BHT to donor --> There is a great Bisanga case in here. Umar could be also an option. Hairline extraction and Donor to donor --> Feriduni is an option, not sure if he is doing BHT nowadays.
  7. I think you (any many others) missing the point in that regard. Of course, a juvenile hairline can look great, but the risk to benefit ratio is very poor. The step from NW 2 to 1 gives you only a small benefit in looks. And this benefit shrinks to almost 0 if you are above a certain age. But the risk is high: - You need more grafts and risk running out of grafts - You need high density, as low and thin can look more unnatural than "high" and thin --> Riskfor a touch-up increases. - You may loose hairs behind the low hairline and have to catch-up with your loss
  8. In general the question is simple to answer. Just like you research any clinic in any (!) country in the world like the US, UK, Germany, .... By reports posted by real patients in this forums like this one. You will quickly learn which are real reports and which one are fake. The most important lesson: There are bad clinics in any country, and no lawsuit can bring your wasted grafts back. Anyway, I do not want to steer you to any country as it is the clinic (or the surgeon) which you should research. Considering prices, around 2.5 €/Graft is kind of bottom for premium quality IMO. If you go to countries like Turkey, Portugal or India. Below that price, the sacrifices start. There are some (very few IMO) clinics which are good and come down 1.25 €/graft but it I feel these clinics are a tier below.
  9. Heitmann also worked with (not for) Feriduni. I thinks they where both juniors in a German celebrity clinic at the beginning of their career.
  10. It is Dr. Ayoub, who in the past did BHT at Feriduni's as far as I know. Work looks clean, but there are not yet enough results available to make a judgement.
  11. You should never decide by location, but if you are from Belgium, there a plenty of good clinics around: - Feriduni - Lupanzula - Bisanga - Mwamba There are more of course. In Germany there is only one clinic which might become good one day (the surgeon used to work for Feriduni, but now opened his own clinic), almost all other clincis in Germany are not trustworthy and mainly using hired guns as surgeons. Germany has a great public healthcare service, but cosmetic surgery is another story for certain reasons. One reasons is, that e. g. no before and after pictures can be shown publicly. In Switzerland there is Hattingen for bigger cases and Heitmann for small surgeries. Rule of thumb: - Avoid all clincis using ARTAS - Avoid all chain clinics - Avoid all middle agents Good luck, and no rush.
  12. Yes, I am very happy. A women just told me this weekend: "You are lucky that you still got your hair". And she saw me in bright daylight on a really, really sunny day. I do not have really telling pics besides the ones I shared. With my normal slicked back style, it does look great under almost all conditions whatsoever. The thinnest area is actually the middle bridge section, just in between the treated area in the front and the crown. In some years I need a small touch up there as well. I will post more pics after my next visit at Feriduni's. He told me that there might be a chance for consultation in his German facility.
  13. For those who (like me) are getting impatient waiting for the crown result: - Month 4.5 - Month 5 and 1 week - Month 6.1 week - Month 8.5
  14. Thanks! I am really happy. Today was a really windy day, and I did not think about my hair for one second being outside the entire day. Best money ever spent...
  15. Well, actually there are two pics with the hairs split in the middle of the treated area on page two 🙂 Keep in mind: these pics are at month 8.5, there is a lot of pomade in the hair and the hair is still very thin. It has improved a lot since, as the hair has thickened in diameter. As soon as the clinics can have F2F consultations again, I will have new pics.
  16. Thanks! Unfortunately, the final review at Feriduni, which should be in the next weeks, will be delayed due to the pandemic. There is a lot further improvement since month 8.5 IMO (my girlfriend actually says the same), but of course pics under the same boundary conditions would be better prove. For crown surgery one needs a lot of patience, but man this was worth it. For carnival I just made a retro middle parting to match my 90 style disguise...this is the first time I could pull this up since more than 10 years. Never felt better so horribly styled^^
  17. Congratulations! I know how you feel 🙂 Amazing how long your hair actually is already! As is this often a discussion point: I bet that you didn't think one minute about money any more and a cheaper clinic would have gotten you similar result...money comes and goes, but having you hair back is priceless IMO.
  18. Yes, I really think that you starting point was not good (status, hair diameter, ...) and under this boundary conditions this is a good result. But of course I only have a few pics, you see your own result everyday. I just want to give perspective. And a good result under the given boundary conditions, does not mean it is a homerun which makes you and everyone awe. No, I do not think you should sent ASMED a message. What is your expectation? Do you really think Koray will go through your results and and make a detailed personal assessment? I do not think so. If you seek further improvement make a personal consultation in a top clinic. You will anyway will need a very refined next step - not exactly ASMED strong suit IMO. I am no expert, but an unproven med from a CN lab is not what I would use every day.
  19. Honestly, considering you starting point and you hair parameters, this appears to be a very good result IMO.
  20. No way I sacrifice my head for 2000 $ and you should not do it either. The quoted grafts are to low for you case. FUT for such a low amount is outdated. You already have seen bad results (not bad growth, this can happen at any clinic, but a poor result due to poor planning).
  21. Keser is doing everything by himself and is also very methodical. He is doing very low graft numbers a day. If he even accepts your case (he typically is picking only smaller cases), the surgery would take almost the entire week.
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