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Everything posted by Gasthoerer

  1. IMO HLC is the best bet in this list (by a landslide). Even though or because the have a "collective" approach with several surgeons do the planning (incl. the head surgeon) and then several surgeons (who match your case the best) perform the surgery (only surgeons no technicians). For their price tag there are options outside though. 2000-3000 is to big of a surgery for Keser IMO. With the right tool motored is on par or better than manual our day IMO (and the best clinics in the world go more an more motorized). But with the wrong motor it is a disaster waiting to happen.
  2. Yes, this is exactly what I mean. Most REPUTABLE clinics charge per graft, most HAIRMILLS quote per surgery. But a hairtransplant is not an "all you can eat" buffet. And 99 % of the clinics in turkey are hairmills. The top clinics in turkey like HLC, Keser (only for smaller cases), Pekiner etc. are around/above 2,5 €/graft, same as similar quality clinics in Portugal or India. If you cannot afford 2,5 € Demirsoy would be worth a look. I really recommend to do more research. Good luck
  3. Well, I can say the same about your beard 😂 I would be happy with 1/3 of it.
  4. Looking for "Sub 5K" is a mistake IMO. Why? Most reputable clinic post per graft and we do not know how many grafts you need. The cheapest clinic I know (and I have a certain confidence in) is in the area of 1.25 € / graft and the clinics which I would trust my own head with start at around 2.5 €/graft (in EU, Turkey and India). There is a table from a user in this thread: Top 5 FUE/FUT docs, 2020 edition - Page 7 - Hair Restoration Questions and Answers - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients
  5. I second that! My beard is not even a quarter of this jungle you are able to grow😁
  6. There is quote an comprehensive thread here: Top 5 FUE/FUT docs, 2020 edition - Page 8 - Hair Restoration Questions and Answers - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients
  7. I am not a strip scar expert by my 50 cents: - It does not look too bad - I am not sure if stretching is the right word as it always sounds a little bit like it the patients error maybe scar growing would be better - Depending on your overall status FUE into the scar might also worth considering Good luck
  8. Thank you for your kind words @tressful11 I am very happy with the results and only plan a small last step as shown above. My advice is clearly: - Have a personal consultation and discuss the plan with the clinic. Feriduni is one the best in the personal communication. - Get minimum a second, better a third opinion --> Decide then which plan (!) you like the most. For you your case there might be several options (donor to donor or BHT to donor). Feriduni is known for repair but not for BHT IMO. Therefore it is important to get a broader view. Best of luck.
  9. Thanks Melvin! But I still follow your guidelines for optimizes styling (long on top, short on sides) for a reason 😉
  10. While the first might be true the second makes no sense. Minox and FIN have totally different work pathes, hence there is no connection between sides of one or the other IMO. A lot of sides from minox coming from the other ingredients, not from minox itself. Anyway, oral makes IMO only sense if you are a topical non responder IMO. I am using FIN since 7+ years without critical side effects. Unfortunately, I got heavy skin irritations from liquid minox. I do not get any from the foam, but figured I have not enough enzymes in the skin and hence am a non responder. On oral minox I got a lot of regrowth/new growth, but also on beard and body hair. Had to stop as I could not get a prescription though and drinking the liquid gave me again skin irritations.
  11. Thanks for the feedback. You are right, of course, it is not "an issue" per se, it is just a matter of aesthetic appearance. No one on the streets might see it as "wrong", but it still has a significant impact on looks (at least I feel it that way). Of course "looks" is always subjective (unlike coverage, which can be much easier "quantified"). I liked a lot that Feriduni shared the same "aesthetics"-preference like me, and spotted this point immediately. Non of the other clinics did...or they did not mention it. Regarding the PIC. As soon as the barbers are back open, I will sent you a PM. At the moment I had to cut the hair myself and it looks rather ridiculous^^
  12. Obviously, Konior comes to my mind (there is a nice step-by-step repair over several years) in here as well. But he is expensive. I assume there are others as well, but as I am from Europe my overview is better at this side of the ocean 🙂
  13. Comparing the pictures above to the new profile pics clearly shows the difference IMO. Even though the styling is slightly better, I could never achieve such a nice shape before the crown surgery. Feriduni spotted this immediately at my first consultation, while none of the other clinics did. One clinic even mentioned that they would not recommend to "work on the crown". I guess this is it. Thanks again for the forum to support me, making not only a great clinic choice but also giving me motivation to finally go for it.
  14. Flat crown at the day 11 pic is very obvious (as is the implanted density :-)) but also on the second pic which was pre-surgery.
  15. Last but not least, another topic which is often overlooked. While density or better "coverage" is often discussed, HEIGHT and VOLUME are often overlooked. I have a very flat headshape, which makes a buzzcut not an option, but with my thinning crown this was also a big issue. Actually, my "flat" profile (amplified by the thick hair in the front) was an bigger issue to me than the missing coverage in the crown which was actually "age appropriate". Sorry, for the lack or better words.
  16. While I understand your explanation, I am very surprised about it. It does not match the comments from Hattingen clinic and the feedback of Feriduni. I totally agree that it is difficult to detect the curve of the graft when cut short(which makes FUE more difficult than FUT), but hairstyle should NOT be part of this decision. Most people have a HT to CHANGE their actually hairstyle or at least to have more options. The information I have can be summarized as follows: - Most hairs from my hairline transplant "bend" into the right/same direction. The few who doesn't are clearly detectable and look "wrong". More of them and the result would look unnatural IMO. - Hattingen clinic brought this topic up by themselves in a domestic forum. They shared the picture above, which clearly shows: Both hairs cannot be implanted correct as they are almost 180° differently orientated. - Unfortunately, they did not want to share how they detect the curvature and how they use this during placing. - Feriduni told me as a "rule of thumb": "the bending has to point towards the skin considering the angle of the slit". This is written on Hattingen's website (I translated with google): Original text is here: Häufige Fragen | Hattingen Hair
  17. Unfortunately, or fortunately 😉 I had only surgery with one clinic so I do not know the procedures of other clinics with my hair. My hair is kind of special (as is my hairloss pattern) therefore the misangled/bend grafts are very obvious. It is hard to explain but I could sent a PM. And I discussed it a lot with Feriduni, because I straight out asked him in which direction slits and hairs would be in my case. Actually, it is not only in the hairline but also at the sides (around the are where you typically part to a side part). This makes my hair always difficult to comb and a lot of hairstyles simply impossible.
  18. Thanks, I know you have critical eyes, so your feedback is even more valuable.
  19. Undervalued topic. I have a lot of naturally misbend and even misangled grafts and therefore I spoke a lot about it with the clinics. My grafts a fairly straight but somehow, the clinic managed that most grafts bend in the right direction. Almost all have this natural curl after a certain length and all in the same direction. Actually, my hair is easier to comb and to style then when I had more natural hair on top^^ This pic highlights the discussed topic (hattingen biegung haare alopezie.de - Google Search
  20. It is very hard to describe, especially as a non native speaker. But here is a pic from a repair case of Hattingen clinic. It shows 2 hairs which are bending in the total different direction while having a very similar angle: hattingen biegung haare alopezie.de - Google Search I believe the top clinic have this right (+/- 45° is not acceptable IMO), but especially for patients with relatively straight grafts it is challenging. Yes, there are marks on the implanter pen (at least I have seen it at one clinic). Feriduni told me as a rule of thumb (if there are no other hairs around) the bending has do point towards the head.
  21. Very nice report, thank you. Works looks as clean as it can be. HLC is one of the Top3 clinics in Turkey for sure and IMO on the level of the best clinics world wide for a very fair price tag. The "collective" approach is very uncommon, but obviously successful. HLC is very popular in Europe especially in Germany and Italy. Happy growing.
  22. Honestly, it is common praxis in many medical surgeries to delegate work. Even in heart surgery the "specialist" is only doing a small part of the surgery and his assistant doing the opening and closing/stitching in the end. The assistant are surgeons, no techs but anyway.
  23. Good point! And yes, agreed 100 % with your statement. Actually, I also believe most people underestimate implantation. Of course the slit defines the angles of the grafts but still the grafts have to be handled well AND the direction of the graft has to be correct. Otherwise they "bend" (sorry, lack of better word) in the wrong direction.
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