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Everything posted by champybaby

  1. I was dealing with a lot of stress/ emotional trauma — whatever you want to call it — and my sides started thinning. Hair in vertex and crown also went through an accelerated loss after being stable for 7 years on fin. The sides came back in full force; the top did not come back. The points ciaus makes here all resonate with me. fwiw. edit: worth noting the negative changes began happening after about 3 months of what triggered the stress.
  2. That's A+ work man. I don't know how the results could be better. What's kinda wild is it even looks similar to Dr. K's work, which makes sense given he trained under him. Congrats. Side note: Costco minox is the same stuff as the name brand. Same ingredients, same everything. I wouldn't be surprised if* the name brand makes the Costco version. You get six of those for about $50 or so, which is totally reasonable. fwiw.
  3. Firing from the hip ... I would say at least 4K FUT with the understanding that you will have a second procedure in the future, likely to reinforce the front a bit, vertex and crown. Other caveats include hoping on fin, minox, too. My advice doesn't apply to all surgeons, though, which is probably why you're hearing 5-6K; some surgeons can make 4K look like 6K. See my signature as an example. Given your potential future hair loss, you need to play the long game, which is why I recommended FUT. If all goes well, you should be tapping into body hair by your third, maybe fourth procedure. Your donor and hair characteristics look solid. Good luck.
  4. I'm a bit over 3 months (100 days) and I have signs of early growth. In the crown, for example, I have hairs covering what used to be completely bald portions. Though they are very thin. In the front, it certainly feels thicker. Overall, though, it's highly doubtful anyone would notices these changes but me. With my first procedure, I didn't see enough growth to where I felt comfortable going out in public without a hat. Then, as if out of nowhere at about the 4.5 month mark, I suddenly had a full head of hair. I know that's hard to believe, but that is honestly what happened. Just woke up that morning and realized I could style my hair, no concealer. I'm hopeful that come month 5 I'll see significant visible improvements, or enough coverage that people who know me would notice a difference. I base that off where I'm at now and my previous procedure.
  5. I opted for a five to play it safe after my second FUT. I'm getting that scar filled in about another month or two using beard. Gut tells me I'll be thanking myself 10, 20 years from now. Plus, I really miss buzzing the sides shorter .... Any plans for getting your scar filled with beard?
  6. Amazing results and A+ planning, approach. For only 700 in the crown this is incredible. Dr. K put about 1500 in my crown 3 months ago. I had about as much coverage as you did in the 4 month mark. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Just reschedule. Say something critical came up etc. If you later find a different doc that you like then ask yourself if losing your deposit is worth risking have a procedure with a doc you don't like. I forfeited a $600 deposit when I got my first procedure to work with Dr. K instead. No regrets. In fact, I can no longer find the initial doc I scheduled with. So guessing I made the right call big picture. Good luck.
  8. I'd like to thank all the little people. Without you, this wouldn't have been possible. But seriously. I won't be posting my results until they're final. fwiw 🙃
  9. Amazing transformation with such little grafts. Congrats. Looks like you had no work done, which is the point.
  10. My understanding is the crown is cursed. And that the best way to encourage growth is to wear garlic and burn some sage during a Full Moon.
  11. The devil's cigarette does more than halt hair growth. It puts unimaginable thoughts in your head; hair starts growing from your palms and before you know it, little Johnny and the rest of your family will be dead — all by your hands. I suggest praying, as well as self-flagellation. Godspeed. .........
  12. I know everyone won't believe me, but w/ first procedure, I just woke up one day and was like, "I don't have to wear a hat anymore! I can style this!" Went out w/ full confidence at the 4.5 month* mark. Hair gel and everything / no concealer. With my most recent procedure, I'm coming up at the 90 day mark, and I'm pretty sure I've already seen some early signs of growth. The front certainly feels more thicker when I run my hands through it and I'm starting to see hairs in the back that were previously non existent. Anyway ... for the second procedure, I went in with the mentality that about five months I should see significant results that would continue to improve over time.
  13. Donor looks solid. Doc says I can probably double my coverage with another procedure. Edit: Since some of you asked, here is my donor and what I previously looked like before procedure:
  14. Below is me 8 months after having more than 4K grafts implanted by Dr. Julius Hibbert of Hair of Springfield. Could not be happier with results. AMA.
  15. If covid increased HT output nearly everyone on this sub forum* would be licking the bathroom handle at their local walmart 😂
  16. This is the best advice. Also to those reading, this is* a great example of where FUE makes sense as a first procedure versus FUT.
  17. Because you are so young, I'm going to kindly suggest you keep your head shaved, workout and perhaps grow a beard. It's a good look and I imagine you've already grown used to having a shaved head. I do not suggest a hair system, whatsoever, at your age (you're much more active then, say, a 40 something, for example). Those things require way too much maintenance. And to answer your question, I'd take fin/minox for a spin to see if you are a really good responder. But if after 12 months the results are negligible, then I would cease usage. If you do get a HT, then be prepared to take that for life. The microneddling stuff is a waste of time, imo. It's ok if anyone disagrees with that. Good luck.
  18. When I was 26, people legitimately thought I was 36. Today, I'm 38, but if I have a clean shave, people think I'm in my late 20s or very early 30s. I really take care of myself, but growing hair isn't something that can be gained by lifting weights, eating right or by finding a better job, for example. A HT is the only way. And to that end, I believe you must go to the best. Getting my procedure done w/ Dr. K was objectively a life changing moment.
  19. You have fantastic hair — both color and texture — for a HT. You did right by going with Dr. K. I can already tell this is going to be a home run grand slam. Aside, we're both in about the same spot. I also saw Dr. K (Nov. 4, 2020) for a 2,400 graft procedure. Also got my stitches removed on Day 12. It was about a 60/40 split, with the majority of grafts going toward the crown; I previously had a procedure with Dr. K in 2012 for about 4,400 grafts, all of which went toward the front half. Changed my life. This was me after 12 days. Did FUT twice. Intend to fill the scar later this spring with beard hair. fwiw.
  20. Fin is a fantastic drug and it has worked wonders for me. But at a certain point, it will lose efficacy and your hair loss will occur. I can speak from that first hand. That said, you should perhaps consider taking DUT at some point in the future. Aside, it will be impossible to answer your question without a pic. But based on what I know, you won't need as many as you think to cover the sides. I'd earmark at least 1200. Your sides won't look like what they do today, but the results will certainly be serviceable. It's great that you're planning ahead. Far too many people don't. If you have a beard, consider tapping into that, too. It serves best sprinkled throughout the vertex area.
  21. If it wasn't for the plug, we wouldn't have FUT. And if it wasn't for FUT, we wouldn't have FUE. Big picture, plugs were a necessary step to get to where we are today.
  22. Full-blown hair loss. Your donor also looks weak. Perhaps try SMP. Good luck.
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