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Everything posted by BaldingtimetoLdar

  1. I'm serious lol, look at his old pictures he doesn't have the stubble. It's only come in recently, we'll see in a few months I guess. I've seen that photoshopped picture before, it's crazy how different he looks.
  2. Was eriksen wearing a wig? His hair seemed to come back for a season or two then went back to receding. Also Danny ings had a minor one imo.
  3. Firstly thank you for updating, I know how easy to it is to forget about these forums and enjoy your hair. It looks amazing and dense from the top! Have you got any pictures of your hairline with your hair pushed up by any chance?
  4. Really annoys me when people have a great head of hair but don't even style it. What a waste!
  5. Thanks for posting, it looks promising but still a bit soon to tell. I've always said never have a transplant in the UK but threads like these are starting to change my mind especially with the travel restrictions.
  6. Speaking of Logan Paul, this reminded me that it looks like he got a hair transplant as well. I wonder if Logan advised him to go to the same doctor.
  7. The majority of the time people don't post on here for feedback, it's just to help others make a decision on which hair transplant doctor is best for them. You admire people that post here but you are too selfish to do so yourself?
  8. I hope you're not one of those people who asks for updates/pics and never ends up posting their own results on this website.
  9. Actors use concealers/wigs though so it's hard to tell.
  10. Looks great, you can already tell this is going to be a success.
  11. I do find it strange how there is barely any patient posted results from Feriduni on here. Maybe his price has something to do with it, but then again there are plenty more Bisanga patient posted results on here.
  12. This is the equivalent of seeing a unicorn. Thanks for posting.
  13. Has anyone had this problem? Basically I'm taking injections for another issue I have and I have to take blood tests now and then. The recent tests show that my liver enzymes have shot up so I was wondering if it's because of finasteride.
  14. It does, thank you very much and good luck with your results.
  15. Seems you have quite thick asian hair, should be a great result. Wow your donor looks amazing after the procedure as well barely noticeable. Also do you mind answering a few questions? How long was the waiting list? How much did it cost? Does bisanga still use manual punch?
  16. Yeah I've been thinking about my second HT a lot and have been taking an obsessive amount of pictures. The issue is that I'm not sure if my recession is caused by MPB or the medication i'm taking.
  17. Dr. Reddy but he's extremely expensive. You're better off going abroad.
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