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Everything posted by Britanium

  1. Superb pics, and wow 😯 Loving the evolution here 👍🏽 And more to come !
  2. Be good to see @Dr. Felipe Pittella (Brazil) recommended some day ! Very impressive work 👍🏽
  3. Definitely a good choice, Dr Bicer does good work, forum recommended and plenty of results to sift through 👍🏽
  4. 1 mention years ago, and they didn’t update, I would stick to Drs/Clinics that are either recommended by the forum or that you can actually see real patients results.
  5. Yes agreed, hopefully if it’s left “as is” people will read the whole thread and realise what’s occurred.
  6. Don’t make the same mistake as so many others, yes a few decent choices are In Turkey, but the best Drs/Clinics are elsewhere. Who are you looking at at the moment? The only ones you will see the community recommend are Dr Bicer, Dr Keser, Dr Pekiner, Dr Turan, Dr Gur, Dr Demirsoy + Dr Yaman. But the last couple of names have the occasional poor result. Please don’t even consider any that are “tech based” what you want is Dr involvement + plenty of actual real results. Seriously if you spend enough time looking at results on the forum you will see the damage that can be done, we see it on a weekly sometimes daily basis.
  7. @MrCatPlease keep researching, you will find much, much better choices. If you’re willing to travel then look at Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Cyprus + Bulgaria for example. We don’t really have the elite Drs here in the Uk. It’s more than worth a trip to get the best and they are actually more affordable! Win/win 👌
  8. Ok so it was actually me that reported that, as i was sure it was a back and forth between the same person. And @ciauswas right in his suspiciousness 👍🏽
  9. Wow 😯 Looks fantastic already, very good growth/maturity for 7 months 👍🏽
  10. So pleased to see such a improvement for you, it’s kicked off big time 👍🏽
  11. Exactly this, if I was starting again I would not have a FUT, the last chart I saw was a further reducing year on year with FUTs. It’s very common for higher Norwoods to Have a excellent Beard, and it’s now a very viable/reliable source. And yes even the US clinics are mostly switching to doing more and more FUE these days.
  12. Used to be the gold standard, not the case these days. It’s pretty much only US Drs that are doing FUT procedures still. But I do agree it’s a option to maximise grafts. I have had both FUT & FUE and the scarring is of course evident for both, but it is possible to shave down shorter with FUE. FUT scarring can be obvious, at best it can end up a pencil like, at worst it ends up stretched. Some of the best with FUT are H&W, Hattingen & Bloxham.
  13. Dr Saifi is good, have you seen @Rossybopcase/blog .? @Keith2091was another recent one…
  14. Who are the clinics/Drs you have already considered/consulted with? Thanks 🙏
  15. ABHRS/ISHRS is not a guarantee that the Drs are doing good work, Who is the one close to you? Some of the names on the list and truly horrible. I agree with the above that you should consider Fin, at best it will ensure you don’t have any further loss. As you’re already showing loss at a aggressive rate, it’s most likely it will continue, seek advice from your own Dr/Gp and/or a dermatologist. A long term plan is needed here, if you was to start Fin and review your situation in 12 months time you would be in a much stronger position for a hair transplant. Also consider that a lot of clinics will have a waiting list for at least 6-12 months, beware of those that can “fit you in” straight away. Also think about having a FUT procedure, it basically rules out any particularly short hair cuts. On the other hand it can be a way of maximising your donor area, personally I wish I never had mine… depends on who is doing the procedure. So much to think about before taking any action, take your time here, research and conus it with as many decent/ethical/elite Drs/Clinics as possible.
  16. I don’t see any areas where you could have even dislodged a graft, it’s very noticeable when it does occur. If I’m wrong I will eat my non existent hat 😉
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