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Everything posted by Britanium

  1. Yeh the moment anybody mentions extra cost, run 🏃‍♀️ or extra “needed” sessions..
  2. If it’s included (Free) then by all means try, but it’s not a must have after a hair transplant.
  3. @LaserCapsis one of the more knowledgeable members on the subject.
  4. Where would you be going to get the PRP done? Pretty much most places just use it as a “cash grab” and you won’t end up having any benefit from it whatsoever. It’s very debatable in exactly what can be achieved having it done, early growth maybe.. but long term benefits? Your hair is still going to pretty much follow the usual timeline for overall growth (12 months)
  5. @ReijoYou said before it was approx 2.5k grafts, did the clinic ever confirm this?
  6. Wow 😯 Superb looking donor ! That’s really recovered particularly quickly 👍🏽
  7. Here we are again, as we have all mentioned before, consider Fin in either of its forms (Oral/Topical) or just realise you will continue to lose hair. Obviously your transplanted hair should be fine. We have also repeatedly said you should seek another hair transplant if you want a better result. Absolutely nothing else is going to be of any benefit to you. It seems like you’re looking for natural density, which will never happen. At best a hair transplant is a good “illusion” of hair. If you look through all your previous threads we have given you this information over and over again.
  8. I flipped my iPad sideways, can you rotate them ? 🙏
  9. “I got it here in Dubai. The name of the clinic is Seven-D Medical Center” Grabbed that quote from his other post 👍🏽
  10. Definitely progressing particularly well ! Only 4 months and it’s already looking good 👍🏽
  11. Looks like the growth is about to kick off, next update should be a interesting one 👍🏽
  12. With what looks like retrograde Alopecia and other thinning/possible DUPA I don’t think it’s even good, yes Fin is obviously the best way forward of he’s even considering a hair transplant, but I would say the donor is poor. The last pics he posted show this, further thinning out of the area is going to make it even more noticeable IMO. At best I think he would have some grafts taken and consider using a hair system.
  13. Choose a top Dr/Clinic and discuss the possibility, some will do a test transplant IE take a few grafts and see what happens/develops.
  14. @Eugenix Hair SciencesI can’t say I agree with you looking at these pics in particular..
  15. 👍🏽 Looking forward to seeing the update
  16. At month 6 most people start to see some real growth, but it’s not until the full 12 months is up you see the final result… sometimes even longer.
  17. Definitely improved your crown a lot ! Looking at the front I can see some improvement also.
  18. Ok so some shock loss has occurred, this can take some months to improve. As you have mentioned I really don’t think it’s a case of over harvesting, the post op pics don’t look like anything to be worried about. Please keep us updated 🙏
  19. Thanks for posting such a detailed account of your experience so far ! Excellent pics too, the work itself looks very refined as we have come to expect from Eugenix.. And you’re already waaay ahead of the game 👍🏽 Thanks so much for posting 🙏
  20. Definitely try this before investing a lot of time/effort and money in a hair transplant journey ! I don’t say this often, but I wouldn’t consider you as being a candidate looking at your level of loss and possible retrograde Alopecia.
  21. Hmmm… 🤨 The donor area needs to be seen in person, whilst it doesn’t look particularly strong it’s always difficult to tell in just a couple of pics. Have you got anymore that you could show? The second pic shows that retrograde Alopecia is a possibility... Have you sent any pics to Clinics yet? Or seen a dermatologist/trichologist?
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