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Everything posted by Britanium

  1. So sad seeing the news right now. Glad the aid/help has started to arrive πŸ™
  2. Your welcome πŸ™ I really like the hairline design πŸ‘
  3. @Adam12088 I can only apologise that other members have said such things. As I posted earlier we are actually supposed to be here for support and guidance. You have done really well with cleaning of the scabs πŸ‘ all looking much better.
  4. @Abo Leelwe must be due a update please πŸ™
  5. Thanks for the update 🀩 definitely things happening πŸ‘
  6. You could quite easily have improvements up to 18 months πŸ™
  7. Thanks for update πŸ™ does look really good 😌
  8. Hi, Thanks 😊 I’m curious what it’s like when your clean shaven ? However if your usually with beard don’t worry πŸ™
  9. Very difficult to say. Let’s assume all the grafts grow ok, then I think the density will be on the low side. However until the 12 months is up nobody is going to be able to tell how it will turn out. All we can do is base it on a rough estimate based on the grafts that have been implanted.
  10. Totally a promotional ad. I would not be using anything that doesn’t even have a label on it. And from what you have described it’s not agreeing with you either.
  11. @Adam12088I hope your ok. We are actually here for support and guidance. Please continue to post updates when you can πŸ™ wishing you good growth.
  12. This is excellent coverage for a moderate amount of grafts (for the areas) looks really good and very natural πŸ‘Œ
  13. Great news, they have very good after care. I’m sure they will refine it for you.
  14. Sorry to hear your losing ground despite being on Fin & Minox. Would you be able to show pics ? πŸ™
  15. It’s definitely improved a lot, still time left for further growth/maturing. I can see the area thats not filled in so much. I’m guessing that Eugenix might rectify this ?
  16. All looking very good for this early stage In the process πŸ™
  17. Yes talking of mistakes, not doing your research would also be another... unfortunately what tends to happen only to often is people arrive on the forum when it’s too late ! Look at the recent spate of poor results being posted as a example of this. Yes we can guide them to a better option for future, but a lot of the time the mistake has cost them their valuable donor area and/or caused scarring. Or the typical multi grafts in the hairline. So many mistakes can be avoided by taking time to research the best option which gives you the best chance of a good result. Nothing is guaranteed but you can certainly drastically reduce the known risks to having a hair transplant.
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