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Everything posted by Britanium

  1. Thanks for posting your result πŸ™ the front view in particular looks really good considering where you started out. Good choice of Dr !
  2. This is looking really clean πŸ‘Œ the work looks good πŸ™
  3. Looking really good for the mid way point ! I’m sure the right side will catch up πŸ™
  4. For 8 months this is looking incredible ! Please do keep up us all updated when you can. πŸ™
  5. Already looking good for the early stages ! I have no doubt this is going to end up a very good whorl recreation πŸ™
  6. This is a fantastic result. The temple points are just perfect. Totally changed this guy’s appearance ! Taken many years off πŸ™
  7. Looking good for this early stage πŸ‘Œ keep us updated πŸ™
  8. Really nice result. Usual top notch presentation ! That was some good numbers regarding the graft breakdown. Thanks for posting πŸ™
  9. He will be back 😌 we all come back πŸ‘Œ
  10. Can you let us know more information? Who the Clinic/Dr was, how many grafts, and if you have post op pics? Its not unusual for Lines to appear. Have you got much swelling in your forehead?
  11. πŸ’― accurate statement. I will be 50 this summer and I think I may even care more ! πŸ˜‚
  12. He is a Elite Coalition Member here ! So yes πŸ‘ check out his results on the forum.
  13. That’s really good coverage for that amount of grafts. The existing front β€œtuft” always helps πŸ‘Œ thanks for posting πŸ™
  14. Vast improvements! You already have some nice coverage πŸ‘
  15. Looked back at your starting point 😳 jeez this is a amazing result already. Dr K is the man. πŸ‘Œ
  16. This is already looking really good. And you have at least another 7 months for further improvements ! πŸ™
  17. Maybe 2000-2500 grafts ? That’s quite deep recession. Expect to get quotes that are anywhere between 1500-3000 probably.
  18. You need to look at other hairlines (not HOI) spend time looking through the forum results. A decent clinic will give you a very good idea on where they will think your new hairline will be.
  19. Agreed with @Curious25i was also trying to draw a similar hairline position. πŸ‘Œ
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