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Everything posted by Ernie

  1. Looking good Shanson- did you experience any shock loss?
  2. If you're getting married one year after your HT you should be fine, even if you get a brutal shock loss situation like I did. For me shock loss was over and done with, and transplanted hair was in full bloom by 5.5 months. Good luck man.
  3. Amazing hair. Salt and pepper looks like it's on the way. That's how mine started.
  4. I feel for you too, but to be honest Sam (and I only wish the best for you), I think this is like 85% mental. Maybe you didn't realize you were going to look different by getting your frontal third done. Good or bad result, just "looking different" can be a bit unnerving at first
  5. The risky direct sunlight shot. Alright, done posting for awhile about my results. Exhale...
  6. My strip scar is unnoticeable at a #4 guard, and in time who knows, maybe a #3 but that may be pushing it. Just FYI "wantingmore" :-)
  7. L M A O No thanks. Had to right click, save picture of Trump though... lol
  8. Rahal, Konior, Hasson come to mind for me. In that order
  9. Well, I've got 2 people saying "both", lol. Any tie breakers? Ontop, thx for the comments. TJ, I've been following your thread and you're busting out all over up there! Month 4 and after is where it's happening for you!
  10. Slicked back -- sorry for sideways one above. Included is 1. pre-op 2. 41 days post-op, which was a very difficult time obviously... 3. 6 months -- do you guys like this hairstyle better? 4. Rest are all from yesterday, 7.5 months, with my hair slicked back. Not sure if slick back hair suits me. Still debating, but SO NICE to have choices now.
  11. Slick look - entire reason I wanted an HT. :-)
  12. Hyte, if you tell the doc you plan to document your experience on this forum, it might help matters for you. PS - if you have cold feet just cancel, man...
  13. I had 3185 to cover a similar area. You're forelock is still attached though, - mine wasnt. And I had my first (and only til now) HT at 40yo.
  14. You're 32 not 22, and this is your hairline afterall. Plus it looks like you have a ton of hair. I say go for it
  15. Yesterday, You have a great attitude and your donor area looks awesome - undetectable
  16. Seriously though, what's your next step from a hair standpoint? Give it another 6 months? Consult with Hasson again? Or?...
  17. As a more forward-thinking future-tripping person, I couldn't agree more. I mean, it's a perfect hairline right now.
  18. Ha! Just saw this. That's me!! I'm absolutely thrilled with my result. Completely changed my life.
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