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Everything posted by Ernie

  1. Chamiga, I had a big scary post-op shed too. I felt like I had made a huge mistake - but it all came back just after 4 months
  2. I didn't observe any faster/thicker growth from taking biotin for a few months. For you pro-biotin guys, did you notice faster hair growth right away, after 30 days, or....?
  3. Zhairz, Your pre-op hair was identical to mine. Always nice to follow "similar MPB cases" as my own. Keep us/me updated! Good luck to you buddy.
  4. Great physician, great progress. Looking forward to seeing next update...
  5. I remember asking My HT doc about my temple points and he said mine were good. But since becoming more active on this forum during my postop days, I've heard that they can be difficult for HT docs to get right. Rahal told me he liked doing temple points. "They're fun" he said. Said it humbly and nonchalantly- that's when I knew I was sitting in the right chair :-) Well done in the above results by Feller/Bloxham!!
  6. Wow. So thick! Great result. Hoping I will have enough hair to slick it back too. I like that look and have never been able to pull it off. Lookin damn good man !!
  7. Thanks @ontop. Yes I buzzed all my ugly duck crap down to #3 and things began to feel/look better. Can't believe I'm only at 5.5 months. Seems like ages ago when I sat down for my HT.
  8. I suffered what some have PM'd me as the worst shock loss they'd ever seen. I just pulled my cap down further, held on thru months 2-4, and seem to be in the clear now My progress is in the thread below, with a pic of my shock loss at its worst. It got better...
  9. I thought Stallone was wearing a hair system when he won the Oscar a few months back
  10. I think this is a heck of a yield and a successful HT thus far -- that's a large area you covered with under 4000 grafts. Reminds me of the area Dutchie was trying to cover
  11. This forum will say "Dr. Wong at H&W" for crown work. Not sure if he will insist you be on meds - probably. Because you should certainly be on fin Btw, how old are you?
  12. Born, I'm also in my 40's and at just over 5 months I'm a bit behind you. Your hair looks very very good imho
  13. Please post pics so we can give you more targeted advice?...
  14. I had a tough time with shock loss too, as you know. It grew back in 4 months for me. But I was always on fin, 1mg daily. 5mg daily seems severe. I'd ask around this forum a bit more... Just curious? How come you stopped fin 8 months ago?
  15. Any update on the 2nd HT? Would be awesome to see some 6 month results/pics
  16. 100%. Without. A. Doubt. Best. HT result. EVER. You could hide a bicycle in that hair
  17. @selfconscious Check out my thread, if I was able to keep my HT a secret, you should be able as well. I'm allowed to wear a hat at work though. HUGE plus. Good luck to you mate
  18. Thanks @HairLostYears Will post again at 6 months -- somewhere around August 17th
  19. @Paulygon @Mikey1970 Shock loss recovered at about 4 months for me
  20. Damn, look how bad things got at 41 days post-op. Geesh. This was after the transplanted hair had shed, and during the worst phase of my native frontal forelock shock-loss. Yikes. Glad that's over. Second one is today, wet hair.
  21. Thanks guys. I'm really looking forward to month 6 and 7...
  22. A few more pics at 5 months, 1 week. Not sure why I look so pale in some of them, lol. Also, my hairline looks a bit high in some pics -- must be the way I held the camera, as I'm less than 4 of my fingers. 3.5 head!? In my side pics you can see my forehead isn't as huge as it may seem :-) I'm lucky to still have intact temple points -- doesn't look like I have a "lid" on top of my head. First pic below is before my haircut, and the rest are immediately after. I "feel" like months 5-7 will be quite telling... --- I'm always a bit disappointed when I don't see pics of the hairline exposed (either slicked back or pulled back) ---> so I've done my best to do that for you guys here.
  23. Got a haircut today. Went conservative on sides and back a #5 guard
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