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Everything posted by Ernie

  1. All fantastic at strip, but if FUE is going to be your route, go with Konior
  2. If you live in the U.S., the weak Canadian dollar makes Dr. Rahal affordable. Temple points weren't something I needed, but before my procedure, I asked Rahal if he liked doing temple points. "They're fun" he said. Said it humbly and nonchalantly- that's when I knew I was sitting in the right chair :-)
  3. You can add mine to this list. Can't thank Rahal and his crew enough.
  4. So ignore all of us and run the risk of getting a subpar FUE result in Riverside then. All the best to you.
  5. Hey Pete! See page 2 of this thread -- post #17
  6. Thanks for the support JON86 and hsrp10. Will post again at 12 months, unless something worth posting comes up before then wrt my HT progress. Cheers
  7. In the US a #3 guard is 3/8ths of an inch, #4 would be 4/8ths of an inch (half inch), etc. Probably in the UK too, right? Aren't they "anti-metric system" as well?
  8. Isn't Mohebi recommended here? He's in LA. Personally not the guy for me but his former rep (pkipling? Maybe?) is active here and his FUE with Dr. Mohebi was a winner winner chicken dinner :-) But man, I traveled from southern CA to eastern Canada to get my HT!
  9. Amazing case. Bravo. Really puts things into perspective about the silly things I worry about on a daily basis. Hey, wondering if cases like this can be covered by insurance? You'd think they should be
  10. Hey Tj, Yes my expectations are still that "maybe the right side will catch up" in thickness (not hair count though). And you're right, at 6 months I considered my result "perfect" - but it got better. And now I'm admittedly a bit nit-pickier (Ex. Bitching about right temple being barely weaker, lol) --> I guarantee I'm the only one who can tell :-) By the way, your results are fantastic thus far!
  11. pre-op pic, and pic taken today at exactly 9 months with hair a dark brown color... Gets thicker each month, but right temple weaker than the left temple.
  12. Only going on memory here so forgive me if I'm wrong but I think Mav said it was Dr. Dorin
  13. It looks like your hair caliber is quite fine, no? Man, I'm not sure... Maybe 5000 or so grafts for everything but the crown? And get on finasteride for the crown
  14. Hi fito88, ASMED is a reputable clinic and Dr. Erdogan is a great doctor. The patient results you're referring to are indeed incredible. I went the FUT route but Erdogan was in my top 3 for FUE
  15. Well, how long is your hair? If you shave it, it will always grow back. Quarter inch per month on average :-) Been following you Sam. Most of us are.
  16. JustJax, Forgive me if it's written somewhere in this thread -- so much to read!... but what was your hair caliber? 40 microns, 55, 60, or?....
  17. Dangggg that is some awesome thick/coarse hair buddy. Looks killer already.
  18. Good luck NEWHAIR! What are the specs? i.e, fue/fut, # grafts, same/different area, etc? OOPS, never mind!! Good luck man...
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