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Everything posted by mustang

  1. Paranoia uh? Some facts 1) Couto is the most successful FUE hair transplant surgeon in the world 2) Couto has a 2-3 year waiting list for surgery. So much he doesn't even need a website 3) I had surgery with him. Go to his practice on a Saturday and see how many people are there. He is full of patients. 4) He does post cases every week in the Spanish forum. He not interested on this one. 5) You will regret cancelling. Nobody out there who is better.
  2. I posted my case here I believe I get it from www.fueclinic.com , they ship worldwide, no prescription required as I understand Dr Mwamba sends it to the pharmacy Recommended application is 2ml per week (0.1% to 0.5%) They also have dutasteride mesotherapy to apply at home but I am not using it for now
  3. Less systemic absorption due to the molecular weight I apply 2ml overnight, let it dry. I don't wash it out. It dry's by itself
  4. That is what I will do eventually Got 10k grafts transplanted I think if you have at least 30 grafts cm2 it can work with longer hair.
  5. I've been on it for 18 months now Its highly effective on hair loss and doesn't have the sides of oral finasteride or topical finasteride, much less oral dutasteride. The trick is to use it once a week or every 10 days to avoid systemic build up. I use 0.1% now but have used as high as 1%. I also use it more frequently now that the dose is lower but plan on reducing to once a week and use CB-03-01 daily
  6. I have never seen such beautiful and clean work This man us truly on another level.
  7. It can be ordered here: https://fueclinic.com/
  8. Looks good Def needs a touch up. 500 grafts or so. That will give you the ultimate look
  9. I was looking for some repair work old threads. This looks truly great Congrats Doc.
  10. Did Dr Mwamba ever get back to you? Let me know if you need me to help
  11. It's a shame they allow people like you on these forums. Some of us want to contribute, help, share our experiences and have a positive attitude towards hair loss. I would say the vast majority Then there is people like you. Negative, without any empathy and just plain rude. Dr Vila has been performing surgeries for 12 years with an impeccable track record yet you claim she doesn't have a long term track record. Utterly ridiculous statement. Dr Mwamba has been doing it for almost 20 with hundreds of patients with amazing results. I am just one of them. The man achieved close a 100% growth rate on BHT. Do you know how hard that is? You don't. The concepts of contraction, rotation and compression are probably foreign to you. The man fixed my donor with body hair and on scar tissue. Let's see Asmed do that. Nothing against Dr Koray but I have seen enough bad cases to never consider them. For more results from Dr Mwamba you can check here: https://fueclinic.com/results/ For more results from Dra Vila you can check here: https://ximenavila.com/casos-pacientes/
  12. Yes. That was my protocol on TRT. However, if you are not on TRT I think you can use Topical Dutasteride without the need of taking oral finasteride since it's much more effective on scalp DHT and leaves your serum DHT almost untouched.
  13. Bro, please don't get SMP You are clearly completely obsessed with the subject and will obsess daily about the result and make your life a living hell. Nobody will give you these answers. Mine never faded completely after 4 years. It's still there and it turned blue. Thankfully I did it on the side of my donor to test before doing it on top. It was done by a Dr. Not an SMP practitioner.
  14. Yes, let's some pictures I would go for the surgery with FUT to harvest 3.500 grafts. You can then graft both scars with BHT to restore them I would then go for your FUE surgery , maybe they can take another 2.000 grafts. I would then do Fit Farming to to add a few thousands BHT grafts to your donor and finished it up with SMP You will manage to get much more grafts out, have a good looking donor and probably have 500-1000 FUE to spare for a final touch up in a few years. Here is a picture of a strip scar repaired with just 300 grafts by Dr Mwamba You can read more about fit farming here: https://fueclinic.com/services/surgery/fit-farming/
  15. I think I can take another 1.000 out from the entire donor to further homogenously deplete it. If they manage to do this then I will reach about 10.5K grafts I believe I will use more BHT only to add density to the donor if required after my final 2 HT's. I think SMP will do the job and it might not be required but it's good to have that option Dr Mwamba has been a godsend to me as he took my case and repaired my donor when nobody else wanted to.
  16. I think it has been live for just a week or two
  17. There are about 20 new videos here: https://fueclinic.com/results/ Also 2 famous youtubers recently went to Dr Mwamba, they will likely be posting their cases and video reviews Feriduni's prices are cost prohibitive for most and probably why you don't see many cases here but rest assure he is excellent. Probably in the top 5 worldwide (for me)
  18. Despite having 300-400 more BHT left to add I think I will stop here and go for the SMP. I hope my case has been useful Just as a reminder where I started before my 2 surgeries with Dr Mwamba to repair my donor
  19. Feriduni is a great surgeon and my experience was outstanding. This said, Mwamba was just as good in Belgium and the price is less than half There is Lupanzula as well
  20. Thanks brother!! You can check more about fit farming here: https://fueclinic.com/services/surgery/fit-farming/
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