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Everything posted by mustang

  1. Topical Finasteride from MM uses DMI and it's made at 0.2% ? That's a ridicule dosage Trichosol at 0.025% is quite safe, it's 10 times less potent and no enhancers to penetrate, still, be careful.
  2. It does, at least on me and others. However, it can be used together. Some people apply Topical Finasteride once a day at 0.025% and Topical Dutasteride 0.1% once a week with great success
  3. check out this graph: https://fueclinic.com/services/treatments/topical-finasteride-0-025/ I know they have done extensive bloodwork on dozens of patients
  4. Fortunately it doesn't work that way
  5. 0.25% decreases 70% of serum DHT I think you meant 0.025% ?
  6. In a few months But it sits at 325 which is basically no reduction
  7. Because I would like to add other things to the bottle that would require EOD or daily usage so the dose would have to come down further I'm always trying different stuff but overall I am really happy that there is finally an alternative to oral dutasteride and oral finasteride.
  8. Not sure if I had posted this picture. This is 16 months after starting treatment I have not taken oral medication since I started. Just using Topical Dutasteride 0.1% from Fue Clinic. In terms of serum DHT reduction Parati Liposomal 0.5%: -40%. Hair catcher: 5 hairs Fue Clinic 0.5%: -25%. Hair catcher: 5 hairs Fue Clinic 0.1%: No decline (just one reading) Hair catcher average: 5 hairs Without treatment hair catcher average is 25-50 hairs per wash I still space it every week or every 10 days I am considering moving down to 0.05% and apply EOD . For now I'll keep things as they are
  9. BHT extraction and survival is the hardest FUE surgery. Mwamba might be the best in this field
  10. Because it's not legal. A doctor would be prescribing an off label med not approved by the FDA for hair loss nor in topical format for any condition. Imagine a patient gets side effects, he can sue them for medical negligence. I don't think most doctors would risk that but some do.
  11. I concur but It's alright man. I learned from it and found other treatments that don't cause the same sides or at least no sexual sides. Thank you for your empathy mate.
  12. I bought their 0.2% Finasteride I applied it twice. It felt like it was 20% or I don't know what but dick was completely dead and libido gone for months and the worst brain fog ever. Thankfully things got back to normal eventually after 6 months but it cost me my relationship We went on holiday with my GF at the time and I could not initiate sex. Libido was totally gone. It was far worse than oral finasteride. I then did my research on them and found it's unregulated drugs from China they import. I sincerely hope they get shutdown. They don't care about messing up peoples lives to make money which is not what happens with other companies offering this who actually have doctors and pharmacists behind giving you indications of usage and most importantly having this done with pharma grade drugs in a regulated environment.
  13. Stay away from MinoxidilMax. Please guys, I have said it before and I will say it again, DO NOT put unregulated imported crap from China on your scalp The guys don't even have a US address that's real. Stay away from them FUECLINIC has 500 patients on Topical Dutasteride and no complaints on sides. MM has thousands of kids buying this with no medical supervision fuckng up their endocrine system for good Their finasteride ruined my life for an entire year.
  14. Very true Some people are extremely sensitive, some people have no sides on oral dutasteride. All we can establish for now from anecdotal bloodwork and scientific literature on mesotherapy is that topical dutasteride decreases the most scalp DHT while preserving the most serum DHT when compared to oral finasteride, topical finasteride and oral dutasteride. So it's the safest treatment but it does not mean it's 100% side effect free. At 0.05% and 0.1% I have experienced no sides. At 0.25%, 0.5% and 1% I did but not as bad as with oral finasteride or oral dutasteride. I did experience bad sides with Liposomes at 0.5% when I used too much but that was done on purpose. I had horrible side effects (probably the worst) with Topical Finasteride 0.1% from MinoxidilMax. I did not know it was unregulated crap from China as their website looks quite professional so I can't be certain the bottle actually had that dose. My next test will be Topical Finasteride 0.025% and CB-03-01 7.5% I will probable be on TRT at 100mg to keep all variables stable and try to have accurate readings on what is happening with DHT, scalp DHT and Adrenals.
  15. Thank you brother Well, it's 13 hair transplants I think and it will be 15 this year, 2 more to go. Firstly you have to consider that my first 5 hair transplants and my last 4 have been small procedures and I live in Europe so travelling was also less. Back then it was much more expensive (up to 7 euros per graft) but it was 500 grafts a session or so, so it was quite affordable. There were a couple that were quite expensive and I just sold my car, my belongings and did whatever I needed to get my hair back These days I run a couple of businesses and could afford without stressing over it. Overall I think I have spent about 100.000 USD for everything, all transplants, hotels, plane tickets, treatments in span of 12 years. That is 12 grand a year or 1.000 USD a month It's still a lot of money but I would do it all again and wished I had more donor left to do more. It's been the best investment for sure
  16. Sorry, I can't make sense of this post Could you explain what you mean? Oral dutasteride reduces up to 90% DHT. Anything above 50% will give you sides. Anything above 30% will give you mild sides. Anything below 25% you won't feel pretty much anything. That is my experience with DHT, side effects and bloodwork after 15 years but we are all different.
  17. It does but it very little If it would you would see serum reduction of 90% and normally it's 15% or less At 0.1% I get no reduction at all on my serum DHT and hair continues to improve This truly is the greatest treatment available.
  18. No BHT hair should ever be used on the hairline nor 2cm behind it
  19. I'm getting full SMP as well with long hair
  20. Yes, once a week and evaluate after 3 months You can go up to twice a week
  21. Stay away from orals my friend Stay away from daily applications at 0.1%
  22. I would add mesotherapy once a month with the dermarolling, drastic effects. I only apply it on my crown and mid section where I have native hair left. Since it's liquid it can stream a little to other places but it's not an issue for me.
  23. You should use both + either minoxidil or laser level cap for regrowth. I use Topical Dutasteride only with Laser Cap right now but I am fully regrown on my crown area
  24. I think the 90 days is at room temperature It can only be effective for longer. I am not clear if it's 90 days from manufacturing or from opening I used a bottle that was refrigerated for 4 months from FUE CLINIC and it still worked, it was just milder but still saw a reduction in shedding Oddly enough the Liposomal from Parati lost complete potency after the 2nd mark and shedding began a few weeks later and it wasn't doing much anymore. I opened another bottle and it worked within weeks.
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