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Everything posted by Steeeve

  1. @Doron HaratiYour hair always bounces back so quickly post-op! It’s funny because we surround ourselves with people who look at hair and hair transplants all day but no normal person is going to look at you and think that anything is off. If I didn’t know and met you on the street and you told me that you had a transplant I would say that there was no way.
  2. @mrmajified you are standing atop the battlefield, conquering hair loss.
  3. Thank you @Gatsby! I appreciate your support. It’s hard for us baldies out here!
  4. Well, here we are at 2 months. In just a few minutes it will be 2024. I will also be 2 months post-op. While I’m extremely confident in my doctor and my end result, it is truly impossible not to think about my hair. My hair transplant. It’s impossible not to obsess over what I have done and ultimately my own impatience in wanting to get to the finish line or even just see some early results. It’s impossible not to sneak off and steal a moment away for myself to assess my hair like something would have changed from whenever the last time I snuck off to look at it. The process of emotions that one goes through after doing this, after having a hair transplant is, by no means, for the faint of heart. I know that where I’m at, going into my 2nd month, is exactly where I’m supposed to be at. I might even be doing a little better because once I throw a little concealer in my hair I look completely normal. I’ve got stubble throughout my scalp. The grafts placed in my hairline have mostly shed but a few stragglers remain and while the camera doesn’t quite pick them up, they are growing. Not much, though. Just some stragglers. So here I am. I get up and go to work. I play with my kids. I spend time with my wife. I twiddle my thumbs…impatiently waiting for these grafts to grow. 😂 And reading the threads of many other guys here, I’m not alone. Right after my one month post I started getting some acne in my crown. So far there has been significantly less acne than there was throughout my first transplant. That’s been a blessing. I did deal with some further shock loss, however, it’s not so bad and very easy to conceal. I haven’t cut my hair since before the procedure and I’m not sure when I’ll cut it. My initial thought was to wait until the 3 month mark but I maybe let it growth for a couple of more months beyond that. I guess it just depends on how well I’m able to put up with it. On to the pictures. Per usual, I’m trying to get as many pictures from as many angles with different lighting. There’s no product in my hair. It’s straight after a wash and air dried. Bathroom lighting. Ring light. Here’s my crown in regular bathroom lighting. Compare that to my crown 9 days post-op I still feel like the majority of it is the PRP doing it’s work but it is pretty hard to tell if there are any grafts growing in there. Either way I’ll take it. Here’s my scar. I do feel like the scar has stretched a little bit. This is of no concern to me as once I’m done with strip I’ll move into FUE and have some grafts placed in the scar. I also don’t feel like it’s currently any worse than my previous scar. Thats pretty much it for now. If anything else pops up I’ll add to this but if not I’ll still be around for any questions or comments. Be good people. ✌🏻
  5. Thank you, too, for your support. 🙏🏻 I appreciate your well wishes.🙂 It’s definitely too early to worry but I understand getting lost in my own thoughts about everything that could’ve gone wrong. I don’t see anything to support the idea that it would have, though. In your 2 month photos there was quite a bit of acne in your mid-scalp, crown, and temples which is a pretty good indicator of hairs sprouting. In your 3 month photos you can just make out the outline of where those grafts were implanted. All in all it’s probably going to be another month to few months before you start to see a real difference in the outline of them but everything looks on track at this point.
  6. You can really see those hairs sprouting back there. This is extremely promising for only 3 months and I would put money down that you are feeling stubble all throughout your crown. Regarding the gaps you’re noticing, your scalp is more than likely recovering from the transplant. Shock loss can occur all throughout the scalp and not just where the grafts were pulled or placed-if I’m telling you anything you already know then my apologies. Your mid-scalp was already a bit diffuse from the previous transplant and the grafts placed up there probably shocked them out. That’s more than likely why you’re noticing the gaps up there. Since they were previously transplanted, as opposed to natural, they're probably already reappearing but aren’t long enough for you to notice the thickening that you’re hoping to see. They will probably make a pretty strong comeback, though, especially once the newly transplanted hairs have also grown in and gotten some length on them. Following this with interest. All the best! Happy growing!
  7. Following with interest. Been a fan of Dr Nader’s for almost a decade now and your work looks as solid as any one of his other patients. Your progress so far has been outstanding!
  8. I mean, a hair transplant will never be what we consider to be perfect but you’ve essentially gone from a Patrick Stewart (which is by no means a jeer) to a Brad Pitt! Of course, you’re happy!! Lol
  9. What’s funny to me is that he had a really nice head of hair already. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…
  10. This is so difficult. So many excellent transformations this year. @Stewie @Gatsby @Bandit90 @Berba11 @Capelli21 @mtb @captaincalico I could easily list off 20 guys whose transformations have all been 🔥. Maybe more.
  11. This is incredible! Congratulations @Berba11 You were already in an incredibly sweet spot before your touch up and if I were to meet you in the street now I would never look at you and think you had any kind of work done…I would just be jealous..🤣😂 The design of those temples with the second transplant was 👌🏻👌🏻
  12. From this to this and this to this is completely remarkable. Hair transplant of the year. With your touch up around the corner you’ll be Aces! You’re already 🔥🔥 right now and you haven’t even hit the year mark!! Congratulations @Stewie
  13. This looks incredible for only 4 months! Honestly, you were seeing some really good progress at 3 months. Excellent early growth. Congrats! Excited to follow along with you to the end!
  14. Man, that’s incredible that it is holding up so well after all this time. Thanks for getting back!
  15. I hope that you post all the way to 12 months. I would love to see this end result. How did your donor look after the last procedure?
  16. I’m sure you’ll come back with some banal response but I will not continue to discuss this when your first response to this is to play the “he started it” game. You hit the 👎🏻 on my post and then immediately commented with your opinion. If you really didn’t want me to respond to that you could’ve just said what you thought and then moved on. So, your response of, “that’s all there is to it”, well, that really isn’t all there was to it. There was another post that spoke well of the results but you didn’t 👎🏻 that post so, I don’t know, 🤷🏼‍♂️ seemed like it felt a little personal… seems like you were hoping for a response. Either way, I’m done with this. Feel free to dm me if you really have some sort of issue.
  17. @BaldV I am not a paid advertiser. I am a happy patient of this clinic and don’t mind defending them from people who’ve barely started their research and think they’re smarter than a doctor and people who actually do work at the clinic. 😂I am by no means a lawyer. I’m a bar manager and occasionally appear on tv and silver screens. And I’m not saying your opinion isn’t valid. It’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. I don’t agree with it (as hard as it is for you to fathom) but if your going to state your opinion then you have to accept that others will still look at the results of this clinic favorably.
  18. You just can’t help yourself. I accept that this is your opinion. I don’t care. I am also free to express mine. 👍🏻👍🏻
  19. 50-100 hairs is a very normal amount of loss for a day. How many months have you been on finasteride? I think you’ve made incredible progress for where you started. It really takes the full 12 months to make a decision about the final result but your hair’s looking great for 5 months. How does your donor look?
  20. How are you looking like this when not even 2 months post-op a second procedure..? There’s some super human level healing going on here. Congratulations. You’ve basically already beaten hair loss. That being said I’m very keen to follow along until 12 months. Lol
  21. @yatite I agree it’s just too early to tell. As others have stated it could take 3-5 months to even out. Sometimes sooner. Sometimes longer depending on how you heal. I don’t want to say you have or haven’t been over harvested, however, 4700 grafts is a lot for one day. That amount of grafts is commonly spread out over the course of multiple days. I’ve seen patients have that many pulled in one day and while there was some sparseness in the donor I wouldn’t say it was over harvested. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can really do but wait right now. Try to breathe. I’m sure you’ve done some research and know that the ugly duckling period can be rough whether there’s been over harvesting or not. Just know that everybody is here for you and is here to help if/when you need. It’s always good to have a game plan in case of the worst so start researching SMP and body hair FUE into the donor. Just my 2 cents. I hope you keep us updated and good luck!
  22. This is absolutely beautiful work @Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich. From design to post-op to final result…just
  23. I think it’s excellent. Lots of body now. Very natural. Patient is very lucky to have that awesome hair texture!
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