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  1. Sorry, completely forgot I started this thread. Here is a pic 5 months after the first procedure in daylight: And here is a picture taken 1,5 months after the second procedure with bathroom lightning which does not really give a fair comparison but to be honest the difference is not really that big. I thought it would look way thinner: Will check in in a few more months with some progress. Only few thin hairs sprouting as of right now so not much to report there.
  2. Maybe not showing in the pictures is that I have a massive head. I know a lot of people are able to cover a large part of the head with 5300 grafts but unfortunately in my case that was not possible. We also took into account that the very little existing hair will fall off, so there where not grafts placed around it, but instead went with same density all across A positive with a large head though is that the donor area is also extremely big Here is a pic after straight after the first HT:
  3. Don’t have a lot of pictures unfortunately, but will ask the clinic to send me some But here are just a few from my phone: -Before first HT -After first haircut -In the elevator before second HT -Directly after the final session for the crown Will update with better ones
  4. Just had my second HT with Dr.Christina, and while recovering in the HDC provided accommodation I figured I would start a thread to share the progress to kill some time, as I originally found HDC through this forum. I am a norwood 5-6 and had my first HT with Dr. Christina in december 2022. The first HT was for 5300 grafts, spread over three days to cover the front to mid scalp. Will upload some photos but I am super happy with the results of the first HT and I really wanted to do my next session as soon as possible to cover the crown as well. After my first HT the clinic told me that my donor was still good and that approx 3500-4000 more grafts could be available for the next one. So when the summer ended, I reached out to the clinic coordinator George again to schedule my next session for beginning of December. We scheduled the surgery for two days, with one extra day if BHT would also be needed. I opted for BHT as even though 5300 grafts was extracted from the first HT, my donor looked really well and I could still wear close to a skin fade without it being noticable, hence I did want to have the option of continuing doing so. After arrival for my second HT it all felt very familiar. HDC staff picks you up from the airport and drives you to your free accommodation that is just across from the clinic. Got checked in to the same room as last year and killed some time wandering around in the old town, grabbed a coffee and just sat out in the sun while I still could. On the morning of the first session you fill in some forms, get your blood checked etc, and then it is of to shave. Dr.Christina said that the donor looked very good and that there would not be any need for BHT and that we would aim for around 4000 grafts from the scalp The two days went by super fast. The total amount of grafts they manage to extract came to 4,100. Staff as friendly as last time and now it is just a waiting game again. Will try and update this with the progress and also share some pics from the first HT. Mostly anxious about how the donor will look, and if someone has had a similar amount could you please share your results?
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