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Everything posted by JohnCasper

  1. Well said Joe Tillman and good points Blake. I appreciate each of your point of views on the subject.
  2. I continue to read such ardent defenders of FUT. Hopefully, the market will help folks decide. There will always be debates over yield and best results. If you don't mind having an 8 inch linear scar go with FUT, the results are great. If you would rather have no visible scarring to the untrained eye, and you want similar results, go with FUE. For me, that decision was easy but I respect everyone's choice. I've been very happy with my FUE procedure.
  3. Pink is always good after surgery! In fact...pink weeks later is also desirable because it means the grafts are responding and "percolating" properly. Best of luck.
  4. Just remember, if you wear the hat don't get too comfortable and just pull it off like you typically do. Consciously remove it carefully so you don't slide it roughly over the grafts. When I was playing golf just after my surgery, I got comfortable and just yanked off my hat like I would normally do. I didn't damage any grafts but I could have had it been a few days earlier, post surgery.
  5. Great results in your post "Micky". Just another reason to consider FUE vs. FUT. Also, enjoyed reading your "Revamped...." post! Thanks! Here's a picture of my before/after FUE procedure.
  6. Dr. Feller, pretty impressive rant supporting FUT and hammering FUE. This is a before and after picture of my FUE procedure. If you examined my results you would probably guess that I must be an FUT patient but would probably be surprised when you DIDN'T see an 8 inch linear scar on the back of my head.
  7. Well said "thatoldchestnut". I try to be open minded and respect all sides of the issue but If you can get a less invasive and excellent result here in the states for $4-5 per graft and have no visible scaring? It was an easy decision for me.
  8. Thanks "Sean", I certainly respect Doc Blake's opinion and he clearly is an accomplished trained professional. However, to folks like us, its hard to understand the debate. I suppose FUT proponents believe the yield may be better and its worth having the obvious linear scar the rest of your life. I believe the FUE process is arguably...just as good and has a wonderful trade-off, NO VISIBLE scaring to the untrained eye.
  9. "Doc" Blake, When I posted "no scarring", I should have said.... no visible scarring to the untrained eye. Your trained eye may see plenty. I've had two surgeries and have pictures of my donor areas after 5,000 grafts were removed and I see no discernible scarring on my head. You could shave my head now and line up 100 people and put them five feet away from me and ask them if they see any scarring and I'll bet 98% of them do not and the other 2% would be you and a colleague. Clearly, after surgery there is going to be some scarring but my point is....its less than obvious and certainly doesn't compare to an 8 inch linear scar that you can see from 50 feet.
  10. I believe so many people are most familiar with the FUT scar procedure and the vast majority of hair surgeons only promote FUT to extract grafts, many people do not know that you can have very similar results with no scarring (FUE). Strip surgery is still the most economical procedure for the doctor but may not be the best for the patient.
  11. Hang in there, even if you don't see alot of progress after 3 months, growth will come. My first surgery really filled in nicely after about 4-5 months.
  12. Very nice results "Shera", Dr. Bhatti did a fine job. I'm glad you are pleased.
  13. Well said BUSA, I've had over 7,000 FUE grafts moved and my donor area looks like it did prior to my surgeries. Transection rate was less than 5% and compensations were made for those very few transected grafts. Even with my head shaved prior to my second surgery there was no discernable scarring. No way I was going to live with an 8 inch linear scar on the back of my head. FUE was an easy choice for me.
  14. I recently had a surgery in January similar to your timeline and still do not have hairs breaking the surface yet. However, I am not worried at all. I had a previous surgery done in 2012 with great results. It may take a while but hang in there, they will surface. Continue your patience.
  15. I'm sure you mentioned the products in your initial consult with your doctor but you may want to contact them to get specific instructions from them on what you can safely take before, and after the procedure. Best of luck. Congrats on your pending surgery.
  16. Nice work by Dr. Cooley. Well done. Looks like the gentleman may have had good donor area with a nice hair caliper.
  17. I'm sure you experienced in the early surgery. After the transplant when you initially see the hairs for a couple weeks then they fall out (shock-out), lie dormant and then produce a new hair months later. Happy growing.
  18. Congratulations on your pending surgery! After the surgery, listen closely to what your doctor says. Sometimes if you're on a sedative during the day, you may not pay close attention. You will probably be prescribed pain meds. Take them as instructed even if you are not feeling uncomfortable pain. Gently keep the grafts moist during the first two days or so with a solution given by your doctor. You usually lightly mist your head with this. You won't shower for about a week so use the shampoo given by the doctor and pour it over your head as directed. Keep the donor area clean each day. Scabbing will naturally occur and will begin to wash off some-what during the second week after you start showering with some water pressure. Keep us posted with updates. Congrats.
  19. The shock-out will occur but hang in there and be patient. You should be pleased with the results in 4-6 months after the new hairs begin to surface. Best of luck.
  20. I've had two FUE surgeries and I'm not sure what you mean by little bumps in the donor area. Try to add a photo if you can. Just gently clean the donor area each day and you should be just fine.
  21. Huge agreement with Doc Blake. Make careful decisions at your age. Most credible doctors would or should discuss this with you before jumping into a surgery.
  22. Be patient, everything you are experiencing is expected. Let the scabs fall off on their own and you will experience the "shock-out" and will lose those hairs. But...never fear, they will begin to grow in a few months.
  23. I have seen many before and after photos from Dr. Lorenzo and most are excellent, especially on the large graft restoration cases.
  24. I really didn't see much progress until the 5th month. Then....it became much more visibly obvious. Be patient and look forward to good growth in the near future.
  25. Nice corrective surgery. Well done Dr. Wesley. I'm sure you will see a lot of interest from transplant patients wanting to disguise the scar. This is why the improvement of FUE should be the elective procedure of the future.
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