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Everything posted by FUE2014

  1. You are right that there are plenty of excellent docs who are not on the HRN (Dr Lorenzo being an example)
  2. Never heard of Paul McAndrews and never heard anyone claim that Dr Bernstein is the best in the world.
  3. To be fair Dr Feridunis techs have years of experience between them and judging by his results are among the best at what they do in the world, so don't think the extent of their involvement can be to blame. Can't obviously comment on the length of time grafts were out, but I'd be surprised if this was a factor given the advanced solution clinics use these days to preserve them...Ezel what time did you start and finish surgery at?
  4. You're right though Ezel, end of the day it's half to a day's work for the clinic compared with you taking another year out of your life to have another procedure so soon. Clinics in general take no hit redoing procedures free of charge (where they are warranted) and it's good for their reputation too, especially when it's likely to be documented on the HRN. Anyway, did the doc indicate how many grafts you have left and have you sent him photos of your donor area which you have observed to be quite depleted?
  5. Ezel do you have any opinions on why it may not have grown as much as it should?
  6. How is your progress coming along stinger?
  7. Out of interest, why is it not called mFUT / mFUSS?
  8. The grafts don't seem to have taken. I am six months post op with the same doc and already see a significant change....unfortunately I wouldn't expect much progress from where you are now, but he is an equitable doc and will i'm sure work with you to give you a better result.
  9. Avodart can cause massive shedding so something to potentially watch out for. Personally I don't think there is a logical reason to start with Dut if you have not given Fin a decent go first. The difference in hair counts between the two is marginal, and Fin has a much better documented safety profile for long term use.
  10. I wouldn't for a while , don't want to do anything that hinders the growth, easiest thing will prob be to shoot your doc an email and ask him
  11. Buzzing the recipient area after 3 weeks will be fine. The results of a study into graft anchoring concluded the following from Dr. Bernstein's website: "The study showed that for the first two days, pulling on a hair always resulted in a lost graft, but the chance of the graft being removed started to decrease by the third day. By the sixth day pulling on a hair would no longer dislodge the graft. Pulling on an adherent scab always resulted in a lost graft through day five, with the incidence decreasing through day eight. However, by nine days post-op, grafts were no longer at risk of being dislodged."
  12. I think the patient and clinic have got the hairline just right as patient is not on meds, so conservative is the way to go. To the casual observer, the guy now has a full head of hair, so he must be pleased. If his hairline was lowered 1cm it would of course look even better, but doing that uses up an awful lot of grafts that he may need later on in life, so prob a good call not to restore his natural hairline.
  13. Wow, would love to see what your Donor looks like after 13000 grafts !
  14. No need to refer to people electing for FUE as FUT haters, that's a bit strong, lets keep things civil! As for Dr Feller charging $10, who cares? It's a free market, people can take it or leave it. No disrespect intended, but Feller is not someone people talk about (subjective assertion I know) anyway on the discussion boards as a doc worth going to for FUE. I suspect if you were to post a poll here asking forum members which coalition doc they would go to for FUE regardless of cost, not one would pick Dr Feller. He may have a lot to say about FUE (and rightly so, he's an expert) but current real life results are lacking and people rightly or wrongly will draw a negative inference from that.
  15. I'd be happy with that. Donor looks good and already the appearance of a full head of hair at the front.
  16. Hopefully he comes back and tells us, because at the moment we only really have on here the opinion of two docs from the same clinic who, by the sounds of it, don't practice a lot of FUE.
  17. To be fair, he looks a lot better in those two tiny post op photos, although I admit they are pretty crap photos
  18. If FUT is more popular in the States, it's probably more to do with the crippling high FUE costs over there.
  19. My whole life I have never wanted to shave my hair as I always thought it wouldn't suit me. I only realised after having FUE that a shaved head looks OK on me. It's not something I want to go back to in the foreseeable future, but I guess it's reassuring to know that if I do choose to buzz later on (which will prob not be till second HT) that I can do so with a much less noteaceable scarring (to the average Joe) than had I got a strip. In that respect, it gives you options later on in life to go really short even if its not something you wish to do in the short term.
  20. Hi Bill, if you look at HairJo's posts they do all seem to relate one way or another to praising / promoting Dr Feller, just looks a bit odd to me too.....
  21. Good post Joe, that seems to be the reality for most patients now. I asked Stephen (the patient rep) from BHR on another site about the difference in demand between the two procedures and he said : "Certainly we are doing more FUE than in the past when I see the surgeries we book FUE far outnumber Strip. We still offer Strip and based upon some of the above it is the best option for some patients and indeed what they want to opt for but certainly the trend is more towards FUE and I have seen it changing that way and it will continue to do so. Whether a patient is best to have that first is another topic but the trend is certainly there."
  22. I would imagine it is only Dr F in this universe who regards Mickey85 as an online bully. Very strange statement to make and one which I am 100% sure is not shared by any of the moderators.
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