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Everything posted by FUE2014

  1. I'm three days post op and the swelling started at the top of my head and has now moved to my eyes, just in time for Christmas!
  2. One of the best results of 2014 on this forum if you ask me. Very impressed with Demirsoy's work, very underrated surgeon. Also bumping this for the OP if he has any more updates.
  3. I am returning to Perth on 6 January 2015 following my HT later on this week, and am a bit concerned about the amount of sun exposure I am going to be subject to going back to an Aussie summer. I reckon I will look a bit stupid going to work in a cap and a suit and trying to ensure I have SPF on my scalp for the next 6 months every time I am near a bit of sun in-and-outdoors is going to be a real chore I reckon. Every time I am about to go outside at work for meetings etc, I am going to have to apply SPF 10 minutes before hand etc, and when you deal with impromptu situations where you may not always be carrying SPF, I can''t see how you can completely avoid sun exposure on your scalp, especially in Perth. Anyone have any tips? EDIT: Mods can you move this to the Q&A section please.
  4. Dr Lorenzo is the best in the business, I actually like the fact he is conservative, good luck Pma.
  5. There are also alternatives to Fin and options to keep your hair, albeit not as effective and scientifically proven as Fin, such as saw palmetto, nettle, pygeum, beta sitosterol, topical spiro, RU, nizoral, copper peptides and minoxidil.
  6. Probably best to be on meds before proceeding, but I will just add that propecia (which I have taken for some time) is by no means a miracle cure and in a lot of cases will only put the breaks temporarily on your hair loss rather than stop it all together and forever more. If you do proceed without meds, you are likely to need more than one transplant too, as you will continue to lose native hair, Callum Best being a prime example of someone who has to have several transplants because he does not want to take Finasteride. Calum Best ditches beard ss he prepares for THIRD hair transplant in 2 years | Daily Mail Online
  7. Sounds strange though not to want to share the photos with the patient until the six month mark, very strange in fact.
  8. Sounds good. You may also want to consider adding Saw Palmetto standardised to 85-95% fatty acids.
  9. Man, it sounds like your whole experience with this clinic has been really below par. 4500 grafts in one session (8 hrs), when it should have been over two days, smacks of the clinic trying to churn out as many patients as possible $ > patient. Judging by your experience and results so far, I think the clinic has got a lot to answer for and unless there is a dramatic improvement in the next three months, I would be seeking some sort of refund for sure. Very concerning the massive disparity between patient posted results on HRN and the results the clinic presents.
  10. A picture paints a 1000 words, and when it comes to hair restoration and describing your experience and/or providing a surgeon review, all these words have little value without any intention of posting photos to show what you looked like pre-op and post-op. An unpopular view no doubt, but there you go.
  11. Really?? That does look like a lot of grafts, should there really be that many falling out in one go, it is pretty startling as the OP says.
  12. Hmmm, are those all your grafts? Hopefully someone will chime in.
  13. Would love to see an update on this from gettinold, agree the crown is the hardest place to get that illusion of density. For me give me frontal hair loss over crown hair loss any day of the week. With a decent surgeon, the front is fixable. The crown, however, is a battle that few will ever win.
  14. Dr Lorenzo should probably charge moire considering his reputation and the extent of his involvement in the procedure. I wonder who would be cheaper between him and Konier for 3000 grafts FUE?
  15. Just checked your photos. The work looked great and your hair is really coming along!
  16. Just checked your photos. The work looked great and your hair is really coming along!
  17. Apologies for bumping an old thread, but I would be interested to hear whether anyone has experienced hair in their safe zone thinning over the years, even if on fin?
  18. Um, can't see any difference in vertex, and frankly the patient didn't need that many grafts there IMO, but I guess if that's what he wanted....I can see value in addressing the front, but 2000 grafts at the back seems excessive. Will be interesting to hear what others think. Edit: vertex even looks slightly better before than after, unless my eyes are deceiving me!
  19. Putting all the rhetoric and argument to one side, does anyone have any case studies of patients with significant growth from the 12 month mark?
  20. Feriduni is good but be prepared to wait a while, I would imagine he is booked up for the next 6 plus months. To be honest, I am questioning why you are already considering a third transpant when the hair from your second transplant would not (presumably) have matured yet. Who did you have your second op with and do you have any photos to put up to show us what your hair looks like at the moment from the front?
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