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Everything posted by FUE2014

  1. that is some decent growth you have had there, certainly a nice cosmetic difference. would you go back to dr doganay?
  2. Dr Rahal is not going to be cheap, Erdogan would probably give you the best bang for your buck
  3. Hi Engineering, the user experiences here with Hakan have been rather mixed and with Erdogan, I don't like the sort of conveyor belt system he operates with several operations on the go in one day. I know these guys need to be profitable but I am more old fashioned and prefer a doc such as Lorenzo or Konier who gives you all of his time and is not letting his techs do most of the work while shuttling between patients. However, that is why Konier and Lorenzo are expensive, because they are much more hands on. In terms of FUE, Lorenzo is unquestanably number 1, but if you want someone a bit cheaper then perhaps Dr Erdogan is your best bet, because despite my reservations, his results do seem to be pretty good on the whole. Another doc who I have been impressed with but you don't see a lot of his work documented here is Dr Maras in Cyprus, check out this guy's results here: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/169642-dr-maras-hdc-hair-transplant-clinic-3050-fue-grafts.html
  4. Don't go to Dr Path. I don't know whether you want FUT or FUE, but some of the best docs are Konier, Rahal and Hasson & Wong (US/Canada), Feriduni, Bisanga, Mwamba (Belgium) and Lorenzo (Spain). I'm on the fence with the Turkish docs (Erdogan, Doganay, Demisroy et al)
  5. I was surprised with the number of grafts used. In my ever so unqualified opinion, I would have guessed from the pre-op pictures that the patient needed about 1000 less grafts, say around 2800 grafts. His level of loss looked far less than almost 4000 grafts. I was also surprised that he had grafts put into his crown at quite a young age, especially as his crown loss was quite minimal. I wouldn't mind seeing some more pictures of the hairline, maybe it's me but the hair looks quite thin up front?
  6. Hey Perth, how was the flight from WA to Turkey?
  7. I tend to agree, all this public mudslinging is not going to solve the problem, and if anything is going to make H&W even less likely to want to work with the OP to resolve his issues. I think it will be better for the mods to lock this thread and endeavour to mediate an agreed outcome with OP and H&W offline.
  8. WRONG. The surgeon's integrity is one of the most important things. If, for sake of argument, a surgeon lied about communicating with a patient, then that is something I would be very concerned about. In the UK, doctors can get disciplined by the General Medical Council for dishonesty.
  9. Why is this old thread being bumped and Erdogan is accepted. :confused:
  10. Dude he was defending you. It's called sarcasm. I had sympathy for you at the beginning as you will note from my previous posts, but the way you have since conducted yourself has not done you any favours at all. You need to tone down the threats to sue everyone left right and centre and focus on how you can fix the situation and move forward. Your current tone and language is not conducive to achieving that, and if anything you are making things worse for yourself.
  11. The best wayof burning calories is to run. So perhaps you could join a running club or find out of there is a parkrun near you Home We organise free weekly timed runs all over the world. Held in pleasant parkland on weekend mornings, our runs are open to all
  12. Agree, clear photos would be good and agree, photos posted so far do not appear to my untrained eyes to be congruent with OP's view of the result.
  13. Hmmm I have heard more negative than positive things about Dr Doganay on HRN in the last 12 months, but at least you got a refund. What do you think went wrong on the day?
  14. The most disturbing part of the accounts for me were these:
  15. I work in HR, and I would be very surprised if your employer paid you sick leave for time off from a cosmetic procedure. I can't imagine a doc in the UK would issue you a sick note either because you are not sick. If you are going to do this by the books, you should either take annual leave or leave without pay, or a combination of the two.
  16. Wow that's very short (if true). For anyone coming in cold and reading these forums, it would appear his credibility has been called into question by quite a few people, and perhaps that has factored into the decision to part ways?
  17. If it is true, then it is indeed shocking from H&W to respond the way they have, or not in your case. The more transparent you can be here the better. I would suggest disclosing all email communication you have made with the clinic and their response.
  18. Not sure if you can wear your hear that short again though if you opt for strip
  19. 3000 seems about right (although I'm no doc just some dude on the internet), 1500 to hairline and 1500 to crown....or are you leaving the crown and just focusing on the hairline?
  20. OP you are only 24 there will not be a single person here who would recommend getting a HT now especially as you are not willing/able to take meds, and I would stay away from any doctor who would be prepared to operate on you now.
  21. Feriduni is manual as well so your entire paragraph is incorrect!
  22. Thank God there is an option these days (FUE) to avoid a strip scar, it is the fear of the unknow, with scar stretching etc, that worries me. No one can predict with their physiology how they will scar, and I personally am not sure if the risk/reward ratio is worth it at this juncture. With FUE I feel (if you are the right candidate) that the risk of scarring that may require repair later on is significantly less and with a good surgeon, the rewards are not far off FUT.
  23. Just happened to be browsing some FUE videos on youtube and came across this guy's progress, pretty amazing for such a short amount of time!
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