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Everything posted by FUE2014

  1. 1. Dr Lorenzo 2. Dr Feriduni = Dr Bisanga 3. Dr Erdogan I wouldn't go to Farjo for FUE as I have only ever seen FUT from him and have never been blown away with his results. For me they have never been anything more than "solid". Don't know anything about his wife's work.
  2. Not sure if this has been posted here before... Women prefer men with a full head of hair - Telegraph
  3. Wonder how long those three words are going to take to become a permanent fixture across the hair restoration community in FUE vs FUT debates
  4. KO, With your hair loss pattern, I would personally wait until at least 30 before considering a transplant, if not longer. In fact, I think it is very risky for anyone under 30 to get a transplant period as your hair loss can still evolve to quite a significant degree, even when on meds.
  5. Another example of a FUE result from Lorenzo which yield wise is on a par with the best FUT, but without the long linear line at the back!
  6. And it happens ALL the time, you cannot go by a week here (on HRN) without at least one person posting how they are having to have corrective surgery on their strip scar, such as this guy here: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176973-fut-scar-grafting.html I agree it is a somewhat barbaric procedure, and I don't even think those who have had, and champion, strip would disagree.
  7. Bismarck makes some good points, but despite all of the above, you will note his preference is FUE to avoid the strip later down the road FUE gives you options which you do not have with strip. I have seen someone on this site make a good point before, that no one wants to have corrective cosmetic surgery to correct your corrective cosmetic surgery, which could happen if you end up with a scar that stretches, widens, becomes more noticeable in time. It's robbing Peter to pay Paul as it were.
  8. Californian check his results in the section entitled results posted by leading clinics. Here is a recent documented case: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/174016-injertocapilar-farjo.html Absolutely first class documentation (watch the video), I haven't seen better, have you?
  9. What would be an interesting experiment is to set up two Tinder accounts, one with, say, three photos of you with pre-op hair and the other with the same number of similar photos with your hair as it is now. In all other respects the accounts (with your interests etc) can be the same. Then swipe right on 100 girls you find attractive with both accounts and see what the difference is in matches. A crude experiment, but may be pretty revealing nonetheless.
  10. In terms of crown work, I have not seen any doctor, FUT or otherwise, come close to the coverage Lorenzo consistently achieves. The guy is obviously a freak of nature because whatever he is doing he is (in my eyes) surpassing the best of FUT with what we are led to believe is an inferior technique (FUE) ;-) p.s. why do some doctors such as Lorenzo, Erdogan, Doganay, not do strip? Is it commercial reasons or are there other factors?
  11. Looking really good! Makes me question whether I should go for FUT when I see Dr Feriduni in a few weeks. How long did you do the scalp laxity exercises for?
  12. Yes, honest was a poor use of word, in terms of transparency though, who is better?
  13. HUGE transformation in the last few weeks, just goes to show the importance of being patient in the post-op. Reckon you will be very happy at 12-18 months.
  14. I don't see many others posting HD videos of their results.....
  15. Checked the blog but there has been no update with photos since the second week, why bother creating a blog in the first place?
  16. I think some of this is being over-analysed. Anecdotally, very few people, if any, come on here and complain about their FUE scarring. With FUT it is more of an issue, and much more obvious to the naked, untrained, eye. I frequently come across posts from guys who are seeking to have FUE to repair a scar from FUT, such as this guy: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176844-do-you-think-huge-scar-can-repaired.html The scaring from FUE is much less obvious which is why people opt for it. It has a market because people are concerned about the linear scar from strip, why else otherwise would people elect to have FUE when the yield from FUT is supposedly better?
  17. FUE and FUT scars comparable at grade 2? I think that's being very generous towards FUT!
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