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Everything posted by FUE2014

  1. Thanks for all the great advice guys. Currently sitting in my hotel room, sleep deprived and thinking "what the bloody hell am I doing?" Blood test in 15 minutes though so I guess there's no turning back now!
  2. Bit of a weird/curious post if you ask me. You talk about your wonderful experience with Dr Feriduni but have not described your experience or produced any photos and are now you have decided to go to another (cheaper) clinic......
  3. As underwhelming as these results appear to be, I feel bad criticising the clinic in an open forum. However, I hope Bill carefully reconsiders whether it is in the interests of patients to continue recommending this clinic, as the results that have been published are perhaps not up to the high standards we have come to expect from surgeons recommended on the hair transplant network.
  4. Are you able comment on this patient in particular as your above response is rather generic and non-specific.
  5. The work looks very clean and I like the shape of the hairline. Looking forward to your updates over the coming months!
  6. the crown is not too bad and definitely in my opinion not suitable for hair transplantation. you should be able to maintain or even grow back some hair there with fin and minox
  7. interesting observation, what makes you think that if you dont mind me asking?
  8. you need to show us a photo of your thinning hair in order to be able to comment, not a photo of what appears to be a full head of hair
  9. Yes, if I had one criticism for Dr Feriduni (who I am booked in with), it would be that he appears to use a lot more grafts for comparable cases than Bisanga and Lorenzo seem to. Don't know if this comes down to commercial reasons or skill differential, but it is something I have noticed....
  10. Best in the business Dr L, best in the business, and this people is FUE not FUT we are talking about.....what a yield
  11. hey man your hair looks ok at the moment, definitely don't need to worry about a HT yet. Are you on any meds?
  12. From booking your first transplant, how long did you have to wait before the operation? And during that waiting period, were you able to keep your mind off the operation or were you counting down the days (like me)? Was anyone else in the position where they felt their life could not move forwards the way they wanted to until the transplant?
  13. No doctor in the world has a 100% satisfaction rate! There are so many variables why people don't get the results they desire. Just go in with realistic expectations and keep an open mind. The doctor is one of the best so as far as choosing the right doctor, you definitely have that on your side.
  14. Leave the hairline mate. In fact I reckon if you were to poll this here 100% would say leave the hairline ;-)
  15. Dr Reddy or Dr Bell from Ziering in Hammersmith are the only two docs from the UK who I have seen good results from. Obviously Lorenzo is the best in the world but I don't think he will be operating in the UK for much longer.
  16. Before this thread is closed I just want to say that it is bordering on unethical to transplant that many grafts onto a 22 year olds head.
  17. I think your hair looks really good. You cannot tell you have receded unless you hold pull your hair back. I would be tempted to hold off having a ht at the moment and just carry on with the meds which seem to be working well for you. I personally am not a fan of FUT as you just don't know further down the road how bad the scar is going to be. In the right hands, FUE offers yields as good as FUT but with much less visible scarring and a quicker recovery time as well. I wouldn't go with any of the doctors you have mentioned. If you are looking for an affordable HT (FUE) without compromising results, I would look no further than Erdogan if I was you.
  18. Hey guys thanks for looking into.... I am now back in my former glory! Apologies to johnboy71 for taking over his account momentarily !
  19. Spex will be able to clarify Feriduni's availability, but when I booked my surgery with Feriduni in March, the soonest he could fit me in was this December, i.e. 9-10 months later. I previously booked with Erdogan (before changing my mind and going for Feriduni) and was able to get a date only three months away from when I booked, so in my experience you are more likely to get surgery with Erdogan this year. I would dispute your assertion that Feriduni is conservative with his hairlines. He is actually known for being quite aggressive with his hairlines, even more so than Erdogan I would say. Have you also considered Bisanga? He is ever so slightly cheaper than Feriduni and he tends to quote less grafts than Feriduni. I have been very impressed with his work, but his hairlines perhaps aren't that aggressive, so if that is what you are after, then Feriduni will prob be your best bet. Another thing to note with Bisanga is he is actually more hands on than Feriduni (I believe he does all the extraction himself) which is something else worth considering. Anyway that's my 2 cents.
  20. If so, will the density of the hair you transplant from there generally decline as you get older?
  21. Hey, I reckon you should get on fin, if you haven't already, and wait until you are at least 25 before evaluating. Ideally, you should avoid having an HT in your 20's if you can help it.
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