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Everything posted by FUE2014

  1. By overrated, I mean it is approved by the FDA for use with hair loss, is clinically proven to regrow hair in some men, and is part of the "Big 3"; but in all honestly, how many of you out there have ever had tangible results with it? Seeing as it does diddly squat for maintenance and is meant to encourage regrowth, I don't believe I have seen any evidence of regrowth in all the years I have been using it (some 15 years). I would happily give it up and save myself a bit of money, but I'm too scared I will have a massive irreversible shed if I do!
  2. Agree growth looks minimal, hopefully doc will respond here and offer you some refund or free procedure.
  3. Does anyone think with sessions of two days there is a risk of diminishing returns by the second day due to poorer blood supply?
  4. Hi Lucky6, nice review. Looking forward to following your progress.
  5. Can't tell anything from those photos really except for the last one which makes the density look quite poor; for 4000+ grafts this is certainly not one of my favourite Erdogan results.
  6. Definitely contender for patient of the month at some point and first class documentation by ICC as usual.
  7. Garageland thanks for your input, I think your last sentence is pretty much spot on.
  8. Hey Shacked, are you able to include a signature in your posts with the url to your blog/results links? This would help direct more traffic (and feedback) to your results.
  9. Good post and I would love you be to wrong, but suspect you are probably right.
  10. Never seen a negative result or anyone ever complain about him, he's probably the best in the world so reviews for him will be overwhelmingly positive, and he's actually not that more expensive than Feriduni or Bisanga, and I think probably cheaper than some docs in the US.
  11. I think Lorenzo would be 14k Euro for 3k grafts: 6000k for first 1000 grafts and then 4000k thereafter per 1000 grafts. I was in the same boat as you a few months ago. Had booked flights to Turkey from Oz to have an op with Dr Doganay and then got cold feet for same reasons as you more-or-less, and had to cancel flights and lose a bit of money ($200 or so admin fee) in the process. I decided to book with Dr Feriduni instead, who I am seeing next month, and am glad I have booked with a doc who has an excellent reputation. You don't want to be going into this with any nagging doubts regarding the doc.
  12. Definitely wait and go to Dr Lorenzo, Bisanga or Feriduni than risk another mixed result as you have observed from other users. Also this move to a temporary clinic is not exactly reassuring. The only reason for having it done next month is to get it over and done with but that is not good enough reason for a life changing operation, and deep down you know that I suspect. There is no harm in waiting a few more months if you are unsure and saving up for a FUE master like Lorenzo. You will thank yourself for it in the long run.
  13. You see it all the time on the internet. Of course, as hair loss sufferers we are all grateful that people take the time to document their progress and results, but a significant majority, it seems, appear to stop posting all together after a few weeks and you never hear from them again. I always think to myself, why bother engaging people in the first place to follow your progress if you are not going to follow through?
  14. Got my fingers crossed for you dude, and looking forward to see some photos this month when you have a chance.
  15. Looking very nice, put picture quality not great. Wouldn't mind seeing some HD photos of hair now from other angles, taken in natural light if possible.
  16. that is some decent growth you have had there, certainly a nice cosmetic difference. would you go back to dr doganay?
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