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Everything posted by Windjammer

  1. Looks great! Appears to be very evenly distributed. Would be great to see some hairline pics closer up, too. Do you have any concerns leading up to the 12 month mark?
  2. Lookin' good win ! At what point did you first notice the shockloss? Are you only seeing this where grafts were placed in between existing hair, or has any of the shock moved beyond the recipient zone?
  3. Looks very clean! How many days post-op was the picture taken? You should also post some pictures of what your hair looked like pre-op.
  4. Excellent result. As others have said, it blends in seamlessly with the patient's native hair. Would also be great to see pictures of the donor, especially given that the case is FUE.
  5. Exceptional response to Fin? Any concealers possibly in use here to add to the result?
  6. Looking forward to seeing new pictures, Cali. Hope you're growing well and enjoying those dates!
  7. I think this is fairly difficult to tell from photos alone. Have you consulted with anyone in person regarding your density concerns? I feel like this is something you'd want more hands-on recommendations. You might also be able to set up a virtual consultation over video. Try to consult with several surgeons you have faith in and see if they can weight in on your potential donor density.
  8. You've got some killer pre-op hair, Win! No doubt you'll end up how you want after this procedure grows in. What did Rahal think of your first scar? Do you still have enough elasticity for future procedures, if you needed them?
  9. Read this excellent post by gillenator here. He sums it up quite well.
  10. Wouldn't we all Truthfully, your hair looks great. Your hairline is maybe slightly recessive, but it is not receding by any means, i.e. your hair does not look miniaturized. I'd count your blessings and reassess at age 30.
  11. Looks like you've been through a lot. I will be pulling for you, and really hope you get the result you're seeking. Your move to Vories is an interesting one. You've worked with two prominent surgeons before this. I am curious what made you not want to go back to either Wong or Rahal? What was their feedback to you after each procedure? What were your overall impressions? Before Vories, you've had over 6,500 grafts implanted which is definitely considerable. Where were the focus of these grafts for each of your previous procedures?
  12. Follow Spidey's excellent thread here. He recently had an FUE of ~1K grafts with H&W.
  13. Looks like a nice, subtle result. Are there any intra-operative photos showing graft placement and also of the donor? This seems like a tough case given the patients moderate existing hair; how was potential for shockloss and transection addressed? The hairline appears untouched--no noticeable change from pre to post-op. Without graft placement photos, I'm assuming the hair was dispersed throughout the forelock and frontal third only, just behind the hairline? Also the patient's hair appears to be much darker in the post-op photos. Did the patient darken his hair, or is this effect from product/concealer?
  14. Did you give any thought to using chest hair for the FUT scar? How much donor did Vories think you have left after having ~4,200 grafts extracted? Looking forward to your updates!
  15. Seems like you should be nearing the 7 month+, yeahwrite. Would be great to get some new photos posted and an update. Also be good to show off the hairline with hair pulled back like others have mentioned.
  16. Cali, wishing you the best! Glad you are seeing some good growth at this point. Hope things continue to thicken further as you approach the 6 month mark. Any chance you can post some more pre-op photos showing what your hair was like before the surgery (hairline and crown)? The lone photo from page one leaves a lot to be desired. Would help everyone following to see how far you've come.
  17. Looks excellent, Swooping. You must be elated with that result . What made you decide FUE over FUT? How do you feel about your donor now that it's been 8+ months--any density concerns after having ~3K extracted?
  18. Very impressive. You appear to have had considerable yield. Was this FUT or FUE? How many days post-op is your first picture? Your confidence must be through the roof
  19. How many beard grafts did you end up having placed into your FUT scar? Did your beard recipient area heal up relatively well? Would be great to see some photos of your beard donor and your FUT scar now that the grafts have grown in.
  20. Clint's hair is a tough one. Had great, thick hair all through his 30s, but he has continued to recede and thin--never really stabilized. Just take a look at each of the five Dirty Harry movies and check out his hair. It changes a lot from film to film! Arnold Schwarzenegger is another actor who sticks out. Had a nice solid hairline and seemingly thick hair all the way through the early 2000s. After turning 60 I thought his hair still looked quite good. The more he got into his political term though, his hair really took a turn for the worse. It's thinned and receded considerably later on in his life.
  21. I would really like to see more discussion on why hair that is taken from the safe zone remains DHT-resistant after it has been transplanted to a DHT-receptive zone. I know the average response to this is that hair taken from the donor zone is programmed to last you a lifetime...BUT whose to say this hair cannot become DHT-receptive over time from being placed into this susceptible region? What happens to safe grafts placed into a DHT-receptive zone after 5, 10, or 15 years of exposure to DHT? Is it still believed that safe, donor zone grafts will never become DHT-receptive, regardless or where they are placed on the scalp? Also, I do understand the concept of donor zone thinning with age, and I am not referring to that in the above questions.
  22. Dr. Feller, how often do you notice patients that get shockloss in adjacent areas to the recipient zone? For example, someone that has work done in their forelock--nowhere else, but experiences shockloss in their midscalp or 2/3s zone. I had this happen to me after my FUT procedure. Curious if you can elaborate further, other than just that the trauma inflicted on the recipient zone spread to more sensitive areas of the scalp. Thank you.
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