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Everything posted by Rawkerboi

  1. Wait until he feels comfortable enough to tell you about it. Otherwise, let him think you really don't care one way or another. When he finally tells you, you will know he has reached a level where he totally trusts you to know but Living together for a year and he hasn't brought it up? I bet it drives him insane with worry.
  2. The answer is - 'yes.' There is clinical evidence that men using finasteride for hair loss who add minoxidil to their treatment plan have a slightly better result than men who only use finasteride. The benefits, however, are small. It makes sense that the two medications act synergisticially in treating hair loss given that they act differently. Minoxidil helps hair growth by directly stimulating the hair follicle. In contrast, finasteride works by blocking the action of the potent male hormone dihydrotestosterone or "DHT". - Yes it is absolutely wise to start Minoxidil and Finasteride combination coz there has been clinical evidence that men using Finasteride for hair loss who add Minoxidil to their treatment plan have slightly better result than those who only take Finasteride. The benefits are small but it makes sense that two medicines act synergisticially in treating hair loss as they act differently. Minoxidil helps hair growth by directly stimulating the hair follicle and Fin works by blocking DHT( The male hormone dihydrostestosterone) Final Advice, both should be considered prior to Hair transplant.
  3. I would say wait and avoid wasting precious 300 grafts. Better save some money and then have a repair surgery, till then research and do consult some top doctor in between. Definitely you need minimum 1200 to 1500 Grafts to restore the density in your hairline. 300 Grafts won't add much density so better avoid.
  4. Thanks for the update! Its just 5 month and still 7 more months left, definitely your hair will thicken and mature more Keep us Photographically updated
  5. Clean work, waiting for your current pics. Do keep us Photographically updated
  6. Sticking your beard on bald patches? Better use Hair Fibers
  7. I have no Idea about doctor in Mumbai area. I have not surveyed Indian doctors, based on this website there are few recommended surgeons from India. If you interested in FUE, Dr Bhatti is good or if you interested in FUT Dr. Radha, based on the user experience and their results these two are the best from India. My final advice- Please research more
  8. No I have never heard of this clinic. Please research research and then finalise your HT In India based on my research there are two recommended doctor, which are top notch For FUT- Dr.Radha For FUE- Dr.Bhatti
  9. I have never heard of this clinic nor it is recommended in our forum! Why didn't you had HT with recommended Indian doctors?
  10. Neat work and thanks for the pictures. Do you have any pictures of new guest House? Heal well
  11. If possible please post some pics of your current hair condition
  12. Nice experience and the work looks super clean One month picture are great, you right on target mate
  13. It's just because your hair is buzzed and pointing straight at the camera, your hair seems fine when its grown out, so don't worry. As Spanker said go for conservative approach and I hope you are on Fin and Minoxidil..
  14. No it won't affect your libido, though some users complain But some of serious side effects are Weakness,chest pain, uneven heartrate, nausea. Well I will advise you to research more about saw palmetto
  15. 1) Biotin tablets, saw palmetto, grape seed extract, nettle root, pumpkin seed extract, pygeum, beta sitosterol, and many others though these are not as effective as Finasteride but still something is better to have than none. 2) You can start applying minoxidil after two weeks and yes you can apply it to your newly transplanted hairs, it will definitely boost your growth 3) No real experience regarding topical RU-58841. 4) Well its recommended to apply Nizoral twice a week, applying daily may dry your hair pretty bad! 5) Stick with Nizoral as it is FDA recommended
  16. Many guys do have HT at 25 but still its pretty early, there is really no issue if you undergo HT now, but you definitely need Finasteride to halt or slow down your loss
  17. Hairloss is unpredictable man, sad you are losing despite no bald genes in your family. Well one of my friend is 41 and he is NW1 though his dad,brother and uncle are bald, so you never know. About your hairline it really looks good and about having another affordable HT, you may check recommended doctor from India. About how many grafts that can be harvested from good donor area, well a face to face consultation with top doc would clear your query better
  18. 1500 Grafts are enough, max 2000 grafts anything more than that will be a wastage. Well as you know our donor is limited so we need to utilize our follicle properly. 2000 Grafts would give you good outcome.
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