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Everything posted by Rawkerboi

  1. Lovely experience, Thanks for sharing ! The pictures look! Are you planning to do Crown in future?
  2. Rahal is top doctor no doubt he is great in FUT but in FUE Erdogan is at top! Do consult him once!
  3. FUE vs FUT is the debate which will never end! I will advise you to research bit more about both these procedures and then finalize it! I feel 1800 Grafts is pretty much less, what's your plan? Is it to fill your hairline or cover whole area?
  4. Welcome! Definitely your hair loss is aggressive considering your age but unfortunately nobody can predict hair-loss! You might head to NW6 or you may not! Why you don't wanna use medicines? Why not try once? Who knows you may see some growth especially on crown, as medicines are very effective on crowns! The good thing is you still have some diffuse hair on top which may respond to medicines Yes doctors in Turkey's are quite reasonable for HT and the results are good too especially if you opting for FUE! Regards from Canada!!
  5. It surely can bring back your lost hair but it depends which norwood you are and from how long you are losing hair?
  6. Very well said! This debate is already heated up. If you want you may bow out! I guess moderators are regularly monitoring this thread they are doing their job
  7. If your budget is 14k or more why not go to Hasson and Wong ? Please consult them once
  8. I absolutely agree with Dr. Feller it's just becoming a war of horrible scar pictures! This definitely needs to stop!
  9. Looking good. Hairline is defined still thin though, hope it matures in coming months
  10. Yes he is not loosing his hair, Perfectly fine
  11. Many of you know Taylor Launter, he is famous for his role in Twilight saga! What you think, is he receding little bit or its normal?
  12. @ Swooping yes the procedure is old fashioned but at present its not brutal. Like FUE even FUT has improved lot There are still Top class FUT results produced by Dr. Hasson and Dr.Wong, Dr.Rahal Etc... @1978Matt you are absolutely right!!
  13. I wish more doctor participate in this thread, but I guess they are just happy by paying their membership fees..
  14. Pete is correct Pkipling is a patient advocate for Dr.Mohebi and he did had a Transplant with Dr.Mohebi. Do contact him and clear your queries
  15. The scar looks very scary but not all FUT scars end that way.I have seen pencil thin scars which are very hard to detect even by the hair stylist, unless the procedure is done by the top recommended FUT doctor.
  16. Thanks for sharing your experience with Dr.Dorin, travelling all the way from Boston to NY does sound crazy. Honestly structures can be removed from any local clinic. Just want to ask how come you lost few grafts on the way back to hotel? Heal well
  17. Good results James, the most important thing is that you are happy and satisfied.
  18. Please try to post some pics of your hair, if you want you can blur your face
  19. Your biggest insecurity is already eliminated So stop stressing now,,, Still 8 more months to come..
  20. @Torip is spot on!! Marcopolo really sorry to hear about your sad experience! Many users keep praising him but it seems the scenario is quite different! Even though the procedure is small, it should be treated with respect and all the concerns need to be answered properly.. I can understand some time even top doctor can have an off day, but what about the poor experience during personal consultation? Some red-flags are probably not acceptable! I would advise you to continue Finasteride and wait for atleast 12 months or maximum 18months before jumping into conclusion. Next time please try to post picture with better quality and from better angle!
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