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Everything posted by Rawkerboi

  1. Really I had no idea why you were worried @ one month post op, hair takes time to grow, patience is the key. As you can see Everything looking good at the moment, hair is slowly filling in! Now you have entered the growth phase, coming months you going to see lot of growth and thickness! Keep us updated
  2. Thanks for the update man! Looking good and its just two months! Any pics from front ?
  3. Peaboddy, remember you from HLT, firstly you had some great results via medicines and then you had a successful HT, now the problem is about the density, which you are lacking in front, If it can be easily disguise via styling then avoid HT!
  4. Do post some pictures Glad you satisfied with your HT
  5. If you are willing to spend $$$$ on HT why don't you save some $ and fly across country and go for best HT doctor? Don't compromise on quality! Always go to best doctor If you in India and willing for FUE, Bhatti is good and for FUT Dr.Radha
  6. Have patience man! Your head is healing but slowly, give it few more month! I know its hard to wait but you really don't have any option! Let your transplanted hair grow and see how it looks!
  7. Man! He is always booked! He is Great doctor. I hope you enjoy stay at Amberwood Guest House! The great thing about his Clinic is after care service which they offer. No other clinic can compete on after care which he offer Years back I had face to face consultation with him, and being nw 2 he advised me to be on medicines and avoid surgery because according to him it was not really needed.
  8. Irony is, Indians still find Dr.Bhatti quite expensive, many can't afford! He should give some concession to Indians
  9. Without Finasteride its very difficult to preserve your native hair if you have aggressive MPB, you should have at least tried Fin once. If you notice any side effects, quit it!
  10. Shaving with trimmer with no clippers after 12 months of your surgery won't affect your grafts. Grafts are perfectly secured after 15 to 20 days post surgery. I think now it's safe to say that it's a Failed HT, you can consult some good top HT doctors and discuss further plans.
  11. Many experts have already given their advices, please post some pictures asap My advice is be patient you have just passed Ugly Duckling phase now you may see growth. Who knows after 6 or may be one year you may be satisfied with your HT! And don't stress, stress hormones are bad for Hair so try to be calm and be patient! And remember it's not end of the world there are many options available. So please relax
  12. Try to post pics without any oil coz of oil you hair is looking lot thinner 1) You are heading NW5. 2) May be or May not, Minoxidil works excellent on crown but try 5% Minoxidil as it is approved by FDA.I would avoid anything advertising itself as "10% minoxidil", since it hasn't been tested clinically. Try Minoxidil for year and see whether its working or not! 3)There are many Vitamins Tablets available in market but don't expect full hair from it, it may help you to improve your hair quality. some of Vitamins Supplements are - MSM, Flax Seed Oil, Dropped Nettle, Zinc100mg, etc the lists never end. 4) Why you not trying Fin? Dustasteride may help you to slow your hairloss and you need to be patient coz it may takes minimum 6 months or one year to see any results, Keep monitoring your hair 5) A top HT doctor may answer this question but I will say you can opt for HT, but don't expect drastic change. As you have hairline you may fill grafts on mid scalp and bit on vertex/crown and opt for buzz look. Good luck
  13. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/173759-2-781-grafts-dr-diep.html
  14. Why won't he show off? Two words-: Killer hairline! Generally most users disappear after having HT only some keep us updated, hence Thank You for keeping us updated!
  15. Do you know for what corticosteroid Injections are used for? It is used to relive pain in joints not to regrow hair! Kindly consult a good HT doctor and continue using Fin!
  16. As you have ruled out medications especially Finasteride even before trying it, I would say consult more doctors especially those which are recommended over here. Without medications HT can be a disaster coz hairloss is progressive!
  17. Rawkerboi

    fue Dr path

    Any Pre Op pictures?
  18. Well due to low density I would advise you to keep your hair short, probably opt for buzz look with stubbed beard!
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