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Everything posted by 1978matt

  1. Poor Dr Diep! I just watched half a dozen of his FUE videos and he says 'no visible scarring but there is scarring'. A couple of prime examples but there are many more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqKdznVqY2k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2t9M6KlBvw
  2. Nick, I think you were the one who posted about "having been in the ugly duckling phase for the past X years". You and me both!! Now it's time to get out of it... Best of luck though you wont need it. Lord Ron and Sir Paul are magicians at this game.
  3. I was on a train earlier and as I got off the guy in front of me (asian) had the exact same crown as yours (if anything slightly worse), he had no other loss as far as I could tell. I guess he was late 20s/early 30s. I think you will be fine mate.
  4. Here's to the day when we can say: Strip - 0% FUE - 0% Hair cloning - 100%
  5. Someone at work pointed out my hairloss about 4 years ago. I wouldn't have minded but he's a NW4. The turning point for me was renewing my passport after 10 years. There's something about those photo booths that makes your hairloss look even worse! It was from that point on I started to seriously look into HTs.
  6. I think you're in good shape. Asians tend to have lower density and straight hair and therefore can look a bit 'scalpy' if you know what I mean. The crown looks like natural whorl. I'd just keep your eye on it every 6-12 months and if you notice any hair going then consider getting on finasteride & minoxidil.
  7. I can't take 1mg a day - it gives me headaches. The current regime is fine after 15/16 weeks on it. My mid hair section appears to have improved a bit. Dr Parsley posted some interesting low-dose examples which worked (1/4 tablet every other day I think)
  8. It will probably continue but at what speed is difficult to determine. In my own case I always used to see a lot of different thickness hairs in the shower - a sure sign that hair was miniaturising! It just a shame I didn't know that at the time.
  9. If you have got good facial features the style you have already could look quite good. kind of a Nick Cave style. Bill Paxton was the first guy I thought of for a short style. You could ring pretty much any of the Drs on this site and I'm sure they will prescribe you some fin, if appropriate.
  10. It looks like he didn't have many 3s and 4s: 1's - 2154 2's - 6135 3/4's - 879 Possibly why it isn't as thick as you might expect. Still great though
  11. Did they do the procedure in one day? I kinda looks like they extracted more than 4000 grafts, especially when you compare the donor area to say, for example, a Bisanga extraction pattern. Maybe because they were working at such a breakneck speed a lot of grafts were damaged.
  12. As far as flap results go yours is up there with the best I've seen. I've not had my HT yet but would recommend you contact Dr Konior. (He used to do flaps in the early days)
  13. I don't know how many but it looks like too many! I'll go for 4500-5000. 2500-3000 implanted in the front and 2000 at the back.
  14. He was stating a case he saw yesterday so I don't really see why you are criticising him for that. Well I hate to tell you this but FUE does create more scar tissue area. Lets say you managed to get a 0.7mm punch size and 3000 grafts. That would make the total scar tissue area of 3000 x 3.14/4 x 0.7^2 = 1154mm^2 Now lets say you had 3000 FUT grafts and have a average scar 2mm wide and 350mm long. That's 2 x 350=700mm^2. As understand it, the presence of scar tissue in the donor then makes it difficult to disect grafts via strip procedure. Clearly that will give you problems if you need more gafts in the future. I'm sorry that you are unable to trust a doctor. The doctor in the case I menton suggested that over harvesting by FUE would leave no donor in the future, potentially leading to a compromised situation for the patient. This was a perfectly rational reason for reverting to strip. Not sure what Dr Lorenzo has to do with it.
  15. Sound advice Dr Lindsey. A 'one size fits all' doesn't apply. Only the other day a poster with a sub par FUE result mentioned he had been recommended Strip by one of Europe's most respected FUE operators. The potential for future loss is something that definately needs to be thought through.
  16. He told me he does FUE using a variety of techniques (manual and motorised), with a maximum of 1,500 grafts per day. We didn't go much further than that as it was towards the end of our chat. I'm only guessing but I suspect his rates for FUE will be very high and his general philosophy is to go with Strip. That's probably why he doesn't present FUE results online.
  17. The information about this procedure is publicly available. Someone posted it on another forum. It's all contained within a patent application. I cant remember where but if you search you should find it.
  18. Sorry for some reason i thought it said 8 months in the attachment. You're 12 months. I've no idea what went wrong but Dr Charles is a great guy and I'm sure he will do his best to put things right.
  19. Damn. That's a bit alarming as it's hard to see any growth. You will have to keep the faith for at least 12 months though. What was growth like for the first transplant?
  20. Great news Mick and great to know the UK will now have a truly outstanding FUE surgeon!
  21. I'm in the UK. All booked up and just waiting for the day to come. Were you hoping to get more than 3500 grafts?
  22. I'd certainly get some Rogaine Foam. In fact, you should get the generic type as it is exactly the same only cheaper. CVS certainly sell it as I brought 6 tins back to the UK! Bare in mind that it could make your hair shed slightly at the start. It is also a lifelong commitment to use it if you want to continue reaping the benefits. I'd recommend using it at night only rather than twice a day. It depends if it messes too much with your hairstyling. As always, make sure you read the instructions.
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