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Everything posted by Davis91

  1. GNX1 I disagree. This is a great example of a conservative design to stand the test of time. If he stopped now he would not look strange later.
  2. That's Stephen Dr. Bisanga's rep I believe. He did FUE followed by beard hair. Don't go for strip, you don't look like you have enough to see the process through to satisfaction. Try FUE/temporary SMP and see how it looks. Maybe Temp SMP first.
  3. Native, I just read your background story. I was wondering: -if the first hair transplant with Rahal was successful (although you regret the straight across hairline), why did you go to Dr. Lindsey in round 2 (which you say was not successful)? -what has Dr. L. said about the lack of results? -any estimation by either doctor on total grafts you have available? Thanks
  4. 10,000 grafts would be great if achievable. However, check H&W site--coverage on NW6s using tactical placement with 6-8,000 grafts, depending on hair characteristics and extent of baldness (head shapes and hence space to be covered are different; baldness NW patterns are diagnostic assessments applied to all).
  5. Agenteye, Just saw your 3 months album. With theshaved head, scar, tats, you look like a dude I would not want to mess with!!! (I mean this in a good way.) Well done on creating some very specific photo albums and good documentation--definately among the best efforts on the site. I was just curious--sorry ifyou wrote this elswhere--what was Dr. Rahal's graft placement strategy in the crown? How many?
  6. Can't Decide, In a way, I think you could be the walking proof for Dr. Rahal regarding NW5s/6s. I am totally fascinated by your case and I have been considering Dr. Rahal for a future procedure, and may be facing the same issues as you. Hence, any photos you can put up to illuminate your comments could serve both the community and Dr. Rahal given is ban from posting on these boards due to Canadian law. Valentine: you've got one of the world's leading resource right in your neighborhood in Spex. See him ASAP.
  7. I have only emailed him a few times. Hi is a pioneer in body hair transplants and had a failed HT himself so he is a knowledgeable fellow. Where are you located if I may ask (I did not look at your profile). I ask because if I am you I spend the time and money to go in person to a bunch of places across the USA if not also Canada and Europe. At least do phone consults. In LA you could see Dr. Umar and Dr. William Rassman's offices--the later because he is always preaching the Master Plan and will does a miniraturization mapping on your scalp hair. I would get this mapping done now and meaure again in 6-8 months to see if the propecia has an effect.
  8. Can't Decide, These types of discussions do not take place enough on this board. Can you elaborate on what Dr. Rhala did so specifically--what were you skeptical about at first? (Keep in mind your photos show a limited number of angles. Valentine, Another option could be try propecia/minoxidal for a year, see how it thinkens up your miniraturized hairs and donor hair, and reevaluate. As to your other question, I am going by my gut with you--ultimately you have to make the call. I agree you should be enjoying life but life does not end at 35--your appearance matters through your 40s, 50s and 60s, and as of now you haev a highly agressive balding pattern at 27. DO NOT ASSUME hair cloning or some other miracle will appear in your lifetime. I agree you will get more gratfs with strip but you may end up just buying yourself 4 years of happiness. You are doing the right thing by consulting widely. In your case, I think you need to consult REALLY widely, and I would also check with Dr. Umar in CA. who deals with advance cases as well and might provide advice.
  9. Can't Decide: Dr. Rahal is a gentleman and his staff that I have had contact with are fantastic. He is in expansion mode at the moment and his site is improving and he recently added a doctor. But the ability to get a high number of grafts does not proves a consistent record with NW6. There are distinct strategies involved and H&W may have a very different philosophy on graph placement for the long term with an NW6 than Dr. Rahal--and H&W are superior in saying to the world--here are a bunch of our NW6 examples on the web with consistent photographs AND HD video--in essence they are setting themselves up to maintain this type of standard. You know this inherently because you are now entering round 2 and you are already thinking about what you need to be doing to get a long term outcome and hence questioning: do I hit the laterals more? How do I build in a strategy for the future? I would dare say that you may even want to consult with H&W on your next surgery JUST TO SEE if there are philospophical differneces between the two practices. I have never met Dr. Wong or Hasson, but I have met Dr. Rahal. And he made comments indicating graft angle differences between his team and H&W. Also, I have noted differences in 1s vs. 2s and 3s in the hairline vs. the crown between his team and others. This is serious stuff as far as differences to approach that affect long term planning. Valentine, my gut is telling me that you may end up dissapointed in the long term with a strip but I could be wrong. I believe strip is in fact more reliable in most docs hand but I am really wondering==-if you look OK with shorter hair==if you should not just go for 3,000 FUE with some front loading but over a smaller area, add some beard hair (maybe up to a 1000, think about termporary SMP and be done with it. This would leave you with a bald spot but it could be shrunk essentially, plus a good frame for the face the would span the test of time--again you are very very young. If you recede much further to an NW6 + or NW 7 you will then not feel as regretful, not deal with the strip scar and have a lower maintanence life. See the example of Stephen from Dr. Bisanga (his rep) and case histor--he did FUE then Beard Fue. Good documentation. (He did have a higher average haird density)-- or the example I am specifically thinking about from Dr. Shapiro where the guy had FUE plus SMP (although I would avoid Good Look Ink personally): http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/165354-dr-ron-shapiro-fue-2194grafts-3754hairs-after-smp.html
  10. Dr. Rahal has never proven himself publicly with NW6 results like H&W has.That is just a fact as observed on the websites. Nevertheless, since you are 26, I would consider just doing FUE and shaving down the sides as much as possible, supplemented with temporary SMP as a test and perhaps more permanent SMP in the future. You should consult with Dr. Ron or Paul Shapiro since their clinic offers FUE and temporary SMP combo experience.
  11. Joe, This is one of the finest hair transplants I have ever seen. Completely age appropriate. Tactical placement of grafts is perfect. Really a fantastic job. Any insight into your diet? I have also associated dietary issue with dandruff and very curious as to your dietary changes--which are still relevant as diet can influence skin/nail and perhaps even donor quality. Your opinions of course will be your own and not construed as advice for HT patients! Thanks.
  12. Hi Joe, I had privately guessed you either went vegetarian or paleo! I have been researching this stuff for years to the point where I can hold a decent conversation with a nutritionalist. I fully agree with the hair quality-diet link. I think gluten-free can help a lot of folks--the world's number 1 tennis player swears by it. Truly I think a lot of the gain comes from breaking the insulin cycles--people need to learn to read nutrition labels because the amount of sugar in things is extraordinary. It is hidden in almost everything. Anyway, would love to chat about it some time. Congrats on the change and the energy boost!
  13. Joe, This is one of the finest hair transplants I have ever seen. Completely age appropriate. Tactical placement of grafts is perfect. Really a fantastic job. Any insight into your diet? I have also associated dietary issue with dandruff and very curious as to your dietary changes--which are still relevant as diet can influence skin/nail and perhaps even donor quality. Your opinions of course will be your own and not construed as advice for HT patients! Thanks.
  14. it depends on what grafts are used--big 3/4s? maybe then. u what if you need those good cover grafts for the crown or laterals? That is why getting a detailed plan and philosophy from your doc is key.
  15. Why in the world would you get permanent ink when you are just now receding back? You should get temporary ink (which Shapiro offers) as a bridging method. You almost sound like a walking advertizement for GLI.
  16. Dude, don't do it. I bet you could find someone to operate, but it would be a mistake. New potential weapon: temporary SMP. You could shave down to a shorter cut, and then the SMP can act as a filler. Try this an if it works for a number of years, this could be the path. Seriously, hat or no hat, the fact you are getting the ladies tells you something.
  17. So here is a question: probable NW6, currently and NW 4-5, 36 years old, goes to a "top" doc. Says to top doc: assume that propecia will not work and I will progress to an NW6, or even I cannot take propecia due to medical/religious/whatever reason. Patient has average donor density. Top doc says you have 7,000-8,000 hairs available. Says you need about 4000-4500 in the first round, which will leaves enough for the rest of the head as needed. Patient says other "top" docs said there was potentially less hair available and to doa transplant of anywhere frmo 2500-3,000 in this round. Top doc says he would be surprised if you did not have AT LEAST 7,000 available, and the other estimates on graft amounts would "not do anything for you." Again, "TOP DOC" frequently cited as "can't go wrong" on this site. Thoughts?
  18. My scar stretched a bit and I did no weights. It was a big case and the surgeon did not doa double layer closure. I feel this affected it because I have other scars on my body and the one with the double layer closure (on my back, and area that moves a lot) is way better than those without a double layer closure. Frustrating.
  19. Can't Decide Did you have one or two layers of stitches? .2 is great.
  20. Can't Decide I agree with your philosophy on the side profiles. You mentioned this was a priority for your next visit with Dr. Rahal. Any chance we can see some pics?
  21. Based on pictures, dont touch the crown yet.
  22. If I am a prospective patient, I avoid this group. They post a case that has very little information on graft distribution, patient's situation, etc.. After photos are not consistent: lighting, hair brushed differently, etc.. Why bother posting at all?
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