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Everything posted by Davis91

  1. Carly, So this is not a LLLT result. It is a LLLT result using a vasodilator. So many of the recent results you posted for LLLT would not be using LLLT alone?
  2. Can't Decide Any chance that you can post some photos of your crown help us help you? Thanks!
  3. I could not agree more with this post--in fact in many of my previous posts I ask some of the "top" clinics on this site to display more apples-apples photos. I am really stunned that more people do not call them out on it. I hope the moderators of this community also try to maintain a decent standard.
  4. Kira--could you comment on what appears to be a relatively poor outcome? Will the patient be getting a touch up? Kudos to you for putting this out there.
  5. Abbie: -How about a shot of the back on the head since repair to scars was involved? -I keep asking this question but I never get an answer: why does Dr. Umar use a green background for all of the "after" shots? Why not keep consistency with the initial lighting conditions? Thank you
  6. Beaverbuzz, Your hair did look very good before the surgery, but I understand from the buzz pics that you might have wanted to shape up the temples. If your geners are good for lack of hair loss on the parents side, consider carefully how much more you want to mess with the temples.If you think that you will have not much more hair loss then maybe spare a few grafts, but otherwise, if your geners aren't good, think about leaving it alone. You looked very good buzzed and you still have that option with FUE. The more you tap that donor supply though, the more moth-eaten look you will have at shorter grades.
  7. What do you mean a multi-blade knife handle? I thought those were essentially banned as bad-practice since it dissected viable grafts?
  8. THanks Dr. Cooley, I would also with interest like to know more about your placement and density planning. You would really be helping to educate the community about these type proceedures. Thanks.
  9. Nice one. Joe, is the idea that if he loses any of his existing hair in the transplanted area as he ages, the transplanted hair will take its place and should provide adequae coverage? Thanks
  10. Dude, your hair is great now. That tiny skin area is very normal. Obviously if you want to try to keep it you may want to think about propecia if you know there is baldness all around. You need to read about the medication and have a medical doctor examine and prescribed. Or better, go take bulk measurements of your hair NOW, and if you start to think you are thinning just a little, go get it measured again and then got on propecia so that you can hopefully quickly recover. Strategy 2 is more reaction than proactive, but you need to be comfortable with your options. Option 3-do nothing, and hope for the best. Regardless, go enjoy that hair now!
  11. I don't know what it is about Dr. Wesley that has make everyone not say anything, but I found him to be and honest, focused, and energetic fellow and I trusted him right away. It just has never occured to me to utter a word about it to anyone--he basically revealed the method, described where he was/is in the trial stages, and where he hopes to go from here. He did not make me sign anything or swear a secret oath. But I respect him and his concept is indeed very unique, and it may revolutionize the game a bit for thos who want a "scarless FUE." And it is FUE. Look at the longer posts on it. Many who know it were astonished by the concept, and you will kind of go "wow" when you realize what he has done. I hope it works out as he closes the trials and I hope that he feels comfortable enough to start offering it regularly. As to the question of postponing, I would say since it is FUE and the depate on Strip vs. FUE regarding total hair available is still unresolved, it MAY depend on the level of overall hair loss. It MAY also be not a factor. There are other things involved in the proceedure which may or may not limit options for some. All I can say for sure is if you want more information now, go visit him in person. Regardless, you will get an honest assesment of your hair loss from an upstanding fellow who will be looking out for your best interests.
  12. MI872 Just out of curiosity, how many grafts were the first and second job? Any differences in post-op instructions?
  13. Three months is early to judge this. Tightness can easily last up to a year or even a little more--you would likely start to regain laxity starting at month 6 at it would likely get better as time goes on.
  14. Yes, there is such a thing as a scarless FUE. As noted on previous posts, Dr. Wesley has developed a way to get the hair without leaving a visible scar. I've been lucky enogh to get a briefing on it by the Dr. himself, and, like others, will not reveal the method. Given the time and effort and cost Dr. Wesley has put into this, I hope that he comes back to everyone soon with an update.
  15. I agree with most of the above. Frankly, it is easy to be a "king of hairlines" when you dense pack and are aggressive. You do not see a lot of NW5-6 patients from Dr. Rahal vs. H&W and Shapiro, for example.
  16. I suspect he did it during the lock-out. Probably did strip for the reason many African-Americans would--extreme curly hair can make FUE difficult. Tiger Woods seems to have taken the same route--google Tiger Woods Strip scar. USA-USA-USA!
  17. First, congrats to USA basketball! Second, I gotta get a life, with the things I notice. LeBron's hair loss has been looking a little improved. I remember he even tweeted something about fixing it last year. During today's post-match interview with the NBC announcer, the arena lights changes to a luminance and when James turned his head you could clearly see a strip scar (this was about 12:10 PM EST). Also, on the medal stand, you could see it under regular lights. I say well done to him to doing it. MVP, NBA Champion, gold medalist, gets his hair back...good year!
  18. Looks like a good result. Janna, ont the photos, you guys generally do very well, but for before photos could you please also show how the hair looks like without it pulled back. Thanks.
  19. I get so tired of this stuff. Honestly, I have no agenda against this doctor, but once again we have crap photos. The follow up shots are against different lighting, background, and hair parting. Look at the forst and second ones. The hair is clearly parted one way and then the opposit way to show better coverage in the second. The last two are a little more consistent but the lighting is different which could enhance the perception of coverage. I wish doctors had to adhere to some standards before posting on this site.
  20. Dr. Lindsey, Do you think that vascularity increases in the scar if a limited number of grafts would be put in first? That is, do not dense pack in round one, and then come back in round 2 to finish? Thanks
  21. From what some folks say, if they are mixed in with regular hair (but not near front) and maybe cut shorter it could work. But as an isolated "monopolulation" (Dr. Shapiro's words), they may look weird grown out.
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