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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I really don't know what to think & this will come down to people saying different things on this subject. All I know is my pal spends 15 mins applying it once then applying it again to the same area. He clearly has a lot of strong hairs that weren't there before. So now I spend more time than I used to before. 5 minutes should do the trick
  2. I would also contact the Shapiro brothers and Hasson & Wong. They may be able to help with a couple of mega sessions. If you have good laxity, then 7-9k grafts might be possible in 2-3 operations. Its a long slow path but it's an option to consider. Send them an email with your photos
  3. Start off with half a tablet a day to see how you go if you want. ?180 for 6 months isn't that bad. I buy them from there too. No prescription or a visit to the GP every quarter & you know they're genuine from boots
  4. South UK? You'd regret it. Do your research. I agree with Chris
  5. When the hairline has just been put in, it looks high up, once the hair grows, it'll look at least a cm lower unless you brush your hair back exposing the line. The doctor may feel that you may have aggressive loss in the future & wants to reserve grafts. He could easily add another 1k, at the end of the day it's more money for him. The pre-op would have showed you where the line was going to be placed anyway.
  6. I don't know anything about wigs, I would've thought it would be a painful experience wearing & maintaining a wig? Consider using minoxidil. Also see a hair surgeon for advice on what you can do in the future if this is what you would consider.
  7. Nice result. Crown looks much thicker, that's just from propecia ?
  8. Propecia. Use regaine foam or mino 10%. All these work. But they have their limitation & a transplant may be necessary for someone. If the loss is not minor, surgery needs to be considered in the future
  9. It's okay to wash the donor area for a bit longer to relieve the itching but I wouldn't wash it more than once. I know it itches a lot but you don't want to make the area more sore or red by scrubbing it. If you want to do it more than once, do it very gently & leave it alone after you've applied oil.
  10. Wash the scalp once a day. Very gently. Tap lightly with fingers but not your nails. Use Johnson's baby shampoo for a few weeks
  11. That's right, the cheque takes around 5 working days to clear so a clinic wouldn't accept that. Call the clinic or email them & ask them why you have to send the money to the US, I would also ask if they're okay with sending only part of the money & the rest in cash on the day. That's what I did. You can also pay by credit card if you get the credit limit from the bank
  12. Belgium. Feriduni, devroye, bisanga. Stay away from a clinic you know nothing about
  13. I pay 90GBP from boots for 3 months supply so yeah 30 pounds a month
  14. Hello. That's very normal. I itch even at 6 months post op. Use vitamin e oil. It helps but won't make the itching go away.
  15. Nice result considering the number of grafts used. Is this one year post op? Any meds and is he planning to come back for a second session?
  16. Im a NW5A & was bald as a badger (I know badgers aren't bald). My sides weren't that high up either. A Norwood 5 is worse than a Norwood 5A for example. The crown has more loss
  17. Congrats on your surgeries boys. Dr Feriduni seems to be an excellent surgeon from the good things we hear about him. Happy growing!
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