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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. A few female procedures seen on this forum recently. It's great to see. Any immediate post op photos please?
  2. He wasn't talking about the skill of the surgeon that's chosen. The time frame when the hairs come back.
  3. Put it in your suitcase. Don't take it with you in your hand luggage otherwise the gloves might come on. You don't want to be asked any question & want to go through smoothly under the radar.
  4. I have two females in my family with hair loss & it makes my dht issues very minor in comparison. Hope she gets great growth!
  5. Roughly around the same time. It would be a few months or sooner. Any hair that has miniaturised a lot & on the 'ropes' may not return as it was weak & on the way out already.
  6. That's a really nice result considering the area that needed to be covered & the fine hair. I have a female member in my family with similar loss but not as much loss as this lady had. She would love to have a similar result I would have thought. Placing the grafts to the left hand side was a smart thing to do. Excellent work
  7. I see- I would definitely ask the surgeon I'm considering to confirm when it's best to dye the hair.
  8. Don't be too alarmed, it may happen since its early on & some hair are falling as part of the dead skin attached to them maybe- that's what I had last week by maybe 20 hairs attached to dry skin. But if your case is a lot more grafts falling than that, consider using propecia if you're not using it & regaine.
  9. Why did they say it would be good to dye it?
  10. I started balding around 16/17 & didn't have surgery until over a decade later, but it doesn't mean you have to wait many years & suffer. I think you may get told to wait 4-5 years before surgery & in the meantime to stay on meds. Give a small dose of propecia a go & see how you go.
  11. I think I know what you mean but I don't think that makes any sense in an operation, the follicles are inserted & sitting spiking up until the shed then grow then come out angled across each other & next to each other. They eventually come flat but as it gets longer they hair can be styled how you want. Can't have grafts slapped in flat
  12. In the UK the regaine foam costs 15 GBP for one month supply if you apply it twice a day, so it's not too bad at all. 50 pence a day. In the US it's probably cheaper than that
  13. I agree with Bonker Try using half a tablet daily or even a quarter daily. If that doesn't work, try it every other day.
  14. Are you on meds? Not many doctors would give you general anaesthetic without a strong reason I don't think. It's not painful during the procedure. You have a nice low hairline.
  15. They're all quality. I chose Dr Hasson. 16 years experience he told me he's been doing this. Video evidence on YouTube & their website. No one else in the world shows as much evidence of before and after. For hairlines, probably Rahal. Do more research & go with who you feel will give you what you want within reason.
  16. It's very early days. I'm just on 6 months myself & you can't see my scar but that's on a grade 3. Try not to go shorter than that.
  17. Let the regaine dry then put the concealer on
  18. Dutch

    Propecia mg

    I'm a H&W patient. I used to take a tablet of propecia every other day. 6 months ago I started taking it everyday just before I had surgery. I will continue this until at least month 8 if not see out the full year then I will drop down to half a tablet daily to keep it in my system.
  19. Good question. I started it two months ago. I used to slap it on, rub it in for a couple of minutes & leave it damp. A friend of mine spends 15 minutes rubbing it in until it's all gone. He clearly has success with it in his hairline. A lot of hair has grown. So, now I spend about 10 mins applying it. If I'm in a rush I still spend 5 mins until its dry.
  20. I don't know pal- they might not be butchers & might be good but he deals in different types of surgery, so not a speciality. 2500 pounds for 4k grafts?? I would've thought it would be four times as much. Why only Turkey? Do yourself a favour and visit the clinics in Belgium for consultations or go to Canada. Don't play with fire. A transplant is not the sort of operation you can make a mistake with.
  21. Definitely don't let distance be a factor. But it isn't in your case anyway. You have Rahal & Hasson & Wong in the same country. I travelled 5k miles to see Dr. Hasson. Now that's a trek but it's been so worth it so far. Good luck. Now I actually have hair in photos!
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