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Everything posted by Nick153452

  1. I think telling people on this site to do a lot of research beforehand is preaching to the choir. Most, if not all of us, have gone to some of the best surgeons in the world and have spent a lot of time selecting their doctor based on pt results and also results posted from the clinic. It's unfortunate the there are doctors out there who went into medicine in order to take advantage of those who are in desperate need of a certain result that they are unable to give them. In my opinion, those doctors need to have their medical license taken away. In this day and age, everyone has the resources to research their doctor beforehand. I can understand how it would have been a lot harder in the earlier plug das when the internet didn't exist, but really, I don't even understand how people can commit to such an important surgery without first doing even minimal amounts of internet research.
  2. Great another Demirsoy patient!! I can't wait to see your hair grow. He is a very affordable surgeon who has also a good reputation for results. I've been thinking about going to him for my future FUE surgeries, but I am going to need to see more results from him, like we see with the other Turkish doctors.
  3. That seems like excessive shedding to me. I went back to normal hair shedding after about 1 month. Is it part of the finasteride shed? How long have you been on the meds, finasteride and minox?
  4. I've heard of this before. I've also heard of people reporting earlier growth. I am not exactly too sure about the reasoning behind this, but just be patient. If you have any specific questions, get ahold of your physician.
  5. That's what he said. He had an hour long talk with Spencer on the bald talk radio show last week. Head over to the website and listen to it. It was really good and really promising.
  6. Try going to a dermatologist? I don't know where you are located, but a lot of HT surgeons (the good ones at least) should be doing one of these on every serious consult before they perform surgery. When I went to Shapiro Medical, they looked at my donor to get an exact density reading, and at the same time, looked at miniaturization of my donor. Thus far, I don't have any significant miniaturization.
  7. To be fair also, a lot of the butchered scars I have seen have been from mill-like centers and from surgeons that need to be avoided for their botchy service. Truth be told, all they do is strip surgery.. My advice to anyone is, if you can get enough grafts to cover future and current hair loss, go FUE. If you're going to be a high NW patient who needs to have strip in order to address it, go strip. If I could have addressed my balding with FUE, I would have. However, I need far too many grafts, so I need to go the strip-FUE combo, with probably body hair mingled in there. That is, of course, assuming Dr. Mwamba can't cure baldness in the next few years I agree with you Mickey about Drs performing small strip sessions. That should be an industry no-no, and hopefully it will be. I hear a lot of patients saying "The scar has never bothered me" which is great. Nevertheless, I believe it is much safer, to the point of necessary to go FUE on such cases. I am not a OMG-STRIP-SURGERY-IS-FAR-SUPERIOR-TO-FUE person. To the contrary, I much prefer FUE as a surgical procedure. However, as I oulined in my previous comment, sometimes strip is necessary. And I know that you are a fair person Mickey. You always have the patients best interests in mind; that's why the forum loves you.
  8. That's what research is for. You look at doctors who have good results for how much grafts used, you look at patients of theirs who have similar balding patters as yours, similar hair and skin charactaristics and look at how many grafts were used on that patient to make them look like they do in their post-op photos. It's a lot of work, but it's sometimes necessary if you want a good result.
  9. I think we are all underplaying how important it is to be easy on the fact that one has just underwent a surgery that requires putting little tension on the scar as it heals. Person X may have gotten a scar because he did such and such activities that put tension on the scar. Too many unknowns to blame physiology or doctors.
  10. That is a very tough question to answer. Many factors come into play. Some patients have such good laxity and density that they can extract more than 10,000 grafts via FUT and thus never need to result in FUE. Some patients have horrible laxity, but good density, so they may be able to resolve the issue vie FUE. Some people have average of both and are generally benefited from getting FUT to max out with what their laxity allows, and then moving into FUE to extract what they were unable to extract prior. It a case-to-case scenario that you will have to discuss with your doctor. For me, I have about average density with good laxity, and course hair, so I may be able to be resolved with FUT. Go talk with a great doctor who is has your best interest at heart. Mickey is right though, FUT only doctors tend to be a little biased, but then again, I'm sure FUE doctors sort of understate the disadvantages for getting FUE for certain individuals. Hope I was clear.
  11. The problem with hair is that it's much more complicated than other cosmetic surgeries; you're actually getting real, organic products implanted onto your body. Also there are more factors that come into play with hair transplant than other forms of cosmetic surgeries, such as caliber, contrast, and yield (which is in part based on patients physiology). That being said, making a program would be great, but it could potentially lead to false hopes much more so than getting a nose job. It would be far too hard to take everything into consideration: light levels, yield, contrast. Maybe I'm completely wrong; I know nothing about programming.
  12. Well. Try to keep your mind preoccupied. That's what helped me get through the first few months. You're going to have great results! Dr. Konior is a a wizzard.
  13. Since he said, "What I would not give", that usually means he'd do anything. You should have said, "I know a doctor who can fix that for around xx$ (based on your graft estimate). And then you should have gone over a game plan with him after telling him to get on finasteride and minoxidil.
  14. Wow. That went by fast!! I can't believe it's already been a month!! I can see the little darling starting to pop through Isn't it exciting?
  15. Looks good for just 2500 grafts. It helps that his hair is grey so that there isn't such a large contrast between his hair and his head.
  16. I listened to Dr. Mwamba talk about this on the Bald Talk and the good thing about this protocol is that it involves doesn't use any proprietary solutions, just what is already available from the patient, thus there is no need for FDA trials.
  17. I've never tried it or heard any results from topical finasteride. Let us know how it works. I'm really hoping the next 3-5 year will be booming with FDA approved treatments.
  18. Soo. Dr. Feller actually isn't that expensive if you go for a megasession; he's actually one of the most affordable physicians in the USA for anything over 3,000 grafts (if I remember correctly). To address your particular question. They are all great surgeons, however nobody can give you any advice until you tell us more about yourself. Age? Family history of balding? Medications? Pictures?
  19. I'm really hoping that some of these drugs come out soon, before I lose the rest of my native hair!! I would like to hold onto as many as I humanly can.
  20. If you have a lot of miniaturization in your donor, that is a good sign that that you may lose a good amount of the transplanted hairs eventually. And to answer your question, yes, it is very important when deciding whether or not you are a candidate for a hair transplant, as it dictates how much hair you will be able to safely transplant. Dr. Wesley just wrote a very nice article about this. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/172099-you-surgical-candidate-why-why-not.html
  21. Some people tend to have better shedding than others. You may just be one of the lucky people whose hair skips the shedding phase and goes directly into the growth phase. It will thicken and mature over the following months.
  22. Stellar results Agenteye! I'm blown away at the coverage!! By the way, I agree that you pulled the fauxhawk off very well. If I were you, I wouldn't even worry about a second pass right away; you're looking great already!!!
  23. Great write up. I agree that Dr. Lorenzo is a great physician. He can work miracles with limited amount of grafts used.
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