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Everything posted by multiplier

  1. I'm a diffuse thinner and would love to see the results you've had or what the process has been like for you, whether you had to shave down, etc..
  2. Good luck buddy. The Shapiro folks are extremely vigilant about who is/isn't a good candidate and about planning for the future on a patient by patient basis. So sounds like you're in good hands.
  3. 1) Click the person's name 2) Click "Send [ ] a private message"
  4. As others said, this is a great way to make people feel more comfortable about the procedure. Was wondering if you had any recent pics of Dave since his procedure was a couple years ago?
  5. 10 years ago, I had dental surgery for less than $1000 yet the doctor still returned my post-op phonecalls and provided consistent, thoughtful communication, even a year later when I had questions about complications. If you're spending $15,000-$20,000 on a surgery, you better believe you should expect customer service and treatment built into the cost. And if there are failings thereof, you should hope that the doctor consider it his duty to address them and apologize for them if necessary rather than dismissing them as "nonsense."
  6. If I'm reading you right, you're saying you'd rather wait until the pattern is more clear before transplanting to the crown. I assume you are not saying that the crown is beyond help and to concentrate all donor hair to the front of the scalp. Because the result would obviously look freakish after a couple decades.
  7. Yeah, it's a few weeks before it's less sore. I slept sitting up in a recliner for the first 4 days. Not a great way to do it. After that, slept very gingerly and took sleeping aids. It gets better.
  8. But with the new transplants + finasteride, shouldn't that be less of a worry now? He's got great coverage. And if he loses more hair 20 years down the line, surely there will be more advanced methods/meds for hairloss by then?
  9. Not to be suspicious or anything, but I notice baltimore36 has only ever made 2 posts and they're both posted to old threads about Frank Weinstein. They both list his phone number and address. Why would someone sign up 2 years after a transplant just to promote a doctor?
  10. (Just wanted to chime in and say, I definitely did not mean to imply there was anything resembling deliberate deception by SMG, not at all. More that the lighting should be matched more closely in before/after photos so the results can be seen more clearly).
  11. It's a virtual guarantee that a product sucks when the marketing team resorts to spamming online forums.
  12. Agreed - there is little lighting or flash in the After shot from overhead. Still, seems like a good result.
  13. Looks awesome Anouar, one would never guess you got transplants. Your previous diffuse thinning looks similar to mine. Curious, did you experience a bunch of shockloss afterward? Any idea how much of it was temporary vs. permanent? Did you need to shave?
  14. Question I'm sure you've been asked, but how do you hide the shaved area for the next few months since you've got a fair amount of density/length on the sides?
  15. Great results my friend. Can I ask are you using minox/finasteride still too?
  16. I did post handful of follow-up questions this October, but did not hear back. Soon afterward I noticed he stopped posting altogether, though he's been posting regularly for years. Was not sure if he was still contributing personally or if Spex was doing most of the patient liaison stuff here on the forums.
  17. Looking great man. Sounds like taking the plunge turned out great for you. Please keep us posted.
  18. Dr Feller has a long history of contributing to this forum, but I noticed he stopped commenting awhile back. Does anyone know if he still plans to answer questions here, or engage with patients and potential patients?
  19. Keep in mind that 1% of the population has any idea what a hair transplant donor scar is or what it looks like. If you see small patches in the back of someone's head, you're not going to notice for more than a second or two and likely assume they're just parts of the scalp that lack density, a bad haircut, etc. I wear my hair medium-short and have average density and you cannot notice a scar unless the hair is wet and you're standing behind me very close up staring directly at the back of my head. How often does that scenario occur?
  20. Just wondering if you had any recent pics? Looks like it's going to be a nice result eventually.
  21. Hmm, I see people nearly daily who have a solid forelock with recessed temples *shrug*
  22. Happy to see your good results! Curious, did you research any doctors in the US, or was the doctor in Pakistan the first one you found?
  23. Now that I think about it, those are the only 2 Nioxin products I use, so I guess I'm in the clear. I wonder what the conflict is with minox and the Therapy, though.
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