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    United States
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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 10 years
  • Norwood Level if Known
    Norwood II
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain and Regrow Hair
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration
    I'm here for support

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?

Stevelkinevil's Achievements

Real Hair Club Member

Real Hair Club Member (2/8)



  1. My guess is its somewhere in the middle. My experience obviously thus far has not been a good one, lots of money and discomfort and very disappointing results. You would think 2500 supposed grafts packed into 1/4 or less of hairline would yield a good result, sadly it has not. It was something I couldn't afford to do in the first place and a bad decision. The techs are young girls and likely inexperienced (as evidenced by repeating the words "shit" and "damn" every couple minutes while working) and all the reassurance in the world from the clinic doesn't put hair on my head. So in the end it was a $3300 mistake, and I will have hopefully a mild scar and still have to comb my hair the same way, cool? certainly not, not even close, but is this going to ruin my life? nah. Hell, im still a decent looking fellow, got a GF for the last 5 years who's 11 years younger and attractive so I will be just fine. I am angry and I will make sure my experience is out there with this clinic assuming the results of this touch up are a failure (again its painfully apparent already they will be) but that's that. I think I have learned that I should not "chase the dragon" so to speak. I am sure there are great docs out there as evidenced by one of them giving free work to a patient who wasn't even theirs to begin with and I really commend him not only as a Doc but as a man, kudos to you sir!. Really in the end I have myself to blame, I got a used car salesman feeling from the place right away but was so obsessed with having the hair of my youth back that I made a rash decision. I knew better, deep down but went for it anyway, such is life I suppose. I will take some pics here later and show you guys, but you really can see where I was in the OP and where the original grafts went in, and like I said all I accomplished was going from receded hairline look to "oh man that guys really going bald!" unless I carefully comb it to conceal the new hairline.
  2. Man I hope yours fills in like you want, where you are is where I am still a year later, nothing more came in, what I have found worked for me is to comb it all to one side, then kinda use your hand to push it forward and back the opposite way a bit. Kinda like a cesar but gives better coverage and doesn't look to bad. good luck man.
  3. good lord, that really brightens a fellas day. Now I am crossing my fingers as my scar healed very well the first time to the point I could buzz it down to a 2-3 clip and not see it, hope this new one heals as well. I honestly got caught up in the photos ect. and am now obviously quite regretful. I can tell you this I don't have the money or the inclination to continue messing with this dream of having back my once great hair. I already had a large hat collection and its apparent to me at this point it wont exactly be collecting dust.
  4. Thanks for the responces guys. To answer Aaron, I went back for only one reason, I dont have the money to try again with another clinic and it was free, figured it could only get better even if marginally and not likely worse. In response to Time to do something, The most frustrating part about this is that I am only an NW 2-3, and at this point have supposedly had 2500 grafts all in front, and to have no density seems absurd to me. at this point all I can do is wait and hope, but my logic and gut tell me its a no go, I will have to continue to comb and push my hair forward flat on the scalp to cover the lousy results. I am glad to hear another doctor volunteered to help you out, I hope you achieve the desired results. You're a braver man than I, at this point I almost cannot fathom the idea of going through this again.
  5. well fellas its been over a year since the procedure, I am sorry to report that my results were very poor. Very sparce at best, as a matter of fact it looks worse than before I had it done because the sparse results make me look thinner than before. To CHI's defense they agreed the results were poor and did another procedure free of charge, as a matter of fact I am having the stitches removed today. However I am not hopefull as I can see where they put the new grafts and it will remain sparse at best. When the techs were putting in the new grafts I kept hearing the work crap repeated over and over and when asked they said the grafts kept popping out, but not to worry. At this point I feel as if I have scarred myself, endured pain and discomfort twice and spent money I really didn't have all for nothing, even worse with the scars I wont be able to just shave my head like I should have done to begin with. BTW they said the reason my results were poor was because I am a smoker, Im calling BS on this one as I have seen plenty of smokers with great results. The fact is the density just wasn't there and from what I can see wont be now either. I will withhold final judgement till the results are clear on this new one, but again not at all hopeful at this point.
  6. I got 1500 which I was assured would be plenty. But like I said Im a long ways from freakout stage. Heck from what I understand seeing even the amount I have now at 4 months is pretty good.
  7. Thanks, good to hear. Im still a little concerned about the density but its early yet so no freakout is eminent at this time.
  8. I am at about the 4 month mark (not quite) and I have loads of hair coming back in but its very fine almost like baby hair. Is this normal? I posted a pic but its not the greatest, you cant see most of the hairs as they are so light and fine.
  9. thank you so much for your reply. I will call them tomorrow but sounds like its not a biggie. Again TY for the reply.
  10. BTW its about the size of a pin hole, or small picture nail.
  11. I am about 1 month since the surgery, so early this morning the back of my head was itchy i scratched it (they said this was fine after my stitches came out) So Im scratching and feel this big piece of something on the donor scar, well figured it was a scab, but after feeling it with my fingers more closely it felt like a knot. So I went into the bathroom and cut it off with scissors. Sure enough it was a knot, of white thread, they used black to do the outer closure (trico closure was done). So im concerned, why are the supposed dissolving stitches from under the skin coming through? When my GF got home she took a look and there is a small hole in the back of my head, deep enough she can see into it. This is really freaking me out and no one is in the office till Monday morning! should I be worried? go to the Emergency room?
  12. should I be concearned that hairs are comming off with the scabs? :confused:
  13. Im not really sure how I feel about the whole laser thing. I am currently receiving it now after my HT as the clinic offers it for free along with the HT (at this point I haven't seen anything that would convince me to pay for it). I am leaning toward it being illegitimate, however being as its no cost to me and encouraged by the clinic I figure it couldn't hurt.
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