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Everything posted by HairDew

  1. No, I've never waxed it, even thought I'm going through P90X program (I'm on my second month) and I think I will wax it after my 90 days of working out ))))
  2. Your link is screwed up ...just update your link with this one: http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...pyID=4001&WebID=1359 I took a look at the proposed hairline and temple design - BEAUTIFUL. You'll be one happy camper when it's all said and done. Good luck bud.
  3. Hey there and welcome to the club H&W are among the best in the world, you have chosen wisely. They constantly produce stellar results. Good luck buddy and welcome to the forums
  4. I just dont understand how BHT can grow the same as scalp hair. Im kinda hairy on my chest but those are all single FUs and very short and it took pretty much all my life (37 yrs) to grow them. How would that grow on your scalp really puzzles me.
  5. I don't know guys, I think we all judge by OUR OWN STANDARDS. For example I didn't even know that there is going to be a scar until I came to this site a year or so ago. Now, call me obsessed, I look at people's hair, especially the ones that show a little sign of receding. I always look at their hair line and if I have a chance I always look at the back of their head. I don't think the secret is a secret anymore. I think anyone who lose hair and research just a little about HT will quickly find that there is going to be a scar. Another funny fact, I drove my uncle to a barber shop. I was waiting for him while he was getting his haircut (he has full head of hair at the age of 60)...anyways, the barber who was cutting his hair was positioned the way where I can see the back of his head and guess what I saw....under his hair - STAPLES. I just thought to myself, I hope this guy went to a good doctor in Phoenix like Dr. Alexander otherwise I don't want to bring my uncle back for his haircut months later to see a butchered barber Just my $0.02
  6. I think it varies from person to person as we are genetically pre-programmed and I guess our time lines would be different. P.S. Google is your friend Raphael Just type your word into search and google will ALWAYS try to present "Did you mean XXXX?" option. I use it all the time if I'm not sure about the spelling
  7. Well, I used to be guest (for about 4 months) before I joined. I think people feel a little bit insecure to post. It took me a while to actually register. But once you do...boy what a great feeling. We have probably THE BEST people on these forums, everyone is very supportive, understanding and caring. This is all that matters to me at least
  8. I'm no expert but I think ALL doctors require shaving for the donor. Even if they do not shave your recipient area, the fact is, it is so close to your donor I don think it would matter much if you don't shave the donor area. Just my $0.02
  9. Abe you look GREAT for only 5 months, it looks like you will have a phenomenal result my friend
  10. This is a great result and GEEZ this guy looks like "Ben" from the TV series "LOST" hehehe
  11. Dr. Feriduni, this looks great, I'm sure your patient is over the moon. Looks 100% natural.
  12. Severn, I don't think this tool will be accurate. All people are different, your genetic predisposition to hair loss, caliber of your hair, skin tone etc.
  13. Bill, I hear what you're saying but at the same time I see H&W knocking out those procedures consistently. I do understand that it all depends on the physical characteristics of the patient, however; H&W produce those ultra mega sessions on people with higher NW level than this particular patient and I haven't seen anyone (at least on HTN forums) who were turned down by H&W to have a ultra mega session. I'm not trying to knock Farjos, they do produce good results but unfortunately I can't put Farjos on the same level as H&W when it comes to session size.
  14. Mick, I tend to agree with Mr.GQ, although I understand what you are saying as well. I can also understand that sometimes money IS AN ISSUE for the patient and you have to work with what you've got. But for me personally, if I was at the same NW level as this patient, I would probably get as much as possible in 1 shot. I also agree with Mr.GQ about the scar, having 2 sessions will most likely make the scar worst. Mick, would you say Dr. Farjo can transplant as much as Drs H&W in 1 session (if appropriate)?
  15. Godzlov69, I don't think you will see any other doctor commenting. I've never seen doctors on this side disagreeing with one another. I hold GREAT respect for both SMG and H&W....because I judge them both by RESULTS. And they speak for themselves. There could be other factors that are in play with H&W. For example they might be taking the strip out in sections, thus preventing the grafts being out of body for too long, or they have many techs working on the strip once it's out. But at least I haven't seen bad results with H&W and their megasessions. Just my $0.02
  16. Can you post some pictures? I'm sure veteran HT patients and other doctors will comment in detail or at least give you an idea if it is progressing the way it should.
  17. I do believe in God but I don't believe in organized religion. I have the MOST respect for people who believe in "their" God, however; to state that you know FOR SURE you are saved once hit by a truck is either naive or simply blind. NOBODY knows for sure what will happen once you die, otherwise the religion wouldn't be called "FAITH", instead it would be called "FACT" - BIG DIFFERENCE. There are many contradictions in organized religion, it's not even funny. God loves EVERYONE, yet he will save only the ones who PRAY and BELIEVE in him. Churches are houses of God, this is where you pray to God....wait..but God is everywhere, why do we need a special "house" to pray to him? And for some reason all churches NEED MONEY. Of course their excuse is: "Well, we need money to keep the church going....ah....then why do priests need a Mercedes to drive? Now, let look at Vatican...what is this? A Palace? A City? I'm sure God wants THE POPE to live there to "help" people. I know one thing, if Jesus IS indeed God and he comes back, I highly doubt his would look at churches and say: "Yup, that's the way I wanted "my" religion to be. People with special interests, money, special privileges etc. I bet you, Jesus will still walk around the world helping people, the way he used to (if that's in fact what he did). P.S. don't take my post as a bashing of religion.
  18. Yup I completely agree, I would do everything with the least number of procedures. I'm still in a "shopping mode", hopefully I'll get all the money saved by early next year. Since I'm NW2-3 and pushing 40 (37 to be exact) I think I'm going with FUE. I like to wear my hair short and spiky. I'll be talking to SMG and Dr.Feller although SMG's price is a lot cheaper for FUE (if I remember correctly Jason said that their FUE is $6/graft, Dr. Feller's is $10). I've only met with Dr. Keene (before I thought about FUE) and she quoted me around 1800-2000 grafts)
  19. PGP I undserstand but at the same time H&W present more 4k+ (some 5-6K) cases than any other doctor on this forums in particular. I don't read other forums so I don't know about other doctors posting results with at least somewhat close to H&W graft count. I've tried other forums and sites and I don't like them very much.
  20. Another snake oil if you ask me. Some before/after pictures are simple comb overs. Meh!!!
  21. From what I see on these forums, Drs. Hasson and Wong are the only doctors who perfom 4k+ procedures on almost daily basis. I'm not saying that others don't do it, I'm just basing my statement on cases presented on these forums. The thing that I see here is that most people who are NW5-7 usually get more grafts and more coverage in 1 pass with H&W. Other doctors can do the same but with more than 1 procedure. I'm personally NW2-3 so I have a BROAD range of doctors to choose from. But to be completely honest (at least with myself) if I was a NW5-6, H&W will be my doc(s). But since I am not, my favorite docs are (in no particular order) Feller, Alexander, Rahal, Ron and Paul Shapiro and H&W.
  22. Little off-topic but I don't think Alba is all that. Typical superficial holywood girl. Not my taste
  23. I think Dr. Lindsey has some pretty gross pictures of the strip being taken out
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