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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. I wouldn't say "screw it and buzz it". Maybe more like "let's give buzz a chance". You might like it's look on you, you never know. You don't have to shave down slick bald. And if you do, still stay on the finasteride just in case... Just don't get a HT now. You'll be happy that you waited it out.
  2. I had some 2 and 3 haired grafts placed in my hairline with my first crummy procedure. If you want an unnatural/hard hairline then it would be a great idea! In my opinion, it's an elementary mistake that an experienced doc should NEVER make. Fortunately, Dr. Paul removed most of these multi-haired grafts via punch outs and my hairline looks much better now.
  3. Family members may or may not bald in the same pattern. I've seen both. In my family, my dad has a full head of hair at 55, his dad is a Norwood 4 at the age of 84. And I have an uncle on my dads side that is a NW5 at the age of 57.
  4. I agree with TC17. Wait until you are at least 25-27 to see if you are a candidate. Also FUE wouldn't be appropriate for someone who will need well over 4k grafts. You will most definitely need at least two strip procedures to get where you want to be. If you scheduled a HT, cancel now and research your butt off for a few years. This site should be your best friend for awhile.
  5. I think overall it looks really good... although I would say that the hairline could be a little softer, maybe with smaller dots in the front. Behind the hairline, it looks amazing. Keep showing more examples of SMP, especially ones with transplanted hair grown out! I'm very interested in seeing how SMP catches on with the rest of the field.
  6. Hey bonker. 5 weeks is not a great time. It greats better. Be patient. Looks like great work you had done.
  7. He styles his hair well...... but if he ever wants to show off his hairline he shouldn't have to hesitate for a moment.
  8. It's nice to see SMG look after their patients years down the road. He looks ten years younger in the ten years after pics!
  9. I don't do well saving by myself. So I pay the clinic monthly deposits so I don't spend it on something else.
  10. Very nice. Keep up the good work Joe.
  11. hairtoday, 5-6 months is still early so you'll definitely see some more progress. It might or might not satisfy you but it will get better. Given the way you cut your hair, I would really really look into SMP with Dr. Rassman. I think that could do much better for you than another FUE transplant for the hairline. You do have some coverage with your current hair (albeit very thin) and some scalp pigmentation could compliment what you already have very nicely. I have seen some cases from Rassman (online) where the hairline is straight and I am not a fan of those. But the faded hairlines look mighty good and some of the scar work makes a huge improvement. You have already taken an unconventional route with your last transplant, so it wouldn't do you any harm in looking into other options - even if they are somewhat new. Either way, keep posting monthly results even if you aren't thrilled. It's a learning experience for all of us.
  12. No, SMG as in Shapiro Medical Group - through my doctor Paul Shapiro. No online pharmacy. Just go through a hair restoration clinic.
  13. I go straight through SMG. Some docs do it, some don't.
  14. Cutting the hair won't hurt the grafts. But check out the pimples to make sure you don't have follcilitis. That could damage the grafts. But a few pimples are common around this time.
  15. And going on a diet, drinking water, milk and all is good for you. But it won't do anything for your hair.
  16. Did you ever have dreadlocks before? It might be another reason why you are thin on the sides (i.e. traction alopecia). It's unusual to have that pattern from just genes unless you are a diffuse thinner. Dreadlocks/turbans/etc. = playing with fire when it comes to hair loss.
  17. Propecia before surgery could help with permanent shock loss of the miniaturized hairs, but the temporary shock loss hairs (not miniaturized) will definitely come back regardless.
  18. "Rohit, Did you not read my first post to you?" Hairthere, I noticed your post when I first visited the thread. Second time I came around to it and your post was missing/gone. So I posted my reply... and then this morning I noticed that your reply came back up. Something was technically wrong with this thread, so that is probably why Rohit missed your post. And Rohit, being three months passed your procedures means that is there not much you can do to prevent your scars from widening any further. Still, I would be careful not to do any heavy lifting, working out, etc. Take it easy and try not to put any stress on the neck.
  19. Did I read correctly that you had three strip procedures 15 days apart from each other? If so, then there is your answer as to why your scar is so huge. You should wait it out and let your scar heal for over a year. In the meantime, start saving for a scar revision... and make sure you don't go to a hack this time!
  20. The donor area looks real good for just a few weeks. Don't worry about the railroad tracks from the staples, they'll go away eventually. It took mine a couple of months to go away. And Janna is right, dermmatch is way better than Toppik as a concealer for the donor area.
  21. Woah, that's a lot of content. It's like a TV mini-series..... No, no, not an informercial! But very informative! Great result!!
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