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NeoGraft the revolutionary patented hair transplant machine

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If that machine really does offer advantages over the competition, it will suceed. I'd use it.


But the halls of medicine, and cosmetic surgery in particular, are filled with machines/devices/lotions and potions that were touted as being the next great thing. All but a handful sit collecting dust, often costing the purchasing doc a monthly payment on a loan; and possibly abandoned due to poor results or even harm caused.


If this device is all that its cracked up to be, it won't need bloggers on the network trying to drum up support for patients to ask their docs to start using it; the docs will spread the word at meetings or by posting superior results.


My advice, and its free so take it for what its worth..., never be first in line for a new medical invention.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Doug Monty,


You still haven't answered any of my questions. Is the Neograph supposed to be some big secret? I am actually Pro-Neograph but can't get any answers from neograft.com or Doug who supposedly works for them.


How the hell am I suppose to get a procedure done by Neograph when I don't know who uses it, how much does it cost per procedure, and can you use body hair? What a joke!

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Does anyone recall Dr. Feller coming on here and talking about his new fue extraction tool? he showed pics, and videos demonstrating how and why it works. he uses it every day in his practice. he teaches other docs how to use his tools. That is TRANSPARENCY. demonstrate the same with neograft and you will have the support of this community. oh, and to call this community "agenda driven" won't help your cause.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Great debate!

Lets see where this leads!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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In My Opinion, PRP falls into this category.


Originally posted by dr. lindsey:


My advice, and its free so take it for what its worth..., never be first in line for a new medical invention.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I was trying to be pro-Neograph but I'm starting to think its nothing but a big flop. So what it was on the Rachael Ray show I haven't heard anything else about the Neograph since then. For a month I have tried getting info on the Neograph, Who uses it? How much does a procedure cost? Can you use body hair?


Doug Monty who supposedly works for Neograph comes in here argues about how great it is, answers 0 questions then runs off never to be heard from again. I have emailed neograft.com numerous times only to get 0 responses. I even called the number from neograft.com, 972-966-3498 it rang like 3 times goes right into a answering machine how frcken amateur is that? Like I'm calling someone's house, what a joke.

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Regarding the FUE cost being lower with neo graft; when it first came out I e-mailed one of the doctors that was using NEO Graft,Dr.Bauman. I asked him how much FUE with neo graft will cost per graft and although I honestly don't remember the exact price he gave me, it was $12 or $15 per graft. Don't know how much he use to charge for FUE pre-neograft but the prize he gave me was a rip off to me.

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  • 1 month later...
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I have to agree with a former post of Doug Monty's that this site is very anti-NeoGraft. Your site outwardly projects education but your extreme bias shows up very clearly and serves to protect certain doctors that your site chooses to represent. Many of these doctors have their own tools they want to sell. NeoGraft is a competition for them. How can so many doctors and people who write on this forum make such bold, seemingly knowledgeable statements about NeoGraft, when they have never seen NeoGraft in action? The only thing transparent on this site is the biased stand this site has about NeoGraft. For example, Dr. Feller has never seen NeoGraft perform. I happen to know because I am affiliated with the NeoGraft team. Yet, Dr. Feller writes with so much misplaced authority that NeoGraft generates Torsion, Overheating, Traction etc. This sounds as though NeoGraft is committing FOLLICULAR HOMICIDE!! This kind of speculation from such an esteemed doctor as Dr. Feller is an attempt to do harm in the public domain to our machine. This was not honest reporting by Dr. Feller.


Doctors are trained in the scientific method. How scientific is made up speculation about how NeoGraft works? The NeoGraft Staff have never publicly commented on his tool, nor would we ever, unless we had used it ourselves and discovered if there were any shortcomings. Do not forget Dr. Feller has a hand tool he is trying to sell as well. Might you not wonder about his motive to write such a scathing, but totally wrong rendition about how NeoGraft works?


Here is some real information about NeoGraft. NeoGraft is meant to be used as a tool in the doctor's hand. The tool is ergonomically angled to help the doctor get the right angle to extract the graft. The tool forces the doctor to angle his hand and therefore assists in getting the proper angle. It is hard and tiring to keep your hand angled on you own when doing a manual procedure. This is one of the reasons manuel FUE has so many transections and NeoGraft does not. The beauty of NeoGraft technology, is that NeoGraft is powered but is the only tool where the doctor can control the power of the tool. Before NeoGraft, those wanting FUE had to have a fox test to see if they were candidates for FUE. Many patients were not. With NeoGraft's technology almost everyone can be a candidate, even people of colour, who's hair splays tremendously. In fact one of the first demonstrations done live by NeoGraft was with an African American and the procedure worked brilliantly.


The only one's who may not be a candidate are those with a very small donor area. NeoGraft can however work with other hair that grows on the the body. Whether to go that route is between the patient and doctor's assessment.


NeoGraft if not like other roto drills. With NeoGraft the doctor can control the arc which the drill goes through, which with Neograft is a very minimal rotation. This tool does not whirl around like others. It makes the slightest move and stops once the follicle is cored. Hence, no heat is created. A doctor doing a manual FUE does the same thing only in many instances the scalp is tough and it take soooo long to core out all those grafts. NeoGraft makes this part of the procedure easy and effortless. It is hard to core the scalp manually, because the skin is tough. NeoGraft speeds up the process. This is an advancement. Any yet some of the contributors on this site actually dismiss this important advancement.


One of the reasons FUE has not caught on is because of the tedious, laborious amount of time needed to do FUE. And FUE by hand produces a high transection rate. Probably in the range of 10-30 or more percent. Doctors get tired and their hand cannot keep up the required effort needed to core out all the grafts. With NeoGraft, an experienced doctor may transect from 1 to 5 percent at the high, which is excellent. We have studies to show this is possible. With Strip there is also a lot of transection when the piece or pieces of scalp are cut out. There are also transections when the technicians cut up the scalp into follicular unit. But no speaks of that.


I am curious why anyone would talk about less doctor dedication when automation is used , or that a physicians touch is so important when our studies show that doing a manual FUE produces a much higher transection rate than with NeoGraft? Someone else, who has never seen the NeoGraft perform wrote," the introduction of SPEED into the FUE process is detrimental to overall yield." I am assuming by yield you mean the quality of the yield. On the contrary, SPEED in NeoGraft has nothing to do with the quality of the yield. The doctor has everything to do with the quality of the yield. But NeoGraft helps the doctor get a better quality because of how it is engineered. the doctor and Neograft work as a team.


If the doctor uses our tool properly he will get an excellent yield. We are proud to show NeoGraft's capabilities. Almost three months ago Dr. Bauman did a live hair transplant surgery that was watched by thousands of people on the internet. People were given advanced warning for the event. Kevin Nalty was the patient. He worked for Mercks pharmaceuticals as the director for Propecia and he is also an internet marketing guru watched by millions of people. He knew most hair transplant doctors and what they did and yet he CHOSE the NEOGRAFT machine to do his hair transplant. He is constantly updating his transplant videos on the internet to publicly show people how great his transplant is doing. The follicles were made public. You can see them and Kevin Nalty on the sites below. Furthermore, Greg Benson, an actor and another internet marketing Guru, like Nalty, also chose to have his transplant done live on the internet just last month. Thousands watched this video also. He is also updating his videos so you can see his terrific hair transplant. NeoGraft has transplanted over 3000 grafts in one session. The NeoGraft Company is doing live hair transplants for doctors all over the United States. We are doing several of these a month. We are not afraid to show doctors our machine and how wonderfully it performs. The machine you speak of in your forum is not NeoGraft. It is a made up NeoGraft, made up in the minds of people who have never seen it perform. I think you should not allow a thread like this as it confuses the people who could really benefit from a NeoGraft procedure. Like our video says, our procedure is less painful, we have less complications like cutting veins and damaging nerves, there are no large elliptical scars. You get mostly invisible scars with FUE and the worst is some tiny white marks which are covered over by hair. There are always exceptions because people are different, but most people get no visible scars. There are no buried grafts with NeoGraft that can cause problems, no yanking and pulling with tweezers and no tight scalps as some people experience. Most Strip doctors do not tell you all these possible complications. Everyone is welcome to our demonstrations. Go to our website (promotional linke removed) and e-mail us that you would like to view one and we will arrange it. We are proud to show NeoGraft to anyone willing to see it.

Here are some sites that may interest you. Dr. Williams had a NeoGraft hair transplant himself. Look at his great 6 months post op pictures. He was so happy with his results bought our machine and is doing hairtransplants for others. Below is his site.

(promotional link removed)


Here are more sites. Also google neograft.


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You are correct in that FUE's are more difficult than strip surgery. Its more work for the doctor and at many centers, like ours, the techs still refine all of the grafts prior to placment. Having done 2 FUE cases last Friday, and having felt one be EXTREMELY EASY and the other one DIFFICULT, performed by the same doc/staff; on the same day, with the same instrument units; I have a hard time believing that this one tool will revolutionize FUE into the cookie cutter easiness that you suggest. I would put out for discussion that FUE is still a skill that takes time to master, and each patient brings his/her own challenges to the table.


With many medical devices, reps will bring new devices/tools for the doctor to use in association with other surgical instruments. Have you all approached any of the coalition docs who have large FUE practices about having a comparison with their usual instrumentation?


That would be very enlightening, particularly if streamed over the internet. We could see how this device stacks up against the conventional instruments.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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No sooner than I posted the thread above and I got an email invite to the use of this device by an acquaintance of mine next wed. pm. So I'll go and take a look next week.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dr. Feller has never seen NeoGraft perform


That is incorrect.


Not only did I see it being used in person, but the the Neograft tech who was using it did NOT allow the graft to be sucked through the tubing because he also felt it caused unnecessary damage to the grafts. Rather, he chose to use the Neograft machine for scoring and then manually plucked the grafts free separately.


Dr. Feller

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Originally posted by desirehair:


Here are some sites that may interest you.



Here are more sites.


Just to be fair I actually went to every single one of these sites.


I should sue you for wasting 45 minutes of my life.


If you think this is some kind of documentation on the merits of this machine you are sadly mistaken.


I know exactly what Dr. Bauman looks like now but that's about it. On that one flickr site more than a third of the pictures were of him. On the "big" video of a surgery it was his face blabbing for 90% of it.


Post again when you have some impressive results.

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I have to agree with a former post of Doug Monty's that this site is very anti-NeoGraft. Your site outwardly projects education but your extreme bias shows up very clearly and serves to protect certain doctors that your site chooses to represent.


You're making some pretty bold and fictitious claims Desirehair. You speak about this "site" as if we're collectively one body rather than a group of individuals with their own unique and individual opinions. Thus, you clearly don't understand how this site operates at all.


The fact that this site's publishers (which includes me) is allowing this discussion is to show that we're open to all opinions and experiences, including yours. So instead of accusing this community of being biased against NeoGraft (which it isn't by the way), perhaps you should thank the publishers of this community for allowing you to share your opinion on the subject and make your false accusations.


Now, if you read the terms of service you agreed to when you joined, you would know that promotional links are not allowed here. Thus, I've removed your promotional links.


You also did not disclose your affiliation with NeoGraft in your forum signature. Considering you sayd "Go to Our Website", I can only assume you're an agent of the machine. Thus, of course you're going to agree with Doug Monty who also represents them.


Regarding my opinion, I've made it clear above and in no way was it for or against NeoGraft. However, I will say that I'm still waiting for Doug to contact me for a live demonstration he promised me months ago.





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I have very little opinion on the NeoGraft machine itself; however, DougMonty, "desirehair", and all other NeoGraft employees paint a pretty ugly picture, and frankly don't give much hope, let alone credence, for the merits of NeoGraft.


In short time, you've spewed false if not outright slanderous fiction against the community, targeting both patients and doctors alike.


Considering just how defensive and lengthy your posts can be, it surprises me that DougMonty has been so hesitant to follow through on his promise and show Bill the merits of NeoGraft, which undoubtably would be *the* single most positive thing that could aid NeoGraft's clout, image, and following on this community, and the community's outreach.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Like the vast majority of posters to this site, I would welcome anything that benefits patients of hair transplant surgery. Saying that there is an obvious bias against NeoGraft is both reckless and false. Most members of this community are justifiably acutely aware of snake oil salesmen, revolutionary medical and technological breakthroughs, and unscrupulous and untalented hair transplant physicians.


Because of that, the supporters of NeoGraft are the ones charged with providing evidentiary support that the machine does what you purport it to do. Asking any member to simply accept that the NeoGraft is a revolutionary machine based upon lnothing more than promotional links and hype from employees of the company is absurd.


Attacking Dr. Feller and implying that this forum has a vested interest in seeing his tool succeed at the expense of others is also absurd. With the caveat that I do not possess the scientific and technical background to truly understand any of these tools, I can say that I am more likely to trust Dr. Feller's tool based on little more than his transparency on this forum and his reputation.


NeoGraft has the burden of showing that the tool that they are marketing is superior to all others, so put up, or shut up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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In my last post I mentioned Dr. Feller had not seen NeoGraft perform a transplant. Dr. Feller responded he had seen one but that the tech who was using NeoGraft did not allow the graft to be sucked through the tubing...rather he chose to score the graft and pluck it separately. This is another method that NeoGraft has incorporated into it's procedures, but I want to make it clear that pneumatic pressure is still used with this method as well. Only the pressure is reduced. The reduced pneumatic pressure gently sucks the graft out after being scored but the suction only raises the graft above the scalp, rather than lifting it completely from the scalp. This method makes it much easier to remove the graft with tweezers than a manual FUE method. This is an alternate method possible with NeoGraft that a new doctor can fall back on if the hair is very splayed. However, having said that our doctors are using the full suction and reverse suction method with patients of colour whose hair is splayed and getting excellent results. Again it depends on the experience and skill of the doctor and on the difficulties some patient's hair presents which method will be used. For most cases it will be possible to harvest grafts with the full pneumatic pressure. Using the full pneumatic pressure requires a little more skill but with sufficent training and practice, which NeoGraft offers, that skill is gained.


It is unfortunate Dr. Feller did not see NeoGraft operate with full pneumatic pressure which is used to fully extract and then implant the grafts. Dr. Feller, could not have known that the information he was given by the Tech about extracting grafts using NeoGraft's full pneumatic pressure was given to him during a time when there were serious issues pending with this tech which we will not discuss. During this time this tech was disgruntled and not showing good will, nor following NeoGraft instructions to train doctors in both methods. The alternate method Dr. Feller saw is easier to teach. I will not say any more about this situation, however, shortly after Dr. Feller saw the alternate procedure that is possible with NeoGraft, NeoGraft and the tech parted company. Since then we have trained several new techs who have been teaching all doctors both methods and getting very good results with both methods.


Every doctor in the country is invited to come and see our live demonstrations, which include both methods. We are doing four demonstrations in the next two weeks. Go to NeoGrafters.ning.com where NeoGraft posts it's Live Surgery Workshops. Or go to NeoGraft.com (watch for our new web site) and e-mail us that you are interested in seeing a demonstration or google NeoGraft and our web site comes up. The Neografters.ning.com web site is a site where doctors can share information. Patients and others are welcome also. Any doctor that really wants to see NeoGraft in action can invite NeoGraft to come to their office to do a live demonstration. Contact us by going to either of our web sites. I think seeing NeoGraft personally will answer all the questions and eliminate all the false information about NeoGraft on the internet from individuals and doctors who have not seen NeoGraft perform a transplant procedure.


As for some of the questions on this site of cost, each doctor will have a different price. You need to check. Questions about doctors using NeoGraft, many doctors have bought the NeoGraft machine, but have not yet posted their websites. There are three doctors on NeoGrafters.ning.com who do NeoGraft FUE procedures. These doctors have experience using NeoGraft. The question on the site about body hair, is that it is possible to do FUE with body hair, either manually or with NeoGraft.

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It's unfortunate that you choose to take an adversarial posture with respect to good faith comments and feedback that your company actively solicited. Attacking my credibility or that of a chat forum does not make your case. Consistently good results as depicted in photos posted on this and other sites do. Period.


When you discuss your new technology in an advertisement you may applaud yourself as much as you wish, but when you engage a chat forum that includes experienced doctors, expect some peer review along with the lay view.


My comments about the negatives of your product were made in good faith, are colorable, and justified.


Some of my concerns were confirmed by your own technician who was in good standing with your company not only up to the time I saw him perform a procedure, but well beyond as he was in the product booth right next to mine during the Amsterdam scientific meeting.


How disgruntled could he have been if your company chose to fly him to a European country to act as spokesman for your product? And since the owner of your company was standing right next to him I think it's safe to assume that your boss knew about it.


I chatted with both of them during the meeting and enjoyed their company very much. They were both very congenial and the tech, in particular, was very knowledgable of the surgical intracacies of FUE. But as he commented during the live demonstration a month prior, he again repeated that he felt sucking the graft through a tube was detrimental.


My opinion is that before you market your product on any chat forum, use it on a few patients and show those results online. Better yet, have the patient share his experience himself as this dynamic is the most credibile and serves as the bedrock foundation of sites like this one. THAT is the true test.


Dr. Feller

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Since you represent NeoGraft, you are required to add a disclosure in your forum signature as per our terms of service. You can do this by using the menu at the top of the page. Click "Go" > "Personal Zone" > "Profile" and then click "View/Edit Profile". Scroll down the the signature section, add the required disclosure, and click "update".


Best wishes,




P.S. I'm also waiting for Doug Monty to get back to me with when there's a live demonstration of NeoGraft in my area. He invited me to attend, but I never heard back from him.

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The more you post the less comfortable I feel about the neograft product. I was quite interested in this product but after reading your last few posts I personally would not want anything to do with this prodcut.


You attack the forum, then attack Dr Feller with a rubbish response. You have actually done me and probably a lot of others a huge favour in showing your true colours. Sounds to me a lot like another bs company trying to sell a bs product.


I really love this forum because it flushes out all the charlatans out there. Keep up the good work...

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  • 3 weeks later...
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The Neograph customer service is non-exstitng. Ever since I saw the recording of the Neograph on the Rachael Ray show I haven't been able to find a doctor who uses it besides 1 in Florida and 1 in Minnosata. I emailed Neograph numerous times and all the respond me with is:


Thanks for your inquiry,

We have doctors in your area. As we have a very large number of patients for your area our doctors are processing each patients information. We have provided your info to a Doctor.

They will respond to you directly.




I was very interested in possibly getting a procedure done with using body FUE as they claimed on the Rachael Ray but they basically blew me off. I think Neograph is nothing but a big flop and never got off the ground.

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With potential of being labeled a 'Neo-Graft Hater,' I must say that the way this product is being pushed and advertised is very, very unprofessional and unscientific. Like Dr Feller (whom I applaud for being so dedicated to results and patient care) said, you need to be transparent and provide results. If this product does what it is supposed to, please, post the results and the community will respond fairly to the documentation. Until that time, the combination of sales pitches and unresponsive customer service/lack of clear information WILL cause issue on a site that is dedicated to clearing the air in the HT field.


Frankly, I find various issues with the theory behind the Neo-Graft FUE, and wish there was more clarity and information available that didn't feel like an advertisement.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • 1 month later...
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Like it or not, this type of invention will be used by doctors all over the United States in the next five years. There are various versions of such an extraction tool likely already being used.


One thing ALL potential FUE customers should ask is: How many manual FUE extractions did you perform before automation came along?


Like all technological advances this device will have its merits but the question then becomes: What risks does this device pose for the consumer?


It could potentially make FUE more widely practiced by surgeons who have never done FUE extractions manually, making their proficiency far less than someone with more experience. This could mean poor yields. It could also make surgeries a "assembly line" process with multiple patients being worked on simultaneously.


I think technology is great, and if this extraction method is done correctly it could not only make things faster for the doctor but also lessen harmful forces on the grafts.


But if the doctor has questionable ethics, is only concerned with the "more patients = more money" philosophy and never acquired the requisite skill in extraction prior to using a NeoGraft, it is the patient who will suffer.


Automation may make it easier for someone who is already skilled in this art, but it also could bring forth a lot of impostor's using automation as a substitute for experience and skill

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