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Dr Bisanga - 2,604 Grafts

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Hi everyone,

Been a long time viewer / user of the forum, and following my procedure on Wednesday, though it only correct I give something back to the group.

I arrived in Brussels On Monday and left on Thursday. I had 2 flights each way, so that was pretty stressful with different documents / requirements etc 

Although I am an overthinker / worrier so that probably did not help. lol

I won't bore you with info on the procedure as there has you have more than likely read it all before.

But I will say, that it was actually OK and around 10-11 hours. Although I was probably asleep for around 50% of the time.

I got 2,604 grafts in total

1 Follicular unit - 472

2 Follicular unit - 989

3 Follicular unit - 941

4 Follicular unit - 202

Currently, I take 0.5mg finasteride per day, but may change to 1mg 3 x per week. I also plan to start taking oral minoxidil.

I will try to post when I can and answer any questions.

Below is some pictures from before and some from day 1 at the hotel & 2 when I got home. I've asked the clinic for photographs too, so will post them when I get them.

Now on day 3 my face looks like the Marshmallow Man, so hopefully this goes soon :)





















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Thank you for creating your own thread @Marco Van Basten

Congratulations on completing your surgery. 

Your hairline design looks great and this will achieve quite the transformation in restoring your temple loss and framing your face.

You have shared some nice photos yourself but I will be sure to get clinic photos over to you shortly.

Looking forward to following your evolution. Rest up now you are back home in your own environment and as you know, any questions or queries you have our full support.

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Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member
16 hours ago, Raphael84 said:

Thank you for creating your own thread @Marco Van Basten

Congratulations on completing your surgery. 

Your hairline design looks great and this will achieve quite the transformation in restoring your temple loss and framing your face.

You have shared some nice photos yourself but I will be sure to get clinic photos over to you shortly.

Looking forward to following your evolution. Rest up now you are back home in your own environment and as you know, any questions or queries you have our full support.

Thanks for all of your help mate :)

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1 hour ago, Marco Van Basten said:

Hi mate, I'm 41 and Dr Bisanga recommends oral minoxidil

To me, it would make only sense if you were losing ground on fin. Besides, NW3 at 41, you were making a great candidate for HT in my opinion

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  • Senior Member

Hi everyone, 

Now at 7 days post op.

Sleep has been a real struggle, been getting around 3-4 hours per night.

Think it a mix of my head being really itchy (although that has improved a lot yesterday / today) and also my sleep pattern is just out of sync. My adrenalin was pumping last week before the operation etc so not had a fell night sleep for a while now. 

Tomorrow I will start the 2nd stage of post op, and try to massage the scabs etc

I am hoping that these remove by day 10 and I can get out with a cap at the weekend during the day.

I also got some aloe vera gel to help with the donor for when I go to sleep.

I've been out of the house once or twice per day, however this is usually when it is dark only to walk my dog. Luckily I work from home anyway lol

Let me know if you have any questions.














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Man this is gonna be a home run, can’t wait to see the growth. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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Hi guys,

Thought I would post some updates as I am now 13 days post op.

It seems to be healing quite well and I love the hairline. Actually quite like the look as it is!

The sleeping on my back was torture as was the swelling but that is all gone now, so much happier :)

I will post another update in a couple of weeks time (1 month post op) and try to do one each month thereafter.

Of course, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask!

p.s A special shout out to Ian who works with Dr Bisanga. He has been great since I 1st contacted him, probably a couple of years ago now and is always there if needed. Both him and the rest of the team were fantastic!






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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Hi guys,

Quick update as now approx 1 month post op.

Not much to add except I've probably shed about 95% of transplanted hair, although not unexpected :( It does look like the right hand side has shed a bit more though.

I think the donor area has healed pretty well and now it's just a waiting game. There seems to be a thinner patch just above the right temple, which I think may be a bit of shock loss, though not 100% sure.

I started wearing baseball caps after day 14 as well as running and light weights again, so my routine is pretty much back to normal again.

I might even get the back / sides trimmed in the not too distant future as I'm not a fan of the way it looks at the moment.

Any questions or observations, happy to answer.

I'll post my next update after around 2 months, so just before Christmas.

Thanks :) 




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