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  1. I've decided to give Nizoral a shot especially since I actually occasionally get a good amount of dandruff / itchy scalp. Thinking it can help on both hair loss + general comfort front. I found this one on Amazon - it states 1% Ketoconazole. From anyone's personal experience has this been helpful and do you use it 2x a week? If there are other brands please let me know. I don't dye my hair, etc https://www.amazon.com/Nizoral-Anti-Dandruff-Shampoo-Ketoconazole-Dandruff/dp/B0000Y3CRY/ref=asc_df_B0000Y3CRY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312128069938&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15053025502169565335&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9060351&hvtargid=pla-581290570016&psc=1 Also, I read some reviews from Amazon that it actually caused or accelerated hair loss. I'm not sure if these are just false claims. I'm trying to see a dermatologist but can't get an appointment under my insurance for almost 2 months. Thanks everyone!
  2. Thanks for the input everyone. It seems as though Konior really is the favorite with H&W a close second. Out of curiosity, with the exception of this network there aren't many reviews or articles on him or his clinic? Any reason why is or that the industry norm and some other doctors just invest in online marketing campaigns? Thanks.
  3. I live in the northeast of the US and feel like there are enough good options here. If I were to travel out of the country I think I would do H&W.
  4. Thanks for the input. I've spoken to most except for Rassman. I'd say either FUT/FUE , although some of these mainly just do FUT like Feller & Bloxham (I think Bloxham does most of the surgeries). My only concern with H&W is that they seem to do high megasessions and that just makes me a little anxious personally. I'm looking for someone to do ~2000 (maybe little less) mainly hairline and midscalp. I also heard about dr. robin unger the daughter of walter but her before & afters don't seem so impressive. @Runitback thanks for providing waitlist times, does anyone happen to know the others? I've spoke to most prepandemic so figure waitlists are now longer
  5. Looking for a HT Surgeon in US (also including H&W). Below is the list of the top 10 that I've found during my research (could be wrong). I was wondering if people could provide their top 5 and if they could provide any personal experience, including any of them to avoid. I'm leaning towards Wesley but not so many reviews on him in comparison to the others. Otherwise I was thinking H&W. 1. Wesley 2. Hasson & Wang 3. Jae Pak 4. Timothy Carman 5. Ron Shapiro 6. Konior 7. Rassman 8. Diep 9. Parsa Mohebi 10. Feller & Bloxham
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