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Eugenix, NW3 5200 + grafts / MazAB's 2nd procedure on 10/8/2022 by Dr Pradeep Sethi


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11 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:


You’re a tank bro 💪🏼 your my example for all these young guys who say they won’t care what they look like once they’re married with kids, and past 40. You never stop caring, and life does not stop at 40. You look better now than you did in your 20s incredible!97568AD4-2782-485A-88F9-6852E14D44C2.png

Can’t wait to follow your new journey 🙏🏼

Thanks Melvin, only wish you could be there in October. You will surely be missed!

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10 hours ago, NARMAK said:

Honestly man, this is inspirational and really glad you decides to share this more publicly to hopefully inspire younger guys that you can really take care of yourself and not rush to make poor choices when younger because of how great of a result you get when older and looking after yourself. 

I definitely think with a couple more months of refinement in the hairline, it will look hopefully even better but definitely a great first start imo. 

I definitely think your example is perfect to show:

1) The importance of medication like Finasteride long term 

2) No first pass is always "perfect" but the goal should be on high survival and then refine later

I definitely think that first point is a really big part of why alongside your age you could even contemplate going for a 2nd procedure that lowers the hairline and requires that many grafts to get close to native density. 

Can't wait to see you get to the 12+ month mark, and if you start that journey in October as planned, cannot wait to see your results. I think it will look as if you never lost any hair :)

Thanks Kamran! Exactly right. I always knew that donor would not be an issue for me so it was always in my head that I'd have 2 procedures to make sure of maximizing density as much as possible. Having a 2 phase approach makes it so much easier and takes the pressure off the surgeon to not have to dense pack the grafts and have a potential blood supply issue. Like I said, with the exception of a couple of stubborn crusts on the recipient area it all grew very well, and the foundation is built.Now it is purely about enhancement. 

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14 hours ago, MazAB said:

Two milestones for me in July. Month 10 for a HT, and turning 50 as well. I normally wouldn't post a shot like this, but wanted to stress how important it is for anyone that is ever considering a hair transplant to think about a complete transformation and lifestyle change. Don't let it ever end with just a hair transplant! If you're going to get one, then you certainly care about how you look, so take it to the next level and transform your body, transform how healthy you feel and how good you look from head to toe, not just your head.☺️

You can see a vast difference in the indoor shot comparatively to the outdoor. I purposely waited until the sun was slightly setting later in the afternoon, so the sun would shine right thru my hairline and expose the transplant as much as possible. Indoors under low lighting, it's incredible how thick and dense it looks, but under that condition outside, that illusion of density diminishes big time.  

Overall, I'm extremely happy with the work done by Eugenix, but no hair transplant is ever perfect. I do have some areas where the density is definitely weaker, the areas where I had scabbing very little grew. Those areas luckily were very small, but still affect how I style my hair so as to not expose them. 

The temple points look great for the first go, especially considering that I had zero temples going in, however the left side is lighter on density than the right. Don't get me wrong still looks great, but it grew just a little unbalanced.

I had the pleasure of meeting up with Dr Pradeep, Dr Arika and family in NYC this month. It was a very memorable day for me and a little surreal considering that I only know them from India and now they were right around the corner from me. Such inspirational and beautiful people through to the core!☺️ We spoke also about the potential of a 2nd procedure. Outlined my goals of adding density in existing recipient area on hairline and temple points, lowering hairline slightly, extending temple point slightly. They assessed my donor and said I have more than enough for a very aggressive approach on a 2nd procedure. They predicted extending my hairline at 1000 grafts, the existing recipient area at 1000 additional grafts for added density, and temple peaks at 200 grafts total for both sides. So a total of 2762 grafts for the first procedure and 2200 for the 2nd = 4900 +- grafts total. 

My concern was that I may blow thru all my donor, but they assured me that even after 4900 grafts I still have plenty left in the bank if I ever need a procedure down the road. My plan is to make this my last procedure, but it's nice to know that I still have plenty more scalp to pull from and all of my beard in case anything ever happens over the years.

I'm scheduled in October for number 2 and can't wait! The hope and dream for me would be an end result that future proofs for a lifetime and regardless of hairstyle, lighting, how long or short, how wet or dry, the illusion of density always remains constant.


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pic 3a.jpg

pic 4a.jpg


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On 7/1/2022 at 10:48 AM, MazAB said:

Two milestones for me in July. Month 10 for a HT, and turning 50 as well. I normally wouldn't post a shot like this, but wanted to stress how important it is for anyone that is ever considering a hair transplant to think about a complete transformation and lifestyle change. Don't let it ever end with just a hair transplant! If you're going to get one, then you certainly care about how you look, so take it to the next level and transform your body, transform how healthy you feel and how good you look from head to toe, not just your head.☺️

You can see a vast difference in the indoor shot comparatively to the outdoor. I purposely waited until the sun was slightly setting later in the afternoon, so the sun would shine right thru my hairline and expose the transplant as much as possible. Indoors under low lighting, it's incredible how thick and dense it looks, but under that condition outside, that illusion of density diminishes big time.  

Overall, I'm extremely happy with the work done by Eugenix, but no hair transplant is ever perfect. I do have some areas where the density is definitely weaker, the areas where I had scabbing very little grew. Those areas luckily were very small, but still affect how I style my hair so as to not expose them. 

The temple points look great for the first go, especially considering that I had zero temples going in, however the left side is lighter on density than the right. Don't get me wrong still looks great, but it grew just a little unbalanced.

I had the pleasure of meeting up with Dr Pradeep, Dr Arika and family in NYC this month. It was a very memorable day for me and a little surreal considering that I only know them from India and now they were right around the corner from me. Such inspirational and beautiful people through to the core!☺️ We spoke also about the potential of a 2nd procedure. Outlined my goals of adding density in existing recipient area on hairline and temple points, lowering hairline slightly, extending temple point slightly. They assessed my donor and said I have more than enough for a very aggressive approach on a 2nd procedure. They predicted extending my hairline at 1000 grafts, the existing recipient area at 1000 additional grafts for added density, and temple peaks at 200 grafts total for both sides. So a total of 2762 grafts for the first procedure and 2200 for the 2nd = 4900 +- grafts total. 

My concern was that I may blow thru all my donor, but they assured me that even after 4900 grafts I still have plenty left in the bank if I ever need a procedure down the road. My plan is to make this my last procedure, but it's nice to know that I still have plenty more scalp to pull from and all of my beard in case anything ever happens over the years.

I'm scheduled in October for number 2 and can't wait! The hope and dream for me would be an end result that future proofs for a lifetime and regardless of hairstyle, lighting, how long or short, how wet or dry, the illusion of density always remains constant.


pic 2.jpg

pic 3a.jpg

pic 4a.jpg

Armen, bro wow I am so thrilled for you! Seems like yesterday we were chatting about how you had a surgery planned. Time flies!

It came out great!!!! Looks so good!!! Goes to show how research and planning can set you up for success!

Dude, I actually went to the gym on my off day to get some extra reps in after seeing how swole you are hahaha. 

Congratulations on the new hair and body! Makes me very happy to see good people like you getting great outcomes. Another Eugenix success story!!!!

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  • Regular Member

This is obscenely good, transplant porn at it's best, should almost have a NSFW label.. Really happy for you mate, a great transplant can change your life to better as much as a bad transplant can drive it into the ground

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22 hours ago, Parasol said:

Armen, bro wow I am so thrilled for you! Seems like yesterday we were chatting about how you had a surgery planned. Time flies!

It came out great!!!! Looks so good!!! Goes to show how research and planning can set you up for success!

Dude, I actually went to the gym on my off day to get some extra reps in after seeing how swole you are hahaha. 

Congratulations on the new hair and body! Makes me very happy to see good people like you getting great outcomes. Another Eugenix success story!!!!

Thanks @Parasol! It was an awesome learning experience in the last 2 years leading up to my procedure. Guys like you helped me so much to understand what to expect and how to cross the T's and dott the I's in this whole process. Honestly, this was the last piece of the puzzle for me, and you, along with other extremely knowledgable members helped uncomplicate it for me in every way. Thank you bro!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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3 hours ago, MazAB said:

Month 11


Man, that's looking awesome. I do not think there's much more to say or improve. Your face is just impeccably framed with the new hairline. 

I can only hope to have as good a result at the same time. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Awesome video! You look incredible Armen. For real. Even without another procedure, the transplant came out so good! 

Congratulations on the killer result and thanks for what you bring to the forum. I look forward to following your second journey!

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The journey for you man has been fantastic and i know that hair greed gripped you, just a little, so cannot wait to see how amazing you would look with just one more procedure for refinement and density. It already is a knockout looking result with the framing but i think i understand exactly where you're coming from as a person that starts looking to chase that pinnacle look. 

Congratulations on the journey so far man, and certainly an inspiration for me to keep on the journey and work hard on my health whilst trusting the process. 

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On 8/3/2022 at 12:03 PM, MazAB said:

Month 11


You look amazing bro 👍🏼The hair has matured beautifully.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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