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My Topical Dutasteride Results


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18 hours ago, mustang said:

You are comparing a drug with a half-life of 2 hours vs a drug with a half life of 4 weeks.

Most importantly Dutasteride needs to reach sebaceous glands in the dermis which are extremely rich in 5AR enzymes as well as the hair bulb and hair follicle. 

The entire idea or theory behind it is that a miniscule part becomes vascularized beyond the hypodermis, subcutaneous layer and the deep vascular plexus below them. Personally I can confirm this is not a theory but a reality. I have done a lot of bloodwork to confirm this.

I also believe taking breaks is a good idea. I think hair loss could be potentially looked upon as a cycle. It all depends how prone you are to inflammation by DHT and other circulating androgens. Some people need daily routines while others can get away with applying it every 15 days.



I am just pointing out that its clinically proven that a drug with a comparable molecular weight is able to be absorbed to the depth of the follicle and androgen receptor with a 3-5 min exposure.

Also we dont know if a 0.1% application left overnight will have more or less systemic absorption than a higher concentration of 0.5% with a 5 min exposure time.

What' s more, It was the 0.5% dose that was demonstrated in the Avodart study to reduce serum dht by 90% Has it even been demonstrated how much serum dht suppresed at 0.1%, perhaps this dose will have comparable dht suppresion of finasteride?

On a side note, with my first single application of a dutas tablet mixed with aloe for 3 mins led to significantly reduced scalp tension, proving to me that the tension of the scalp is the result of DHT and the sheer power of the drug.

Its great that you have the bloodwork done, could you post the details of them as that kind information is very hard to come by.



Edited by palcom
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On 3/11/2021 at 7:18 PM, mustang said:

I leave it overnight, once a week, 0.1% (don't go higher)

No initial shed, it actually stopped shedding immediately 

I had horrible sides with topical fin both liposomal and PG. None with this so I hope it does the trick for you!

Hello Mustang, 

How exactly do you use the product ? A few drops on the scalp, rubbing, leave it overnight and whash your hair in the morning ? 


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On 9/3/2021 at 11:38 PM, mustang said:

No idea man. Best to contact the clinic about it

That would be really cool but quite challenging. 


I finally bought topical dutasterid from Dr. Mwamba. Hope the shipping does not take too long :) Btw do you use finasterid oral also?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/29/2021 at 11:36 PM, Henry999 said:

I finally bought topical dutasterid from Dr. Mwamba. Hope the shipping does not take too long :) Btw do you use finasterid oral also?

Hi how did you get in touch with them? All my emails to the fueclinic website are bouncing as spam and I filled in another form there for topical dut and submitted photos but also  heard nothing back

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On 2/14/2021 at 10:10 PM, EvoXOhio said:

I definitely agree. $30 a month is nothing, that’s what I pay for fin now, on top of the $10 a month for rogaine. Plus of course the $12,500 I paid for my hair transplant. I will be ordering the DUT now. Thanks again. 

How have you found using this so far mate? 

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On 2/14/2021 at 9:49 AM, mustang said:

2ml per week will last you 9 months

However, change the bottle every 3 months max from manufacturing date. I find it loses potency after 90 days on Trichosol and after 60 days on Liposomes

I start shedding again so it's subjective. I can't confirm this 100% other than from anecdotal experience

@mustang - was this the liposome topical fin from Dr. Hasson? 

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I made a request to order topical dutasteride from fueclinic about a week ago but still no response. Anyone that knows how long it takes to get a response? I'm on oral finasteride now, even though I have no sides I don't like the idea of altering my hormones, especially since I have to use it for life, so I want to try topical dutasteride.

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  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)
On 3/12/2021 at 6:12 AM, mustang said:

No, I used it EOD with no sides

Again, concentration is key

I don't get any systemic decline of serum DHT at 0.1% and it's as effective on my scalp


On 5/16/2021 at 5:00 PM, mustang said:

Same as oral but worse brain fog and complete dead libido. My gf almost left me. No sex in months.

None of this happens with topical Dutasteride thankfully 

Did you ever restart TrichoSol w/ .1% dut? You noted you stopped for reasons. You didn't indicate it was from sides? I'm going the same route as you, but tinkering with formula w/ for daily use:

.04% Dutasteride, 5% TrichoXidil (no Minox don't want that poison Fagrons' studies say this is supposedly equivalent) - I'm surprised you didn't put this in your formula, .005% Caffeine and maybe some other stuff (0.05% Aloe for scalp itching etc, maybe super low dose tret (0.01% or 0.001%) for dut absorption given it's dalton weight)

There's a few studies that show 0.5% minox + 0.01% tret had efficacy if someone really wants to avoid sides and go as low as they can on Minoxidil risks. But, the Fagron studies leads me to try TrichoXidil first.

The more I look into varied formulas, stimulants, etc the more I'm thinking it might make sense to do a morning / night split of dut/caffeine/trichosol + different formula with factors and melatonin applied at night. Melatonin has a bunch of research but I can't fathom why a lot of hair loss topicals stuff caffeine and melatonin together in the same application. They are fundamentally diametric in terms of what they do in the body

Many serums have peptides, Redensyl, Capixy, Procapil of questionable efficacy w/ mixed reviews.

Some people only apply 0.1% three times a week. So, I guess even done a M/W/F split could make sense with a middle dose of dut and stimulants / serums on "off" days.

Edited by NeedATransplant
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  • 3 weeks later...
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On 5/10/2024 at 2:25 AM, mustang said:

Liposomal is the way to go imho after trying all of them

Hello. Do you have any issues with the order from info@anagenica.com? They haven't responded to me for over a month. In your opinion, is dutasteride better at Anagenica or Parati? Are there any other alternatives in Europe?

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They use the same Dutasteride so it's the same.

Strange, they respond to me straightway. Maybe you are hitting their spam folder

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Are you back on topical dut?

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

View my thread

Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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On 5/31/2024 at 3:40 PM, mustang said:

They use the same Dutasteride so it's the same.

Strange, they respond to me straightway. Maybe you are hitting their spam folder

Thank you for your response. Could you please tell me if Parati requires a prescription, and where can I get one? Or can I send my own formula?

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