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LA FUE Hair Clinic and Jacques Abrahamian - your thoughts?


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The hair grew in 11 days? You may want to wait 6-12 months to then give an opinion.

You mentioned having work done before.  What method did they use?  When was it done? What new technology did the clinic use?  How did they harvest and make sites?

What was so special about the service and comfort? New chairs? 

Tremendous results!! What does that mean?

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This clinic posts some really nice results on their website and their YouTube page. Their Instagram page is full of excellent results. The few posters who have come on to share their results turned out really nice. Like, really nice. If you use the search tool and type in the clinic you’re looking for I’m sure you’ll come across the threads. There aren’t that many to be honest.

I can remember one person who sought “repair” work elsewhere after getting work done by the clinic you’re asking about but, I mean, that happens with every clinic and I remember thinking that it seemed more like the poor growth was due to the guys genetics rather than the fault of the clinic. If he came back to share his repair work I don’t remember seeing it.

They’re really expensive but I don’t think more expensive than other good options in that area. 

Good luck. 👍🏻 

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LA FUE Hair Clinic is a great clinic. I am not a patient or associated with the clinic but I have been monitoring them closely and plan to go there for my procedure. Jacques Abrahamian is indeed not a doctor but physician assistant who practises hair transplant under some other doctor's supervision. Bu that other doctor I think is not involved in anyway in the hair transplant. He is there just to make it all legal. Jacques worked for 5 years in Alvi Armani clinic and was trained by Dr Antonio Armani alongside Dr Baubac Hayatdavoudi. You can read it here https://hairsite.com/beverly-hills/alvi-armani-hair-clinic/. Apparently he was a tech in Alvi Armani but I suspect his role was much greater and maybe he even performed some hair transplants there (I read reports about Alvi Armani saying Baubac was late to operation and instructed techs to begin without him). So Jacques quit his work in Alvi Armani and started his own clinic called LA FUE Hair Clinic in 2015. Most of the staff If not all are ex employees of Alvi Armani clinic. The process of hair transplant and technique used is identical to the one used in Alvi Armani by Dr Baubac. You can see their great results on their instagram and the whole process of ht at their clinic on youtube. The price is also less than in Alvi Armani which is 6$ per graft compared to I think 10$ per graft at Alvi Armani for exactly  the same procedure. So LA FUE Hair Clinic is just a cheaper and better version of Alvi Armani, they don't make their clients signs NDAs. Patients are also treated phenomenally by Jacques during the procedure and by the rest of the staff before, during and after. They don't hide anything, everything is clear and as you can see in their youtube videos.

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  • 1 month later...

Very keen to see your results! I agree you do not see many posts regarding this clinic but i have been following their Instagram and youtube for some time and they seem great. I am tossing up between them and Dr Diep for my hairline restoration. 

Keep us updated. 

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  • 1 month later...
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On 10/8/2019 at 10:55 AM, mojobrotato said:

Day 50 today. 

Still have redness in the recipient area but other than that, no changes. 

This is the hardest part of a hair transplant..... The waiting game. 


How is it coming along?

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9 hours ago, mojobrotato said:

I’m a couple days shy of day 90. 

it’s coming along unbelievably well. The amount of growth I’m seeing is remarkable. Redness is gone and more new hair is coming through every day. 

the pic I attached is from a week ago. I’m now no longer buzzing it, and will be allowing it to grow from here on out.

I expect this to look insane by 6 months. 



THis looks like it’s comong along really well Ellen. Did you shed a lot?


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  • 2 weeks later...
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amazing results! What is your age range if I might ask? I am guessing in your 30s? have you done any PRP along the process? How did yo cover up your hair while it was growing and how long time did you take our of work? Doe LA FUE clinic offer long hair FUE where no shaving is needed?

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

For the guy that got the HT at LA FUE can I asked you some questions regarding your experience where things are at now? I am strongly leaning towards getting the procedure with them but as this is a scary process being surgery and all I’m trying to gather as much info as possible to give myself courage to move forward with the process. Please let me know! Thanks 

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Just now, Opus1 said:

@JC71Yes, totally agree! Is there any 12 month patients on here who went to LA FUE

Nope, well one which is questionable.. could you possibly start your own thread ? We maybe able to guide you better.. check some of this out though:


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7 minutes ago, Opus1 said:

@JC71Yeah I’ll try to start a new thread. Let me ask you this though would you go to Hasson and Wong or LA FUE? Hasson and Wong is significantly more expensive though so there is that factor take in mind. 

These are poles apart. H&W are pretty much the elite. No competition 🤩 Anyway I don’t want to detail this thread anymore. See you on your thread 😉

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2 minutes ago, mojobrotato said:


I am 2 +years post HT i think? i lost track of time. Its only gotten BETTER looking. the density is EXCELLENT and i smile when i look in the mirror every day. I will go back to them in a couple years to do another procedure just to "back up" this one. I dont use fin anymore, just rogain. DO IT GUYS ITS WORTH EVERY PENNY

Can you show us some pics ? Your result thread only showed them up to the first few months. A picture paints a thousand words 😉 thanks 🙏 

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