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Hairline mystery

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Maybe this my 1000th thread about hairline,


But i m trying to get another opinion maybe i can understand



Days, months just starring on my hairline, trying to understand what is wrong ? Measuring, taking pics from all sides, everything look fine when people check it, but for me no something not right from some corners, and front it drives me crazy is it receding ? irrigularities ? Missing temple? Is it because no growth yet? from first day of surgery i felt something not right


this is how i feel about it


I do not feel the front is a front, like the arrow shape, it gives me feeling like my forehead has stretched and become wider, i cannot feel the depth of my head from the sides, it is extremly sharp from side and wide, it should be curved, narrowed


The front hairs are connected with the hairs from temple on the same level ,i feel it should lying behind it not on the same level and there is no curves it is goddamn straight even there are irrigularities but the hairs are so close or the whole hairline is wrong i dont know


Even the hair on sides are slightly above my original hairline, but it does make me comfort at all


I know it sounds crazy and maybe you do not get me, but this is how i feel and that is why i can not enjoy my hair transplant, and i want to remove it all ? And i wish i did not do any hairline


I feel something should be removed from the hairline, it is so powerful


Can this be solved ?


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The temple points are somethibg missing for sure, but i hoped a receded hairline to look more natural but it seems they gave me original hairline without temple



But even, the hair before the temple point look so sharp and the hair should be lighter and above the eyebrow it does not look right


If you look at it from distance you will feel something wrong, but closer it seems ok


If i unplug couple of hairs to give more spaces I think it will look more natural


It is not wrong and in the same time not right, so that is why it is crazy


I need a doctor opinion i think, and now just wait the full results to decide

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Sam quit asking the community, do what makes you happy, you obviously will be more happy bald, so then why not do it? if you're asking for my opinion, I think your result look good, from where you started you look 100X better, that's my opinion and obviously you have to live with your hair day to day not me, so regardless of what anyone says, if you're not happy its time to do something about it, I wasn't happy being bald so then I did something about it, if you're not happy having this hairline do something about it, that way you can move past this part og your life and move on and focus on other facets of life. I wish you happiness Sam in 2016, whatever you decide make sure its what's going to make you happy, end this doubt once and for all.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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HT soon i know it is better to shut up and not bother a lot of people here of my repeated question and endless threads


Until the waiting game is finished, i cannot make action now cuz it is too early, and my attraction is only on the hair cuz it was not right for me from beginning


For you and most of people here, you choose well and you know what you are doing from first day, that s why you do not have problem


For me, it was a lucky game, because it was out of my control, i did not know anything about HT just general info, the surgeon Is not familar here, and the technique is vague, and even the hairline i did not choose it properly and left it to the surgon, so that is why i m full of doubtness from everything and always asking questions and try to see what i should do whether to fix or remove


I did not know that HT is life commitment and should have many surgeries in your life, and always should take care of your hair and should take meds, I m full of regret and feeling stucked and i cannot do anything just wait,


I want to shave or remove the hair not because i love being bald but because i want to end this doubtness and restore my life and focus on many things in life more important but i m stucked now fear of permenant scars and redness and look freaking unnatural if i shave or cut my hair


So the only action that i can do now just ask if everything look normal and what the option that i have in worst case scenario


Hope i clear my situation, and really i will try to stop asking questions

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Simple solution is to shave your head and SMP the scars, smp is temporary, you have to continue getting touch ups, this way if you're not happy with the smp it'll fade. Regardless, I don't think your result is bad at all, additionally your hairline looks appropriate to me, there is no doctor that will ethically give you what you think looks better, which is to add hair first to the crown and put a hairline in the middle of your head.


Single most important factor of hair restoration is establishing the hairline that frames the face, what you've described many times simply will not look aesthetically pleasing, for one the crown requires twice as many grafts as the hairline to look dense, secondly a hairline that starts in the middle of your head will not frame your face in a way that looks pleasing, for this reason doctors first frame the face with a conservative hairline whilst maintaing proper proportions, from the eyebrow to the hairline it should be a third of the length of the face, if the hairline is more than a 1/3rd your facial proportions will be thrown off and it will not look good.


Typically for narrow faces the hairline is arched like mine, the rounder the face the straighter the hairline should be, any doctor with a good eye for symmetry and aesthetics will tell you this, it's these little things that people don't think about, but when you place two people side by side and you see someone with a slight change in facial proportion, it's obvious and the first thing that the eye will catch. I guarantee you more people would notice a forehead that is a 6head more than they would notice a bald crown, the reason why it's called a forehead is because the hairline and the eyebrows should fit your four fingers sideways, if it fits more than four fingers your look will be off and your head will appear long, not a good look.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Agree with you, in case you should have another surgery or you still have some native hair to support but if you high nw without enough native hair and end up with poor results or poor donor area to continue that s mean you will end up with something disfigured you no body in the world have perfect hairline and nothing behind


Regardless of HT standards think about it


starting from middle even it will not affect your apearance so much but it will look good enough even with poor results and it will satisfy high nw cuz they are already bald it can stand alone until you make another surgery, and it will support it but starting from hairline with giant bald spot it will look odd for one year until you do another surgery in case you have a sucessful surgery, but if you have poor growth you are doomed


For my case, the hairline is so perfect and few people told me which is bother me a lot, it look like a line drawn on my head

and this is maybe it is so perfect and i need to remove some hair above the eyebrows or becuase i m so bald so this hairline does not suit me without dense hair, that is why i m skeptical

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Sam look at my profile, take a look at my before picture in my first procedure, I am a high Norwood too, I basically had nothing on top, everything I have now is nearly all transplanted hair, I've seen your donor area and it still has grafts you can take out, I don't see your hairline being too perfect, there is an arch but a slight one, I would imagine you have a round face, that's probably why it's not arched back more, a round face and an arched hairline does not look good, you're assuming that you have zero donor hair left and this is all you have is the hairline, have you gone and consulted with a Doctor that could measure your donor density to tell you or many more grafts you have? I've had 4,000 and I was able to reach up until the crown, I'm going to have another procedure to address my crown, although I will limit the grafts used in the crown in case I ever want additional density to the hairline or midscalp.


You're not in a dilemma, you're not a repair patient, the only thing you were is ill informed, typically for Norwood 6 you'll need 3-4 surgeries to address the whole scalp, you will have to settle that the crown may look thin, but you can achieve descent density in the hairline and midscalp, this will give the look of someone who's beginning to lose hair in the crown, additionally concealer could be used in the crown which would completely conceal the crown. There are worst situations to be in than yours believe me.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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  • Senior Member

You right, My doctor said i have wide head and this is my original hairline and receded a little bit, he refused to talk about any another surgery before 1 year and said this is unethical, and he said you cannot measure the donor area also before 8 months or 1 year


The position of the hairline is 90% right when i checked using moles but some hairs in front does not give receding look or it is too straight without temple points


Anyway there is nothing i can do now just wandering


Thanks mate

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Yeah your forehead looks wider, which is why the sides of your hair, the temple points should be filled. Try to use dermatch and see if you can draw in a better style until you figure out what you feel is right

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I Think if i fill the temple it will not look natural, but on the sametime this hairline requires temple point,


If it was more recede maybe it will be better without temple point that how i think about it

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Why not do the obvious and let your hair grow substantially longer so you have added flexibility and options with hairstyle. You're very much in your own head and caught in a thought loop--you look solid. But longer hair just gives you so many hairstyling options that you could work around whatever is bothering you.

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Getting a HT procedure does not give anyone "perfection". Anyone's only prime objective for getting a HT is to look better afterwards than they did before. Sam - I can tell you that you achieved that with your procedure. You were quite bald before this procedure with no distinguishable hairline, now you've got one and I'm sure it makes you look at least 10 years younger. Now you can have some issues with it - so address them - its simply a cosmetic issue. Get the temple points, refine the hairline, etc. Just don't stress yourself out over it - you look better today than you did before you had your procedure! Congrats on that ..

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Do you have photos of your hair before you started losing hair?


Some doctors restore your hairline based on what they think looks good on you, but not what's natural to the way you once used to have your hairline. My doctor curved down to the middle of my temples on corners and I never had a hairline like that in my entire life and I hate it but since the doctor never knew how my hairline looked before its his best guess at where he thinks it once was or he somehow thinks it looks good on me. Also, I don't think anyone else knows I have a hairline that I've never had before except for me.


It probably takes a lot to get used to, but maybe on your new hairline there should have been a more up curve to corners and a softer corner instead of a 90 degree right angle corner if your temple points weren't going to be restored.

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Thanksfo pic, you are right and i know that the temple is missing and maybe this is the reason that gives me unbalanced feeling but, i think all of this years i lost it and did not have problem cause it was gone with part of hairline above, so it was not odd to me,


That is why i asked for more receded hairline to not resotre the temple, but now with this hairline i will not feel it is ok without the temple, and i m afraid down the road if i receded more or with age, it will look so ugly, therefore, i m thinking to unplug some hair above the temple to give some space and more natural feeliing



If i checked my old pics, they restored almost my 20 hairline, but i feel the new one is different it is more straight and wider, or it is my illusion cause there is no temple point


The new is more wider above the eyebrow it should be higher


Check this


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Here what i mean



See it is too straight from front not raised, it should be more higher above the eyebrow give the forelock shape





So what i see, some hair should be unpluged above the eyebrow and at temple, that means The side od hairline should be narrowed from and receded, it would be better and more balanced


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Your temples make it looked unbalanced. I got the same problem. I really don't have a giant amount of loss but once my temples receded it made my head look odd. Temple repair makes a huge difference in naturalness . 1978 Matt shows what it takes with the pictures he has above.

Funny thing is not all doctors will even do temples. It actually takes real skill to do temple work.

I am planning on getting my temples done as well as my frontal third. This is why hair pieces look fake. Having a giant forehead looks extremely strange.

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But think about it in reverse why you do not remove the hair above the temple, it might work also,


That what i m thinking about, go natural and not perfection, just mimc some loss stage

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Sam, I think you are overthinking this and thereby over-engineering it. I think the hairline looks great, and doing some temple work will make it golden. Pushing back the hairlne is only going to make you look older - don't do it mate.

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If i remove those grafts like in the pic to give a space above temple point


Do you think it will look ok ? And more natural than restoring the temple, nobody will doubt i had HT cause there is no perfection here, and it is like a loss stage


Even by laser it will make the hair above the temple lighter so there will be no contrast and it will look mini hair


Restoring the temple is more risky i think


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Ok if i restore the temple the recession will vanished, i need a receded hairline to look normal in the future

Maybe only temple point


Really it is confuse me,


How i can solve this ?


See the pic that i put, those are the pattern of hairline recessions


They used the class AA while they should use class B


Now i want to restore the temple but also i want to move to class B how that can e possible ?


Anyway as u i overanalyzed everything now, i will wait 7 months then re assess


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