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Why create a new approach to FUE?


Because the current one is not delivering.

It is not delivering a 'bang for buck' for US clinics.

US clinics cannot pay technicians to extract follicles.


There are other good reasons to improve FUE, but this is the primary motivation.

It is the big loco at the front of the train/

All aboard?

I don't think so.



Hate to beat the same drum. - don't we all.:)

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Interesting that H&W are now hedging their bets and offering robotic, manual and motorized FUE. I suspect they see the unmistakeable trend and don't want to be left behind. It remains to be seen if mFUE can be successfully marketed as an alternative but many will see it as mFUSS which is a more accurate description of what it really is.

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.... mFUE..... mFUSS which is a more accurate description of what it really is.


If I were younger, I would say it is a disgrace. Far from me to question any doctor's ethics or medical credentials, but as for their marketing game, it is fair game, and Doctor Feller's latest attempt to regain some credibility on that score is pitiful.


Hasson and Wong have degraded themselves going for Artas (if it as bad as it appears to be - once again I wouldn't know, the specifics , just the marketing) and Jotronic knows it. He jumped ship at the right time.


Dr. Feller's video is a sham and it is vital that everybody watches it.




The name mFUE is a disgrace. It is not FUE. How does Dr. Feller address that? He simply says in his dodgy video, "It just really means non-strip" lol "I just see it as non-strip...fine!" he quirks.


It is just an insult to any hair loss sufferer and hair transplant recipient when he says, "Massive donor damage" in reference to FUE (that's real FUE) The strip scar is a red flag,,,FUE is not.


He also says, "FUE by defintion an alternate procedure"


Gold Standard spin for sure. Coming from one who bemoaned the 'FUE hype' and now cashing in on FUE's success by making up this dodgy mFUE acronym and then explaining it away by saying it is non-strip.


Well, I guess Donald Trump and any scalp reduction guys out there must be pleased that they received FUE.


We should take these clowns to the cleaners. What a load of BS. Such a pity they have to stoop to this level. America has the technology, the know how to be brilliant and now this dribble.


If ever there was a reason to get on a plane and get out if the US for an HT, this is it.

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yes it could also be called mini strip or modified strip


at the end of the day its results that count so lets see more examples of this new approach and patient testimonies going forward

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Obvious a fight back by Dr F of which I respect but looking at that video I found myself i had more questions than answers as most of the basic stuff he was talking about was used up on option A or B but very little talk about this new or modified option C .


With the greatest repect to Dr F & his team & to give us & fellow surgens a follow video of a in dept , of how this new modern approach will work better than traditional FUT & FUE


Again not interested of the name but its the end result is what matters for past & present patients.

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If I were younger, I would say it is a disgrace. Far from me to question any doctor's ethics or medical credentials, but as for their marketing game, it is fair game, and Doctor Feller's latest attempt to regain some credibility on that score is pitiful.


Hasson and Wong have degraded themselves going for Artas (if it as bad as it appears to be - once again I wouldn't know, the specifics , just the marketing) and Jotronic knows it. He jumped ship at the right time.


Dr. Feller's video is a sham and it is vital that everybody watches it.




The name mFUE is a disgrace. It is not FUE. How does Dr. Feller address that? He simply says in his dodgy video, "It just really means non-strip" lol "I just see it as non-strip...fine!" he quirks.


It is just an insult to any hair loss sufferer and hair transplant recipient when he says, "Massive donor damage" in reference to FUE (that's real FUE) The strip scar is a red flag,,,FUE is not.


He also says, "FUE by defintion an alternate procedure"


Gold Standard spin for sure. Coming from one who bemoaned the 'FUE hype' and now cashing in on FUE's success by making up this dodgy mFUE acronym and then explaining it away by saying it is non-strip.


Well, I guess Donald Trump and any scalp reduction guys out there must be pleased that they received FUE.


We should take these clowns to the cleaners. What a load of BS. Such a pity they have to stoop to this level. America has the technology, the know how to be brilliant and now this dribble.


If ever there was a reason to get on a plane and get out if the US for an HT, this is it.


Wow, I was interested in seeing how this new technique develops and then i see that video.


I also think its very important everyone watches that video. And then goes and look at some Dr Lorenzo , Dr Bisanga , Dr Feriduni or Dr Maras FUE results and especially those with shaved down short back and sides . And contemplate to themselves the scare tactic garbage this man is talking.


"FUE like taking pump Shotgun blast to the back of the head' "Massive Donor Damage from FUE compared to strip" "Just harder to see in some people"!! Lol,

"starting at massive disadvantage" "Damage much much greater over much greater area".


I really feel for patients in North America. Particulary ones that would not know better and go to Dr Feller and end up with a nice big Strip Scar just because they hadnt done much research prior to going in to his office.


Why cant the powers that be get it together and just approve full tech involvement in FUE somehow in the USA like Europe and put an end to this farcical facade.

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Wow, I was interested in seeing how this new technique develops and i see that video.


I also think its very important everyone watches that video. And then goes and look at some Dr Lorenzo , Dr Bisanga , Dr Feriduni or Dr Maras FUE results and especially those with shaved down short back and sides . And contemplate to themselves the scare tactic garbage this man is talking.


"FUE like taking pump Shotgun blast to the back of the head' "Massive Donor Damage from FUE compared to strip" "Just harder to see in some people"!! Lol,

"starting at massive disadvantage" "Damage much much greater over much greater area".


I really feel for patients in North America. Particulary ones that would not know better and go to Dr Feller and end up with a nice big Strip Scar just because they hadnt done much research prior to going in to his office.


Why cant the powers that be get it together and just approve full tech involvement in FUE somehow in the USA like Europe and put an end to this farcical facade.


You took the words right out my mouth. That is scare mongering at its best. And anyone who's done there research will no what he's trying to do.

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Dr Feller is correct in what he is saying but unfortunately he is somewhat limited in the amount of information he can convey in a video or any forum message for that matter.


Why do we see great FUE results time and time again from Lorenzo, Feriduni, Bisanga, Maras?....The explanation is so simple but people just don't get it.


The reason is that these doctors are highly selective of who they operate on. Don't you think they would only offer FUE to suitable candidates? Of course they would! It is their reputation that is on the line and they are very protective of it. That's why you never see a fine haired, average density high NW patient who gets amazing coverage with FUE.


You only have to look at some of the FUE results from the lesser doctors who don't have the integrity to turn unsuitable people away.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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That is not true actually. There are a lot of less than ideal to very challenging cases who have been operated by Lorenzo. On forum member has very fine hair and is an advanced NW has gone to Lorenzo, however he will likely keep his results private.

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That is not true actually. There are a lot of less than ideal to very challenging cases who have been operated by Lorenzo. On forum member has very fine hair and is an advanced NW has gone to Lorenzo, however he will likely keep his results private.


True, there are some challenging cases but were the results any good? I recall the one where Lorenzo's rep posted "Is this a suitable candidate?" and then presented the outcome over several surgeries. I remember the feedback was quite mixed. Not everyone liked the outcome.


Anyone can have a transplant provided their expectations can be met, be it a dense mop or a sprinkling of hair.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Just to let you all know I sent my pictures to spex who forwarded them onto dr feller who came back to tell me my hair loss was way too advanced for fue and I would need two strips!

Only through my research on this site I found dr lorenzo who informed me I could achieve coverage from fue procedures! All I can advise anyone is research research research don't rush into anything. For me fue was the only way to go I've got the option in the future of getting out of the battle by shaving down. Just had a hair cut today on the Sides and back down to a 1 grade one month after second procedure total 6152 grafts and absolutely no visual scarring in donor. This is key for me when this battle is over I will shave down!

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You give a very very good point but would like to ask when you say FUE Dr are selective does that mean fine hair guys just don't show near a FUT fine hair guy?


Just give me more about your thoughts on this because that's interesting indeed.

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I don't see the need to slam Dr. Feller for this. You may not agree with his presentation but it doesn't mean he's wrong. Everything that I've read contrary to his points is superficial, meaning, many are pointing to the results of this doctor or that doctor as if it refutes Dr. Feller's points, but Dr. Feller is not saying that great results can't be had with "traditional" FUE so I think that the mud slinging in unnessary. This, coming from me, the former mouthpiece of the FUSS movement (:)) I recognize FUE for what it is, the preferred method of most patients that have taken the time to research what FUSS and FUE are. I do not believe, I know, that FUE yield, with everything else being equal, is lower than FUSS but I also know that the differences are negligible enough to where it doesn't matter to the patient even if they do accept this truth. Argue with me if you wish, but do so in a different thread.


One thing I've always liked about Dr. Feller is that he's inventive. He just likes to build stuff and he likes to get his hands dirty. I respect a man that sees a potential problem, as he sees it, and gets his hands dirty to address the problem. I'm not endorsing this development because I haven't seen it, which I would like to do, but I have seen a similar approach before by Dr. Wong. How? When he removed plugs from patients that had surgery in the 70's and 80's. Plugs are just nasty little things and FUE is not especially well suited for removal because they don't remove all of the scar tissue that usually accompanies plugs. So what Dr. Wong would do is he would "carve" out the plug in a manner that he called "shelling". He would carve the plug out in an angled elipse that would resemble a half football. With a stich, he'd close it up and the result would be a single thin line scar that is almost imperceptible even on bald skin. I saw him "shell" out 100 plugs in a man's crown and the result a year later, in his hairless bald crown, was almost completely invisible. Oh, and those plugs were recycled into 1200 viable follicular units that were transplanted back into his new hairline and they grew very well.


That is why I think this may have merit. Forget the name, whether you agree with it or not. Forget the opinion on FUE in general and look at this for what it is. A modification on FUSS? Maybe. A modification on FUE? Debatable. One could even call it the mPlug due to the amount of hair it removes (I'm not clear on this part). It is all meaningless, really because it is simply a modification for overall extraction. With time, we can make a collective assessment as to it's efficacy and this will take the following...


1. Photos with no flash.


2. Shaved scalp results.


3. Video, not just in HD but in high bitrate HD. Dr. Feller knows what I'm talking about.


4. Good lighting, good lighting, good lighting. And then good lighting.


I hope this works out because more options, that work, are only good for the patient. One thing I've learned is that there is no one best doctor and by default there is no best procedure or approach. This may reinforce my position, or it may not, but only time will tell. I wish Dr. Feller and the team success with this approach.

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See my initial post on this matter. If this is a serious innovation then document it in a professional manner and present it at an international forum amongst your peers. Doing so at this juncture with a handful of meagerly documented cases on a lay HT forum can only be construed as marketing. Most of the audience here is sophisticated enough to know the difference as certainly you do as well.

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See my initial post on this matter. If this is a serious innovation then document it in a professional manner and present it at an international forum amongst your peers. Doing so at this juncture with a handful of meagerly documented cases on a lay HT forum can only be construed as marketing. Most of the audience here is sophisticated enough to know the difference as certainly you do as well.


It's all marketing to some degree and while I agree that a solid presentation among their peers is a good idea I am a firm believer that just because something may be billed as "marketing" doesn't mean it isn't true. If it is done correctly, and I know how to do it, then there will be no question as to it's efficacy. For instance, I imagine you never would have gone to Dr. Lorenzo if he didn't have 200(ish) videos online combing through patient's hair and only presented at the conference. The videos were clear, he combed the hair properly to show what's going on, and many times you see the donor area shaved. There's marketing, and there's marketing the truth, which is a big difference.


Maybe they will have a presentation at the next meeting. If so, I'll look for it since I'll be there, and I'll report what I see.

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Your point is well taken, I'll grant that HT surgery will never be as scientifically studied as Interventional Cardiology and your points about Lorenzo's videos are spot on. They are effective because even to a lay person they appear to show detailed real results without hazy trick photography, deceptive lighting etc. In other words they come off as being authentic and believable. Personally, I am a sceptic by nature and was impressed enough to take a chance myself after viewing them. The Feller video on the other hand is primarily a negative bashing of FUE. "shot gun wounds to the back of the head" really? Blake has continue to spin the yarn that extensive subq scarring severely compromises subsequent procedures when in truth the skilled conservative docs stage purposely to increase rather than decrease yields.( see recent Maras presentation and numerous Lorenzo cases). At least we now know where Blake picked up this canard.

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Seems to me this new procedure makes a lot of sense. It has the benefits of strip surgery without the linear scar, and doesn't produce any more damage to the donor area than standard FUE surgery. Best of luck Dr. Bloxham and Dr. Feller.

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Really, the technique should be called mSTRIP.



How exactly does this new technique modify FUE?

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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This sounds like a great alternative it seems like from what I'm reading less harmful to the grafts which I am up for every hair is important especially when you're in my position.I would like to see more results.

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Really, the technique should be called mSTRIP.



How exactly does this new technique modify FUE?


:confused: Of course it is outrageous.


Full credit to Dr. Feller and Dr. Bloxham though. I respect them even more. Ultra-refined shark-jumping show piece.


It is an interesting tactic I must say.


a: These chumps are flying to Turkey FUE. FUE is killing us.

b: We can't pay techs to extract so it 'aint no bang-for-buck for us.

a: What are we gonna do?

b: Let's just make little strips and call it FUE?

a: Wait...no one is gonna swallow that!

b: Look a, think about it. Who is not gonna swallow it?

a: All the cynical vets, the reps, other docs.

b: yeah...come on...so what....and then?

a: OK..now I'm gettin' it...the cynical vets can be written off as nut cases, the other vets love us man, come on. The reps?

b: We'll have Jotronic fly in for support, him and Spex go way back!

a: Right, and the moderators can't do sh&'t about it either!

b: Exactly..we'll call it what we want! And you watch, mark my words. We'll be getting compliments in no time. Some of these newbies will write up their joy, you watch, "THanks Dr. Feller, gee I didn't know about those FUE shotgun blasts, but thank you..now I know strip is the only way."

Wait...did I say strip...mFUE or strip

a: That's my boy. We use FUE to lure them, then disqualify it with this mFUE thing, whilst telling them the virtues of strip and how bad shot gun blasts are when you get them in the head. They buy mFUE or strip. Either way we win


Three days later.

b: Wow, we sure seem to be copping some flack for calling our new strip technique, modified FUE!

a: Ha...yeah we got 12 ne clients too. Did you bring me breakfast?

b: Yep..here it is, your usual toasted sandwich

a: Holy sh&t b, it tastes like chalk inside this damn sandwich! WTF did they put in it?

b: mCheese...modified cheese!

Edited by scar5
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