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Everything posted by MikeTheDane

  1. Comparison after about 4300 grafts in 2 procedures, 8 months post op 2nd: A few thoughts. Boy i sure have come a long way,, i no longer have any second thoughts about going out in public, and i feel much less alienated and closer to my peers. I am grateful for living in this time of age where these things are possible. That being said, the work is not perfect. The scar is rather wide, and some density is lacking at the hairline. The scar doesn't bother me as much as the density though, but chances are that i will probably be going a 3rd time for a small repair+density FUE session. I have talked over these concerns with the Dr. and i remain positive about the whole thing. Scar: Density (7months) Any thoughts are welcome and appreciated..
  2. Like it has been said, it's a tough decition to make, and you're likely going to commit yourself to successive procedures. It's expensive, and theres still the risk of not having enough donor until old(er) age. From the heart: first try shaving down, i did that for 3 years until taking the plunge. If you don't like it, well.. I'm 23 and have had 2 procedures, might need a 3rd one (small session) but i'm only 8 months post op of my 2nd so it's hard to say. For me, it's been a lifesaver. I feel so much more like my peers now, less alienated, much more calm inside. If i run out of donors in 10-15 years, i think i'll just shrug, shave it down, maybe some fue into the scar and call it a day. I actually don't mind people seeing the scar as much as i mind them seeing my receeding hairline. Just a word from the other side of the river..
  3. Well i just read your old reply. But i can asure you that i do not spread false information intentionally. I already argued for my points as to why i think being diffuse is better but i'm open to debate, just keep it civil please.
  4. I have no bad experience with god - i have simply chosen to follow: 1) My instinct 2) My heart And both of them tell me that god does not exist, and believing that is fooling myself into a fallacy. That's just what i believe is realistic - i'm still happy without him, and i see beauty whereever i go.
  5. A clean workplace yes, but as the hairline continues to receede it creates an unnatural gap which has to be filled in, probably in small steps to avoid detection. While shockloss is a risk as a diffuse thinner, you are able to transplant within the existing hair - meaning that as you continue to lose hair, it just get's thinner while looking natural - no noticible "gap" without hair. Plus, theres consensus that diffusers respond better to meds, especially if the loss extends to the crown. This is the way i see it, if anyone has any compelling arguements why i'm wrong, feel free to share them. @space I had a weak front with loss both in the middle and crown and thus were able place behind the hairline. propecia and my 2.nd surgery have almost eliminated the last two, they pretty much look full now. Front still not perfect but i'm only 7 months post op so i'm expecting further growth. Also, sorry for the late response.
  6. Depends on the quality of your hair(your hair characteristics) but if you would want a full look including the crown you're probably looking at 3k-3.5k. Hard to say, most people would include feller on that list though. For cheaper alternatives but still quality results, try looking for dr. pathomnovich or dr. mohmand They are permanent Pretty sure it would. Tons of people have good results from dr. feller, he is probably the most popular on these boards, you should use the search button Megasessions is just a term used to describe a transplant with a large number of grafts, typically 4k+. Dense packing is just a term used to describe many grafts put in a smaller place to furthen the illusion of density. With more grafts/square centimetre, the less area can be covered. Lateral slit is a technique used in removing the strip, i'm not sure what it covers. Finally, strip is one of the two transplant procedures - strip (fut) and fue. Strip is removing the donor flesh from the skull, while fue is removing each graft one at a time. Strip typically gives a better yield but also gives a bigger scar. Depends on procedure and doctor. Some doctors believe that a shaved head makes it easier to plant the grafts while some do not. For FUE you HAVE to shave your donor area though. The anaestecia can be felt yes, it's like being at the dentist, only you need it done 20-50 times. It's not so bad. Most people experience growth from 3-4 months and the final result is usually seen at 8-12 months sometimes longer. I doubt it - price is probably the same for all with very few exceptions
  7. Do you have any pics? I'm 23 and have had 2 procedures done. I was lucky enough to be diffusely thinning, so my future loss was fairly evident and easy to transplant within. Those young guys with nothing but frontal loss are at a higher risk imo. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  8. Hard to say, you seem to have coarse hair so maybe a qualified surgeon can give you a good result with 3-4k grafts.
  9. While i am a firm believer of freedom of speach, religion, sexuality, children should, in my opinion, be brought up in a neutral educational environment - when they are adults they can choose to embrace religion. No harm has ever come with presenting and discussing ideas in a classroom, but I was taught in christianity when i was younger by a priest who took the word of the bible literally and accepted no other version. I consider this misguided and foolish. I'm a believer. In equality, peace, the good in people, science, and keeping an open mind - but not god.
  10. Well, i'm not sure if we're on the same page. If for instanse, your hairline is gone, and you're young, and it's not just frontal loss, then i think the hairline can be brought down to what it was(lowering). Obviously i don't mean lowering down to what it was in your pre-teens.
  11. Hard to say, it depends on hair characteristics such as hair/skin color contrast, hair diameter etc. But most completely bald nw6 would probably need 8000-10000. Just a guess.
  12. Armani strikes again! Seriously though, i cannot see much difference.
  13. Not nessesarily due to his age, but due to the fact that he is a NW 2.5 with no sign of anything but a SLIGHT recession. Seriously, just stick to meds.
  14. This guy looks like the twin of a very renowned danish stand up comedian! I wish him the best of luck, plenty of growth, which he will have with that amount of grafts.
  15. Crown looking strong from propecia/regaine. Hairline is still too thin, but i can style it in ways to camouflage this fact. Anyway, i can go out without wearing a hat now, and i'm thankful for that. these are just a week short of 7 months.
  16. Funny you should mention, i just bought a new digital camera and i will try to update you guys tomorrow.
  17. Hah! I was about to post that but thana preceeded me. Very disturbing indeed.
  18. So how much DOES dr. path charge? Cheapest one i heard of was Dr. Mohmand (spelling?) at 0.8$ a graft for strip, unless i am mistaking.
  19. Show us some pictures of your procedure please.
  20. Deeply saddened by this. I truly wish the best for you. Who is your new surgeon?
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