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Everything posted by MikeTheDane

  1. Well mate, the density is not perfect, but then again it looks better than 99% in here - including mine :-)
  2. Thank you for all the wonderful responses. Raj: Nah you are right, it's not too bad, but it's not really good either. Sort of mediocre. I do not have a teenage hairline though, i have a perfect NW2.5 hairline that's going to look natural even when i'm old. Speaking of which, i saw a 70 year old dude with a full head of hair(maybe NW 1.5) and it looked great! Im planning on late-november i think. Julius: Thanks for the kind response - i'm happy to know that people have been following my progress. The thing about dyeing your hair too often is that it's not really healthy for your hair, but i need the color to hide the crown. See the dilemma? I'm not sure how much time you think i need, most surgeons recommend 1 year or so, i've been on both for more than two, with little to no progress the last year. But you are right, it's a commitment, but it's a commitment im willing to make(made it this far haven't i?), even if it's just 3 years then that's fine. I'm just not sure if dr. mohmand can get 2500 out of me, devroye made 2750 but with a smaller scar. I suppose we will have to wait and see on the day. No stress: Hej NoStress - det var medica klinik fra kolding - lad v?¦re med at spilde din tid der, eller i DK for den sags skyld. De aner ikke hvad de laver to the rest of you: he hasked me where my danish ht was done and i replied.
  3. Please post your post op pictures as well as your story. This forum is well versed in dealing with shills who pretend to be patients but represent/are the doctor, and your attempt is a really bad one. You do not fool anyone here.
  4. thanks for the reply guys.. one at a time: Imissthebarber: I'm not afraid of commitment - heck, this is my 3rd time - but i just want a few years break without thinking about it. The stretching is mostly my own fault (working out too hard too soon) and i wont make the same mistake twice, so im not too worried about the scar.. Thana: I can conceal it pretty well at the moment, i just don't want to spraypaint my scalp daily if i can avoid it, so it's either good coverage or nothing. devroye vs mohmand comes down to price really, mohmand is 3 times as cheap even with devroye's discount - also i will not be able to afford to put anything into the crown with him. Anouar: Im afraid you didn't read my initial post - i've been on both proscar and minioxidil for over 2 years.
  5. Well friends, the time has come for my 3rd procedure. I will most likely be going with dr. mohmand although it is not set in stone as of yet. The priority is to increase the density of my hairline, and i am seriously considering going to the crown this time. So far i've had 2 procedures of 1600 and 2750 grafts, about evenly spread out in the first 2/3 of the scalp, with the crown untouched. I've been on propecia and minioxidil for the last 2 years and 3 months and there has only been improvement, although the last year it appears to have been stabilized. Unfortunately my scar is rather wide from my last surgery, so im guessing the doc might be able to get 2k grafts or so, which IS enough for the hairline (i would say 1300-1500 is enough) and then the remainder could be put into the crown. The thing is, im guessing i would need around 1k to the crown or so for a good result, so i might end up short 300-500 grafts. Ofcourse, this is all theorycrafting, but bear with me. As i REALLY want this to be my final procedure for atleast another 5 years, and this is asuming my numbers are correct, im considering adding some FUE for the final missing grafts (on the next day) What do you guys think of this sollution? Also have a look at my current situation.
  6. I hope you experience alot of growth! So far from what i can see, the post-op pictures look professional and clean. I wish you the best.
  7. FUT aka strip is where a piece of the flesh(donor area) is removed from the back of the head, where the grafts are subsequently divided and replanted into your recepient area. FUE removes the grafts one-at-a-time from the donor area and directly plants them into your recepient area. FUE is generally less consistent, more expensive and time consuming - the only advantage is no smiley face on the back of your head.
  8. If bang for your buck is what you are looking for, dr. humayun does strip for 0.6$ per graft - also, he is in the coalition.
  9. I can see what you mean about density - none the less the result looks smooth so i wouldn't hestitate to go back to the same doctor.. But 1800 grafts over that area is probably going to be lacking in density for most people. Perhaps a second session in 5 months`?
  10. i can definitely see some growth. And considering your amount of grafts, i think you're gonna look great!
  11. Amazing result schlomo - you truly look 15 years younger - and it's not just the hair, although that is a great result.. you must feel great!!
  12. im pretty sure pathomvanich does a top job, plus he is way cheaper...
  13. nah mate, you have a great head of hair... do you have slightly receeded temples? yeah, but that's imo not enough to warrant a transplant at your age.
  14. i have seen a man with a very very thin amount of hair in the back of his head.. about an inch wide.. the rest was gone. I suppose that would classify as a NW 8
  15. i would say 5-6 months... 4 months without any growth can just mean slow growing..
  16. it is true that fue will allow you to shave - some men do opt for restoring the hairline with fue and shave down. Personally i think that you can achieve enough density with 3500-4500 grafts strip to make it look dense enough without shaving - if thats what you want ofcourse.
  17. yeah you look fine bro... lots of people would like to have your mane..
  18. And thats probably because the people who opt for FUE, in general have less hairloss than yourself. I do believe that your hairloss is too extensive to do fue... You're probably gonna need 3000-3500 grafts(guess, based on your pics) to achieve an acceptable result, this is not easily achieved with fue, as well as being way more expensive..
  19. im not sure how much you are into what you are taking, but.. if you are absolutely 100% decided to use roids, try looking into those that do not aromatisize to testostorone, but estrogen instead (and use estrogen blockers post-cycle) i lift weights myself, but drug free so my advice is what it is. Personally, i would rather gain muscle slower and keep my hair. Most people can get pretty big naturally, it just takes longer.. Anyway, good luck.
  20. Sorry for the long wait everyone... skippy: I really don't see much difference - they look very natural, albeit a bit thin(though less thin than before). The only difference is on the left side where there is a slight difference in color. They are growing just like normal hair would, thanks to dr. devroye and his team. General update for everyone: in about 2 weeks i have a year post op, time has gone much faster this time than the last. I have previously expressed concern over the density at my hairline, and unfortunately the past 4 months have not yielded significant growth. But i knew this already.. Luckily, i'm a persistent guy and i am already in conversation with dr. devroye and dr. mohmand about a 3rd procedure for about 1200-1500 to the hairline. I might, if the time is right, use the opportunity to hit the crown as well, which has not received any grafts yet at all. Perhaps around 1000. The last part however will need careful consideration though, given my age. It might not even be possible due to a rather large donor scar. In either case, i am satisfied with the result so far to the extend that i can go amongst other people without wearing a hat - and thats saying something. ... i'll post some pictures soon..
  21. Well that's an interesting idea - i do think that excessive dyeing can lead to tempoary hairloss, but i haven't heard about bleaching destroying miniturising hairs. Anyway, i am not seeing more hairs in the sink than usual
  22. A definite improvement mate... looks really good. Just wait for the 1 year mark, it's gonna be perfect by then i'm sure
  23. Thanks man - you should try it! It's summer after all, though you will most likely end up half-orange with your dark hair..
  24. Thanks Bill. Things definitely look brighter these days. When will we see an update from yourself?
  25. Thanks. Yea i've dyed it platinum blonde, because i find that it hides the scar better, as well as making the hairline thicker so it's win/win. So far so good, this doesn't look like the end of the line for me yet though.
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