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Everything posted by MikeTheDane

  1. To be honest, i am not suprised. Ahmad chaudry posted one patient album that was unclear, with no documentation, the results seemed substandard and he didnt even have the precise graft number. Plus, he looks evil.
  2. Ofcourse, "overdensing" is a factor to consider, but i am sure that any recommended doctor should know the approximate limit of this. I agree with Bill, you seem to be a great candidate.
  3. Balboa: By the looks of it, the placement seems good, but its hard to tell without closeups. The problem with armani is that he is often "hit or miss" some of his best results are great, unfortunately he lacks consistency and more than often has patients with little growth. That, and he is immorally irresponsible in regards to hairlines on young men. Hopefully, you are a "hit" and not a "miss" all the best, mike.
  4. Hello fellow youngster. Thana said most of what i was going to say - do you have any pictures? Perhaps you are a candidate, perhaps not. I myself am 22 and have had 2 procedures of 4300 grafts.
  5. What an amazing transformation over just a month. You're gonna be a hairy beast at 6 mo!
  6. Hey adam! Great pics and explanation of your surgery with dr feller. I cant wait to see you in 3 months time or so. I'm almost 2 months post myself! Judging from your pics your crown also seems to be thinning - are you on propecia/minioxidil or do you plan on a 2nd procedure (or neither?)
  7. Sorry about that Zod, in Denmark the days come before the month when listing a date. I will fix it since most are american on these boards. Eman: Thx man. Your log is an inspiration to me and i will sneakpeak at all possible times.
  8. that's gotta be some of the dumbest advice ever. Lifting weights can lead to increased hairloss (as in my case) because of the change in bodyhormones, and whey protein can stimulate muscle growth, but whey is in no way responsible for hair loss.
  9. Sorry to hear this. If it makes you feel better, i started to lose mine at 17 as well RAPIDLY. Ultimately i chose a HT at the age of 21 and again at 22. However my loss was stabile at this time. And i have been taking propecia for 14 months. Also, propecia is forever (or until you no longer care)
  10. bullit: I am really happy for you, and i wish you a happy growth. Damn these butchers. Luckily, shapiro stepped forward, big thanks and respect to this man.
  11. ohhhh this is tight mate.. Looks really really good, can't believe that you've ever lost a single hair. Natural, smooth hairline, plenty of density and a great hairstyle. What does your friends who knew you before your HT say about you?
  12. Sorry doc but clearly you underestimated this community and it backfired. I trust that this will be a lesson to you not only to be much more thorough in documenting your patients case, but also in creating your own website material rather than stealing it.
  13. Thanks mate, when will you give us some updates yourself? ;-)
  14. I dont. I can only imagine what double-digit norwood level i would be by then
  15. heh, i know the feeling. Eventually i just felt so bad about it i just took the plunge. got pics?
  16. Thx fellas, dr. Devroye has promised to post my pre- and post ups in the near future, for those interested to see. Space: Sounds interesting, are you young like me? about the scar, i think its just lucky lighting, the scar is normally quiet protrudent at this length, however my new scar made by dr. devroye is much thinner, more than twice as thin judging by the naked eye. Have you planned a procedure yourself?
  17. unless your case is a cause of illness, forget about surgery. Guys have hair transplants because theres nothing we can actively do to stop the loss (except the meds) but any man can lose weight. No offense, but get your ass off the couch, read some dieting advice, i very much propose searching for John berrardi from t-nation(lots of other interesting stuff on t-nation). i've gone from 220 pounds to 180 pounds in 2008 weighttraining, doing cardio, eating super healthy.
  18. yup - so why the hestitation to put it in yours? the quote that is.
  19. Looks great azza, we are both same age on 2nd procedure but 1 month apart! So happy growing!
  20. Looks like solid results. Interesting to hear your story, i dont think we've had a transgendered here before, i could be wrong, i've only been here 15 months or so. good job rahal.
  21. Just a small update - decided to buzz my fuss down to a 1 guard, since i had shockloss in my donor it was just as visible anyway. I feel alot more comfortable wearing a hat with this ultra short haircut. I'll post your guys some pics at the 2 mo mark. Happy growing @ all
  22. When i was doing my research for my 1st procedure, armani was also one of my initial choices. When i wanted an online consultation, he had one of his "associates" in my country call me on my private phone. Needless to say, that was an unwelcome experience..
  23. Stay away from armani (well you know that now) his best results are great, but he is very inconsistent, expensive and extremely aggressive on younger patients.
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